Directorate Change
Centrica PLC
Changes to Board Committees
The Board of Centrica plc announces changes to the membership of the following Board Committees with effect from 18 March 2011:
Margherita Della Valle, a Non-Executive Director, has been appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Audit Committee. Andrew Mackenzie will no longer be a member of the Audit Committee and has been appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Corporate Responsibility Committee. Mary Francis, Senior Independent Non-Executive Director, has also been formally appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Nominations Committee.
Additionally, with effect from 1 September 2011, Margherita Della Valle will also be appointed to the Corporate Responsibility Committee.
Following these changes, the compositions of the Board Committees are as follows:
Audit Committee - Paul Rayner (Chairman), Margherita Della Valle (Deputy Chairman), Mary Francis, Helen Alexander and Ian Meakins
Remuneration Committee - Helen Alexander (Chairman), Ian Meakins, Sir Roger Carr, Margherita Della Valle, Mary Francis, Andrew Mackenzie and Paul Rayner
Nominations Committee - Sir Roger Carr (Chairman), Mary Francis (Deputy Chairman), Helen Alexander, Margherita Della Valle, Andrew Mackenzie, Ian Meakins, Paul Rayner and Sam Laidlaw
Corporate Responsibility Committee - Mary Francis (Chairman), Andrew Mackenzie (Deputy Chairman), Phil Bentley, Sam Laidlaw, Catherine May, Chris Weston and Margherita Della Valle*
*With effect from 1 September 2011.
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