Director/PDMR Shareholding

Director/PDMR Shareholding

Centrica Plc

9 April 2013

Director and PDMR shareholdings

Centrica announces the following transactions in respect of its ordinary shares of 6 14/81p each by its Executive Directors and other Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMRs), together ‘the Executives’. Section 1 summarises the overall changes, indicating each Executive’s shareholdings before and after the transactions reported in Sections 2 to 6.

Sections 2 and 3 relate to awards made on 6 April 2010 that have now completed their performance and vesting periods. The forecast outcome of the Long Term Incentive Scheme (LTIS) and the Deferred and Matching Share Scheme (DMSS) matching awards was included in the 2012 Remuneration Report as part of the 2012 total remuneration received.

Sections 4 and 5 relate to awards being made that will vest in 2016, the value of which is subject to share price movements and performance conditions. This is part of the annual cycle of awards that are made in April of each year. Section 6 relates to the exercise of Executive Options.

The Company was notified of these transactions on 9 April 2013, all of which took place on the London Stock Exchange on 8 April 2013.

1) Interests in shares

The Executives’ interests in shares before and after all the reported transactions are shown below.


  As at 7 April 2013   As at 9 April 2013

Executive Directors

Interests in shares Interests in shares*
Sam Laidlaw 2,521,331 3,149,446
Phil Bentley 2,219,448 2,092,703
Mark Hanafin 519,303 795,789
Nick Luff 647,207 1,093,324
Chris Weston 465,907 527,472



Grant Dawson 572,107 719,438
Jill Shedden 147,912 226,504

* these include vested nil cost options as follows: Sam Laidlaw 643,444; Mark Hanafin 267,349; Nick Luff 436,313; Grant Dawson 144,509; and, Jill Shedden 49,767.

2) Release, sale of shares and vested nil cost options from the Deferred and Matching Share Scheme 2010 (DMSS)

On 8 April 2013 deferred and investment shares held under the terms of the DMSS which were awarded on 6 April 2010 were transferred to Executives as detailed below. In addition Matching shares under the DMSS vested as nil cost options for all UK resident participants, and vested as conditional awards for Chris Weston due to his overseas assignment.

The following table sets out the specific details of the release and disposals under DMSS, which in respect of the latter includes sufficient shares to settle 47% tax and National Insurance (NIC) withholding liability.

Executive Directors

Total number of DMSS shares released and sold, and DMSS matching nil cost options exercised   Vested nil cost options remaining
Sam Laidlaw 246,859 553,869
Phil Bentley 436,973 -
Mark Hanafin 107,644 267,349
Nick Luff 114,084 282,481
Chris Weston 394,388 n/a
Grant Dawson 142,886 69,800
Jill Shedden 18,293 49,767

The share price on release and disposal of conditional shares was 369.28p and for nil cost options was 372.04p.

3) Release, sale of shares and vested nil cost options from the Long Term Incentive Scheme 2010 (LTIS)

On 8 April 2013, conditional shares and nil cost options in respect of awards made under the terms of the LTIS on 6 April 2010 were transferred to participants, including the Executives. In accordance with the terms of the LTIS, 37.23% of the shares originally awarded in 2010 were released and the remainder lapsed.

The following table sets out the specific details of the release and disposals under LTIS, which in respect of the latter includes sufficient shares to settle 47% tax and NIC withholding liability:




Executive Directors

  Vested nil cost options and conditional shares* released   Nil cost options exercised/ *shares sold   Vested nil cost options remaining
Sam Laidlaw 239,575 150,000 89,575
Phil Bentley 160,137 160,137 -
Mark Hanafin 145,006 145,006 -
Nick Luff 153,832 - 153,832
Chris Weston* 147,568 147,568 n/a


Grant Dawson 74,709 - 74,709
Jill Shedden 22,507 22,507 -

The share price on release and disposal of conditional shares was 369.28p and for nil cost options was 372.04p.

* Chris Weston received conditional shares due to his overseas assignment

4) Deferred and Matching Share Scheme 2013 (DMSS) awards

Consistent with previous practice on 8 April 2013 the Executives’ deferred 2012 Annual Incentive Scheme funds were used to purchase Centrica shares at 369.28p each and Deferred and Investment allocations were made under the terms of the DMSS accordingly, together with conditional matching awards, as follows:

Executive Directors

  Total number of deferred shares acquired in DMSS   Total number of investment shares acquired in DMSS   Number of conditional matching options awarded
Sam Laidlaw 112,616 118,914 463,060
Phil Bentley - - -
Mark Hanafin 36,891 79,890 233,562
Nick Luff 48,985 74,903 247,776
Chris Weston 49,283 54,296 207,158
Grant Dawson 25,684 38,494 128,356
Jill Shedden 18,418 28,700 94,236

As disclosed in the 2012 Annual Report and Accounts the awards do not vest fo r three years and the matching awards are subject to performance conditions. The 2012 Annual Report and Accounts provides further detail on the operation of the DMSS and related performance conditions.

Deferred and investment shares that are held for three years are matched, up to a maximum of two shares for every one held, to the extent that a long-term performance condition is met. The conditional matching shares shown above represent the maximum potential award possible if all the performance criteria are met at the end of the three-year performance period. As before, the matching awards have been structured as nil-cost options and are exercisable from the third to the tenth anniversary of grant.

5) Long Term Incentive Scheme 2013 (LTIS) awards

Consistent with prior years, on 8 April 2013 conditional awards were made under the terms of the LTIS to the following Executives:

Executive Directors

  Total number of conditional shares awarded
Sam Laidlaw 510,012
Phil Bentley -
Mark Hanafin 308,691
Nick Luff 327,481
Chris Weston 273,796
Grant Dawson 159,043
Jill Shedden 144,950

The award price for calculating the number of shares was 372.54p, being the average closing share price over the five business days immediately preceding the grant date of 8 April 2013. The awards are subject to performance conditions including the non-financial KPIs detailed in the Annual Report and Accounts.

The conditional awards shown above have been structured as nil-cost options, are exercisable from the third to the tenth anniversary of grant and represent the maximum potential award possible if all the performance criteria are met at the end of the three-year performance period.

6) Exercise of Executive and Special Executive Share Options (ESOS and SESOS)

On 8 April 2013 Mark Hanafin, an Executive Director, exercised 336,012 options that were awarded to him in September 2008 under the Special Executive Share Option Scheme (SESOS), with an exercise price of 255.94p. The award was granted following his appointment to the Board, in order to replace prior awards from his previous employer. The options were exercised in full and all shares were sold, including sufficient to settle 47% tax and NIC withholding liability.

Also on 8 April 2013 Grant Dawson, a PDMR, exercised 275,800 options that had been awarded to him in April 2006 under the Executive Share Option Scheme (ESOS), with an exercise price of 253.8p. The options were exercised in full and all shares were sold, including sufficient to settle 47% tax and NIC withholding liability.

The above transactions were carried out on 8 April at a price of 372.04p.

As announced on 27 February 2013 Phil Bentley will be leaving the Company by the end of the year and he has not, therefore, received any new long term incentive awards.

Following these transactions all Executives have achieved, and in some cases materially exceeded, their minimum shareholding guidelines.

Centrica can confirm that, following the announcement of a £500m share repurchase programme on 4 February 2013, approximately 18 million shares have been repurchased to date and held as Treasury Shares. Approximately 5 million Treasury Shares have been used to satisfy releases made under a number of the Group’s share plans to participants across the Group.


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