Change of Adviser

Change of Adviser

Keydata AIM VCT

Keydata Aim Vct Plc appoint Hargreave Hale Limited to administer the Company’s business.

The Board of Keydata Aim Vct Plc are pleased to announce, with immediate effect, the appointment of Hargreave Hale Limited to administer the Company’s business.

The appointment of Hargreave Hale Limited follows the announcement by the FSA on 9 June 2009 that it had taken action to place Keydata Investment Services into administration, who had previously administered the Company's business.

In the light of the continuing appointment of Hargreave Hale as the Company’s investment fund manager, and now their appointment as the Company’s administrator, it seems appropriate to the Board that the Company be renamed to more closely reflect those arrangements and its relationship with Hargreave Hale and, accordingly, your board are proposing, subject to shareholder approval, that the company’s name be changed to “Hargreave Hale Aim VCT 1 Plc”. A circular convening the required general meeting will be posted to shareholders shortly.

Stuart BrookesStuart Brookes
Company SecretaryCompany Secretary
01253 75474001253 754740

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