Director Declaration

Director Declaration

Amlin Plc

20 September 2012

AMLIN plc (“Amlin”)


Further to the announcement made on 2 July 2012 concerning the appointment of Simon Beale to the role of Group Chief Underwriting Officer, Amlin Underwriting Ltd (“AUL”), the wholly owned subsidiary of Amlin plc which is responsible for Syndicate 2001, intends, subject to FSA approval, to make a number of changes to its Board and management.

It is intended that Mr Beale will hand over his responsibility as Underwriting Director of Amlin London to Kevin Allchorne with effect from 1 October 2012, so that he can devote 100 per cent of his time to his new role. Mr Beale will remain on the Board of AUL as a non-executive director.

Mr Allchorne joined Amlin in September 1992 and has broad experience of underwriting, having worked in the property insurance, casualty insurance and, for the last 15 years, in the property reinsurance team of Syndicate 2001. In 2008 he assumed responsibility for Amlin London’s reinsurance business and became a member of Amlin London’s Executive Committee. It is intended that Mr Allchorne will join the Board of AUL with effect from 1 October 2012.

It is also intended that Charles Philipps and Richard Hextall will step down from the Board of AUL with effect from 1 October 2012. The new Group management structure, which includes an Underwriting Review Board, on which both Mr Philipps and Mr Hextall sit, together with the Underwriting Practice Boards referred to in the 2 July announcement, will ensure that they maintain appropriate oversight of AUL’s business.

This announcement is made pursuant to paragraph 9.6.11(3) R of the Listing Rules.

20 September 2012


Mark Stevens   020 7746 1000
Amlin plc

UK 100