Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc
Annual General Meeting held on 3 March 2020
The Board of Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc (“ASCoT”) hereby reports that all the resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting held on 3 March 2020 were passed by Shareholders on a show of hands. A total of 50,745,770 proxy votes were received, representing 56.7% of the 89,533,066 Ordinary Shares in issue.
The table below shows the result of the proxy voting:
Resolution | Votes in favour | Discretionary Votes | Votes against | Votes withheld | Total proxy votes |
1 | 48,881,607 | 42,982 | 0 | 1,821,181 | 50,745,770 |
2 | 48,853,980 | 42,982 | 10,039 | 1,838,769 | 50,745,770 |
3 | 48,850,679 | 43,932 | 12,390 | 1,838,769 | 50,745,770 |
4 | 48,882,562 | 42,962 | 0 | 1,820,246 | 50,745,770 |
5 | 48,878,553 | 43,332 | 474 | 1,823,411 | 50,745,770 |
6 | 48,878,553 | 43,332 | 474 | 1,823,411 | 50,745,770 |
7 | 46,610,674 | 43,332 | 2,268,353 | 1,823,411 | 50,745,770 |
8 | 46,610,674 | 43,332 | 2,268,353 | 1,823,411 | 50,745,770 |
9 | 48,878,553 | 43,332 | 474 | 1,823,411 | 50,745,770 |
10 | 46,594,450 | 43,332 | 2,278,139 | 1,829,849 | 50,745,770 |
11 | 48,877,644 | 42,982 | 2,140 | 1,823,004 | 50,745,770 |
12 | 50,702,460 | 41,712 | 474 | 1,124 | 50,745,770 |
13 | 48,870,912 | 42,962 | 11,530 | 1,820,366 | 50,745,770 |
A "Vote withheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the votes "For" or "Against" a resolution.
Michael Campbell, Aberforth Partners LLP, Secretaries
Telephone: 0131 220 0733
3 March 2020