Director/PDMR Shareholding

Director/PDMR Shareholding

Centrica PLC

Director and PDMR shareholdings

Centrica announces the following transactions in respect of its ordinary shares by its Executive Directors and other Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMRs), together ‘the Executives’. Sections 1 and 2 relate to awards being made that will vest in 2015, the value of which is subject to share price movements and performance conditions. Sections 3 and 4 relate to the vesting of awards made in 2009 that have now completed their performance periods. The Company was notified on 5 April 2012.

1) Deferred and Matching Share Scheme 2012 (DMSS) allocations

On 4 April 2012 the Company’s Employee Share Trust purchased Centrica shares at 312p each, with deferred shares and investment shares acquired within the DMSS for the Executives, together with allocations of matching shares, as follows:

Executive Directors   Total number of deferred shares acquired in DMSS   Total number of investment shares acquired in DMSS   Number of conditional matching shares allocated
Sam Laidlaw 108,693 164,155 548,114
Phil Bentley 32,565 97,155 305,306
Mark Hanafin 56,870 81,361 276,462
Nick Luff 50,342 96,303 293,290
Chris Weston 48,801 73,804 245,210
Grant Dawson 25,079 50,888 151,934
Jill Shedden 20,611 35,162 111,546

The deferred shares and investment shares relate to the Annual Incentive Scheme awards for 2011 as disclosed in the 2011 Annual Report and Accounts together with further investment from the LTIS as detailed in section 4 below. The awards do not vest for three years and are subject to rigorous performance conditions. The Annual Report and Accounts provides further detail on the operation of the DMSS and related performance conditions.

Deferred and investment shares that are held for three years are matched, up to a maximum of two shares for every one held, to the extent that a long-term performance condition is met. The conditional matching shares shown above represent the maximum potential award possible if all the performance criteria are met at the end of the three-year performance period. The matching awards have been structured as nil-cost options and are exercisable from the third to the tenth anniversary of grant (except for Chris Weston whose matching shares have been allocated as conditional awards due to local tax reasons).

2) Long Term Incentive Scheme 2012 (LTIS) allocations

On 4 April 2012 conditional allocations of Centrica shares were made under the terms of the LTIS to the following Executives:

Executive Directors   Total number of shares in conditional allocation
Sam Laidlaw 598,312
Phil Bentley 399,924
Mark Hanafin 362,136
Nick Luff 384,179
Chris Weston 321,199
Grant Dawson 186,578
Jill Shedden 136,981

The allocation price for calculating the number of shares was 318p, being the average closing share price over the five business days immediately preceding the allocation date of 4 April 2012.

The conditional allocations shown above have been structured as nil-cost options and are exercisable from the third to the tenth anniversary of grant (with the exception of Chris Weston who was allocated a conditional award due to local tax reasons) and represent the maximum potential award possible if all the performance criteria are met at the end of the three-year performance period.

Further details on the operation of the LTIS and on the performance conditions are included in the 2011 Annual Report and Accounts.

3) Release and sale of shares from the Deferred and Matching Share Scheme 2009 (DMSS)

On 4 April 2012 conditional matching shares held under the terms of the DMSS which were awarded in April 2009 were transferred to Executives as detailed below. In accordance with the terms of the DMSS the number of shares released was increased to reflect the dividends that would have been paid on the matching shares during the three-year performance period.

The following table sets out the specific details of the release and disposals, which in respect of the latter includes sufficient shares to settle a 52% taxation, including National Insurance (NI) and other statutory withholding liability:

Executive Directors

Total number of shares released   No of shares sold for tax and NI, and share dealing commission   No of additional shares sold   Net number of shares transferred to participant
Sam Laidlaw 1,089,104 517,073 385,520 186,511
Phil Bentley 284,039 147,997 - 136,042
Mark Hanafin 495,433 219,254 276,179


Nick Luff 550,476 258,884 291,592


Chris Weston 431,145 202,028 229,117






Grant Dawson 156,675 81,785 74,890


Jill Shedden 89,587 41,052



The share price on release and disposal was 312p.

4) Release and sale of shares from the Long Term Incentive Scheme 2009 (LTIS)

On 4 April 2012, Centrica shares in respect of awards made under the terms of the LTIS in April 2009 were transferred to participants, including the Executives. In accordance with the terms of the LTIS, 21.33% of the shares originally awarded in 2009 were released and the remainder lapsed. The number of shares released was increased to reflect the dividends that would have been paid during the three-year performance period.

The following table sets out the specific details of the release and disposals, which in respect of the latter includes sufficient shares to settle a 52% taxation, including National Insurance (NI) and other statutory withholding liability:

Executive Directors   Total number of shares released   No of shares sold for tax and NI, and share dealing commission   No of additional shares sold   Number of shares transferred to DMSS   Net number of shares transferred to participant
Sam Laidlaw 197,838 103,082 - 1,116 93,640
Phil Bentley 132,973 69,285 - 21,169 42,519
Mark Hanafin 114,594 59,819 54,775 - -


121,080 63,205 57,875 - -
Chris Weston 81,080 42,325 38,755 - -
PDMRs         -
Grant Dawson 60,810 31,744 29,066 - -
Jill Shedden 14,998 7,829 7,169 - -

The share price on release and disposal was 312p.

All transactions took place on the London Stock Exchange.


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