Correction : Net Asset Value(s)

Correction Announcement

This replaces the previous announcement sent yesterday, 1 May 2019, published at 09:46 in respect of the Net Asset Values (NAVs) as at 30 April 2019. The corrected figures are shown in the table below.

Net Asset Value
Corrected announcement Previous announcement
Ordinary Share (excluding current year revenue) 89.84p 89.76p
Ordinary Share (including current year revenue) 92.42p 92.34p
Zero Dividend Preference Share (Accounts basis) 106.01p 106.31p

Differences also arose in NAV announcements published for the above NAVs on 3 April to 30 April 2019 but as these non-material differences were cumulative, figures for this period have not been republished.  
There is no correction to the Zero Dividend Preference Share (Articles basis) NAV figures which reflect the accretion in the underlying economic entitlement per Zero Dividend Preference Share from 100p to 127.25p over the planned life of the Company.  
Aberforth Split Level Income Trust plc (“ASLIT”)
The Net Asset Values (“NAVs”) for the above company as at the close of business on 30 April 2019 were:-
Ordinary Share (excluding current year revenue) = 89.84p
Ordinary Share (including current year revenue) =  92.42p
Zero Dividend Preference Share (Accounts basis*) =  106.01p
Zero Dividend Preference Share (Articles basis) =  106.51p
* for accounting purposes in accordance with the AIC SORP, issue costs in relation to the Zero Dividend Preference Shares are capitalised and amortised over their expected term.
Michael Campbell
For and on behalf of Aberforth Partners LLP, Secretaries
Telephone: 0131 220 0733
2 May 2019
UK 100