Holding(s) in Company
Young & Co's Brewery PLC
Notifications of Interests in Shares under Section 324 of the Companies Act 1985
and / or Section 198 of the Companies Act 1985
On 4 December 2006, Young & Co.'s Brewery, P.L.C. ( Young's) received the
following notifications pursuant to section 324 of the Companies Act 1985 and /
or section 198 of the Companies Act 1985.
(1) from Torquil C ff B Sligo-Young
"As you know, 804,183 'A' ordinary shares of 50p each in the capital of Young's
and 11,512 non-voting ordinary shares of 50p each in the capital of Young's were
recently held in trust by John Allen Young, James Guillaume Allen Young and
Thomas fflorance Barrow Young. Following the death of John Allen Young, I was
appointed as trustee in his place on 1 December 2006. In fulfillment of the
obligation imposed on me by section 324 of the Companies Act 1985, I hereby give
you notice that I am therefore interested in those shares.
Further, consequent to this appointment and pursuant to section 198 of the
Companies Act 1985 ("section 198"), I hereby give you notice that the number of
'A' ordinary shares of 50p each in the capital of Young's ("A Shares") in which
I know I was interested (for the purposes of section 198) immediately after the
time when the obligation to make this disclosure arose was:
â— 76,918 A Shares registered in my name;
â— 1,000 A Shares registered in the name of Peter Wright Whitehead;
â— 1,000 A Shares registered in the name of Patrick Anthony Dardis;
â— 13,031 A Shares registered in the name of my wife, Rachel Mary Sligo-Young;
â— 84,900 A Shares registered in the name of Chase (GA Group) Nominees
â— 141,400 A Shares registered in the name of Chase (GA Group) Nominees
â— 51,145 A Shares registered in the name of Ram Brewery Trustees Limited; and
â— 804,183 A Shares registered in the joint names of John Allen Young, James
Guillaume Allen Young and Thomas fflorance Barrow Young".
(2) from Rachel M Sligo-Young
"As you know, 804,183 'A' ordinary shares of 50p each in the capital of Young's
and 11,512 non-voting ordinary shares of 50p each in the capital of Young's were
recently held in trust by John Allen Young, James Guillaume Allen Young and
Thomas fflorance Barrow Young. Following the death of John Allen Young, my
husband, Torquil Charles fflorance Barrow Sligo-Young, was appointed as trustee
in his place on 1 December 2006.
Consequent to this appointment and pursuant to section 198 of the Companies Act
1985 ("section 198"), I hereby give you notice that the number of 'A' ordinary
shares of 50p each in the capital of Young's ("A Shares") in which I know I was
interested (for the purposes of section 198) immediately after the time when the
obligation to make this disclosure arose was:
â— 76,918 A Shares registered in the name of my husband, Torquil Charles
fflorance Barrow Sligo-Young;
â— 1,000 A Shares registered in the name of Peter Wright Whitehead;
â— 1,000 A Shares registered in the name of Patrick Anthony Dardis;
â— 13,031 A Shares registered in my name;
â— 84,900 A Shares registered in the name of Chase (GA Group) Nominees
â— 141,400 A Shares registered in the name of Chase (GA Group) Nominees
â— 51,145 A Shares registered in the name of Ram Brewery Trustees Limited; and
â— 804,183 A Shares registered in the joint names of John Allen Young, James
Guillaume Allen Young and Thomas fflorance Barrow Young".