Final Results - Replacement
New Cent. Aim Vct 2
The issuer advises that the following replaces the NEW CENTURY AIM VCT PLC 2
Final Results announcement released at 16:52 GMT on 29/4/08.
An incorrect document was sent.
The full corrected version is shown below.
Financial Summary
Period ended
31 Dec 2007
Revenue return per share (pence) for the period 0.89
Total return per share (pence) for the period -7.67
Dividends per share (pence) 0.80
Net Asset Value per share (pence) 93
Cumulative Value of Shareholder Investment
(net asset value plus cumulative dividends per share) (pence) 93
Shareholders' Funds (£000) 5,332
Chairman's Statement
The period since flotation on the 4th April, 2007 has been very difficult for
AIM shares with the FTSE AIM All Share Index falling by 8.9% up to the 31st
December, 2007. Over the same period, the net asset value per share of your fund
fell by 6% from its initial 98.9p. The decline has been particularly pronounced
in the second half of the year with the FTSE AIM All Share Index declining by
15.3% since its high in mid July to the year end.
We are pleased to report that after just nine months, your fund is already
59.34% invested in VCT qualifying investments.
Our preliminary expenses amounted to just £70,429 while running expenses for the
nine month period totalled only £33,471 for the nine month period.
The Directors are pleased to announce that a dividend of 0.8p per share is
proposed, which utilises most of the net revenue throughout the period.
I would like to thank our investment management team for their hard work and
achievements and I think that you will agree that they have done an excellent
job during these very trying times.
Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of New Century AIM VCT 2 PLC will be held at 17-21
New Century Road, Laindon, Essex SS15 4AG on Thursday, 29 May 2008 at 11.30 a.m.
for the following purposes:
John Brice
29 April 2008
Investment Manager's Review
During the nine month period, we have made rapid progress, having purchased 43
investments, of which 59.34% by value are VCT qualifying. 14.3% of the fund is
in fixed interest securities. In this respect, we have invested in a low coupon,
indexed linked Gilt which provides liquidity for the fund as well as tax free
capital appreciation. We have also purchased preference shares, the income from
which is not subject to tax in the hands of the VCT.
The investments within the fund are very diverse which is something that we are
pleased about, but there are three that I would particularly like to comment
Kurawood plc
Kurawood has developed a process to organically harden softwood to make it
appear like hardwood. From an environmental point of view, this has great
attractions as there is an abundant supply of quick growing softwood as opposed
to hardwood, where there are concerns over their depletion. From a consumer
point of view, softwood is much cheaper than hardwood. The wood processed by
Kurawood is of high quality and has similar properties to hardwood. The
potential to build up this business from a small base is enormous. Already they
have interest from 58 potential customers, including B&Q. Expected earnings per
share are forecast to grow strongly and should these expectations be met the
prospective P/E ratio would be only 2.5 times, the share price growth could be
substantial if these targets are met. A similar company quoted on the market has
proved a successful investment to date growing to a market capitalisation of
Euro 390m, yet this compares to a £14.4m for Kurawood.
CKS Group plc
CKS Group recycles redundant computers. By law, it is now necessary when
disposing of computers to use a licensed computer recycling group, like CKS. The
company has large contracts to dispose of computers for the likes of DHL,
Nationwide Building Society and BAE Systems. Not only does CKS get paid for
carrying out the recycling; it generates substantial revenue from the sale of
recycled materials. The Company has built a purpose built unit in the Forest of
Dean to handle the potential volume of electrical waste, and to date has had to
cope with the cost of this. We now feel that they are reaching an inflexion
point with tonnage of waste increasing each month and foresee the Company
returning to profit shortly. Given the dynamic pace at which the company is
growing, the potential for the shares is vast.
Micromissive Displays
Of the small, non qualifying investments, Micromissive Displays is very
interesting. It has developed an LED low power microdisplay which will allow
portable TV and radio to be viewed through video glasses and head sets. They can
be used to display DVDs and video clips through MP4 and iPods; playing hand held
electronic games, watching TV and surfing the net via mobile phone. The company
believes its product will transform the way we view TV and radio on the move. If
Micromissive's product was to replicate the success of the iPod, their shares
could be a major winner for your fund.
Since the year end, shares of smaller companies have continued to be weak, with
the FTSA AIM All Share Index, at the time of writing (31st January 2008) down by
a further 7.9%. I regret to say that this has been reflected in the net asset
value of your fund, which has fallen to 88.2p at the same date. The shares we
have purchased for the fund have been well researched by us. Most of the
investments are in growing, profitable businesses that are valued on low
prospective multiples. As soon as confidence returns to the Market, I expect the
fund to recover in value.
Michael Barnard
31 January 2008
Income Statement (incorporating the revenue account)
For the period to 31 December 2007
Period ended 31 December 2007
Notes Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Gains on investments
Realised 0 8 8
Unrealised 0 -347 -347
Income 96 0 96
Investment management fees -13 -39 -52
Other expenses -37 0 -37
Return on ordinary activities 46 -378 -332
Tax -charge/credit on ordinary
activities -6 -4 -10
Return on ordinary activities
after taxation 40 -382 -342
Return per ordinary share in pence 0.89 -8.65 -7.67
Balance Sheet
At 31 December 2007
31 December 2007
Fixed Assets
Investments 5,323
Current Assets
Debtors 24
Current Liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year -15
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital 574
Share premium 5,100
Capital reserve-realised 0
Capital reserve-unrealised -382
Revenue reserve 40
Total Equity Shareholders' Funds 5,332
Net Asset Value per ordinary share 93p
Cash Flow Statement Period ended
For the period to 31 December 2007 31-Dec-07
Net cash inflow from operating
activities -83
Returns on investments
Interest received 64
Investment income 29
UK Corporation Tax paid 0
Capital expenditure & financial
Sales of investments 1,033
Purchases of investments -6,696
Net cash outflow for capital
expenditure and
financial investment -5,663
Net cash outflow before financing -5,650
Sources of finance
Net proceeds of share issue 5,674
Uninvested funds with Broker 24
1 Return per share.
The revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue on ordinary
activities after taxation of £39,602 and on 4,459,279 ordinary shares, being the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.
The capital return per ordinary share is based on a net realised and unrealised
capital loss of £381,817 and on 4,459,279 ordinary shares, being the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
2 Dividend.
The directors are proposing a final dividend of .8 pence per share for the
period ended 31 December 2007.
3 Accounts
The results set out above are not full accounts within the meaning of s.240 of
the Companies Act 1985 and have not been reported on but have been agreed with
the company's auditors.
The Annual Report and Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2007 will be
filed at the Registrar of Companies following the annual general meeting and
will be posted to shareholders shortly.
4 Announcement
A copy of this announcement will be available at the offices of the Company for
14 days from the date of this announcement. This preliminary announcement is not
being posted to shareholders.