Director/PDMR Shareholding
Amlin Plc
Amlin plc
28 March 2006
Amlin plc (the 'Company' or 'Amlin')
Interests of Directors and PDMRs
Share Option grants and Performance Share Plan awards
Executive Share Option grants
On 21 March 2006 Amlin's executive Directors and other Persons Discharging
Managerial Responsibilities (PDMRs) were granted options under the Company's
Approved and Unapproved Share Option Schemes 1997 to acquire the numbers of
ordinary shares of 25p each ('Shares') set out below at an exercise price of
293p per share. Subject to performance conditions and to continuing employment
in the Amlin Group, these options will normally be exercisable between March
2009 and March 2016.
Directors Shares over which Resultant total Shares
options granted over which options
held (Executive and
B D Carpenter 46,075 408,528
R A Hextall 58,362 529,324
A W Holt 55,904 331,982
C E L Philipps 92,150 831,690
Other PDMRs
J D Andrews 19,130 108,593
S C W Beale 30,461 195,551
R Dampier 30,717 196,052
M Farrow 22,696 252,275
D J Harris 25,085 271,731
J le T Illingworth 28,413 382,789
S MacKellar 37,032 37,032
I R C Shackell 22,184 227,912
Performance Share Plan awards
On 21 March 2006 certain Amlin executive Directors and other PDMRs were also
granted conditional awards under the Company's Performance Share Plan 2004
('PSP') entitling them to acquire the numbers of Shares set out below, at a
nominal price of £1 in total per exercise.
Depending on the extent to which performance conditions are satisfied, and
subject to continuing employment in the Amlin Group, such awards will normally
be exercisable between March 2011 and September 2011. Awards under the PSP are
only made to executive Directors and senior employees who are not underwriters,
and therefore who are not eligible for the separate incentive schemes operated
by the Group for underwriters.
Directors Shares over which awards made Resultant total Shares
over which PSP awards
R A Hextall 77,816 260,231
C E L Philipps 153,584 533,405
Other PDMRs
M Farrow 18,157 81,211
D J Harris 20,068 85,246
J le T Illingworth 22,730 102,855
I R C Shackell 17,747 78,967
Charles Pender 020 7746 1000
Amlin plc
28 March 2006