2008 Annual Results - Analysts' Meeting
Amlin Plc
Amlin plc – 2008 Annual Results – Analysts’ Meeting
Amlin plc, the leading Lloyd's insurer, will be holding the analysts’ meeting on its annual results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2008 on Monday 2nd March 2009 at 10.00am at Amlin plc, St. Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3A 8ND.
Hosted by:
Roger Taylor - Chairman
Charles Philipps - Chief ExecutiveCharles Philipps - Chief Executive
Hextall - Finance DirectorRichard
Hextall - Finance Director
Simon Beale - Underwriting Director,
Amlin London
Simon Beale - Underwriting Director,
Amlin London
You are cordially invited to attend the meeting and asked please to email investor.relations@amlin.co.uk or call 020 7746 1074 to confirm attendance.
If you are unable to attend, but would like to take part in the conference call and/or webcast please see below for access arrangements:
It is recommended that you register for the webcast in advance to ensure that you will be able to connect quickly and successfully by 10.00am (London time) on the 2nd. Whilst you can register up until 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, registering now will save you time and facilitate quick entry at the start.
Click on the link below to register and/or join at the designated time:
Audio connection options*:
1. To listen via the Internet your computer must be equipped with speakers and the appropriate software.
2. To listen via the telephone call the audio conference Dial-In Number listed below.
If you are in the UK call: 020 7162 0025
If you are in the US call:
+1 334 323 6201If you are in the US call:
+1 334 323 6201
If you are outside the UK and US call: +44 (0)20
7162 0025
If you are outside the UK and US call: +44 (0)20
7162 0025
If you encounter difficulties with any of the above, call Genesys: +44
(0)20 8288 8100.
The conference call ID is:The conference call ID is:822534
* Note, we can only accept questions via the telephone connection.
Investor Relations, Amlin plc 0207 746 1074Investor Relations, Amlin plc 0207 746 1074