Final Results
The Directors announce the Company's unaudited results for the year to 31 March
2005 as follows:-
- Net Asset Value per Ordinary share decreased by 5.4%, to 168.67p, over the
year to 31 March 2005, by comparison with an increase of 0.1% in the MSCI AC
Asia Pacific (cum Japan) Index (in sterling terms)
- Mid-market price per Ordinary share decreased by 5.0% over the year
- Discount to Net Asset Value has narrowed to 7.1%
Rising US interest rates, a potential slowdown in Chinese growth and a
volatile, and increasing, oil price all weighed on Asia Pacific markets to some
degree during the year. Nevertheless, a number of economies showed robust
growth including those of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, as well as Hong
Kong. In addition, South Korea and Taiwan showed signs of recovery in domestic
demand to add to their strong export sectors. Somewhat disappointingly,
however, Japan's economy once again lost momentum during the second and third
quarters of 2004, as consumption failed to augment export strength.
The Company underperformed its benchmark over the review year. Net Asset Value
per Ordinary Share fell by 5.4% to 168.67p, compared with a gain of 0.1% in its
benchmark, the MSCI Asia Pacific (cum Japan) Index in sterling terms. The
Company's share price fell by 5.0% to 156.75p. There was, however, a modest
narrowing of the discount of the share price to net asset value. Meanwhile,
your Company's gearing ran between a low of 6% early in the year up to 16% as
confidence recovered.
The underperformance was largely caused by our exposure to growth stocks early
in the year under review. Unfortunately, the market turned against these stocks
on concerns that growth in China would not be as strong as previously expected.
However, throughout the period, the Managers remained convinced that the market
was underestimating the strength of growth worldwide, not least in China, and
consequently retained the Company's bias towards growth stocks.
The Company's exposure to the Japanese market has been increased as we believe
it will produce a good return over the remainder of the calendar year.
Australian equities have been avoided as we think the market faces rising
interest rates and declining commodity prices, while consumption is under
threat from falling house prices. As a key engine of global growth and regional
change the continued rapid rate of growth in China's economy is likely to
continue to exert a positive influence on regional stock markets. Wider afield,
recoveries in Thailand and Malaysia are expected to be matched by those of the
larger economies of Korea and Taiwan.
Markets in the Asia Pacific region remain volatile, reflecting the underlying
risks of investing in the region. Nevertheless, Asian equities have lagged
those of wider developed and emerging markets over the year under review,
despite their strong fundamentals. Whether or not there is an early revaluation
of the renmimbi, we believe there will be a re-rating of stocks in this region
and, in particular, a return to favour of growth stocks. As ever in such an
investment environment the Managers will seek to identify companies with strong
fundamentals that will be able to deliver superior returns going forward.
Year to 31 March 2005
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Income and Capital Profits/(Losses)
Dividends and other income 551 - 551
Net profit/(loss) on investments - (1,528) (1,528)
-------- ----------- -----------
Return before Expenses, Finance Costs 551 (1,528) (977)
and Taxation
Management fee (230) - (230)
Other fees and expenses (159) (46) (205)
-------- ----------- -----------
Return before Finance Costs and 162 (1,574) (1,412)
Finance Costs
Interest payable (150) - (150)
-------- ----------- -----------
Return on Ordinary Activities before 12 (1,574) (1,562)
Taxation (58) - (58)
-------- ----------- -----------
Return to Equity Shareholders after (46) (1,574) (1,620)
-------- ----------- -----------
Transferred from Reserves (46) (1,574) (1,620)
-------- ----------- -----------
Total Return per Ordinary share (0.28)p (9.43)p (9.71)p
Year to 31 March 2004
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Income and Capital Profits / (Losses)
Dividends and other income 696 - 696
Net profit/(loss) on investments - 19,161 19,161
-------- ----------- -----------
Return before Expenses, Finance Costs 696 19,161 19,857
and Taxation
Management fees (347) (75) (422)
Other fees and expenses (230) 35 (195)
-------- ----------- -----------
Return before Finance Costs and 119 19,121 19,240
Finance Costs
Interest payable (230) - (230)
-------- ----------- -----------
Return on Ordinary Activities before (111) 19,121 19,010
Taxation (47) 251 204
-------- ----------- -----------
Return to Equity Shareholders after (158) 19,372 19,214
-------- ----------- -----------
Transferred from Reserves (158) 19,372 19,214
-------- ----------- -----------
Total Return per Ordinary share (0.52)p 63.62p 63.10p
The revenue column above for each year represents the Revenue Account of the
All revenue and capital items derive from continuing activities.
No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year.
Management fees and loan finance costs have been charged 100% to the Revenue
account. In accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for the
Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies, the performance fee, when
payable, is allocated to capital reserve.
Total Return per Ordinary share has been calculated on the negative return for
the year of £1,620,000 (2004: positive return of £19,214,000) and a weighted
average of Ordinary shares in issue during the year of 16,686,767 (2004:
Revenue Return per Ordinary share has been calculated on the negative return to
Ordinary shareholders of £46,000 (2004: negative £158,000) and a weighted
average of Ordinary shares in issue during the year of 16,686,767 (2004:
Capital Return per Ordinary share has been calculated on the negative return to
Ordinary shareholders of £1,574,000 (2004: positive £19,372,000) and a weighted
average of Ordinary shares in issue during the year of 16,686,767 (2004:
At At
31 March 31 March
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Listed investments at valuation 30,936 32,568
-------- --------
30,936 32,568
Current Assets
Debtors - amounts receivable within one 2,016 179
Cash at bank 212 375
-------- --------
2,228 554
Creditors - amounts payable within one (5,018) (3,356)
----------- -----------
Net Current Liabilities (2,790) (2,802)
----------- -----------
Net Assets 28,146 29,766
----------- -----------
Capital and Reserves
Called-up share capital 1,669 1,669
Capital redemption reserve 2,063 2,063
Special capital reserve 2,961 2,961
Capital reserve - realised 22,192 16,782
Capital reserve - unrealised (266) 6,718
Revenue reserve (473) (427)
----------- -----------
Equity Shareholders' Funds 28,146 29,766
----------- -----------
Net Asset Value per Ordinary share 168.67p 178.38p
----------- -----------
The Net Asset Value per Ordinary share is calculated on net assets of £
28,146,000 (2004: £29,766,000) and 16,686,767 (2004: 16,686,767) Ordinary
shares in issue at the year end.
Year to Year to
31 March 31 March
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Revenue Activities
Dividends and interest received from 417 729
Interest received on deposits 6 37
Expenses paid (435) (626)
-------- --------
(12) 140
-------- --------
Servicing of Finance
Interest paid (150) (267)
--------- ---------
Taxation received - 245
-------- --------
Investment Activities
Acquisitions of investments (111,022) (78,125)
Disposals of investments 111,287 108,984
Indian balances excluded - (372)
Capital (expenditure)/income (131) 65
------------ ------------
134 30,552
------------ ------------
Shares repurchased (including expenses) - (28,388)
Loans repaid (102) (2,198)
---------- ----------
(102) (30,586)
---------- ----------
Net Cash (Outflow)/Inflow (130) 84
--------- ---------
Annual General Meeting
The Company's Annual General Meeting for 2005 will be held at Gartmore House, 8
Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4PB on Monday, 25 July 2004, at 12 noon.
The Directors and the Managers will be available to answer questions and
discuss the Company's performance after the Meeting.
Annual Report and Accounts
The Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005 will be posted to
shareholders shortly. Copies will be available from the offices of Gartmore
Investment Limited, Gartmore House, 8 Fenchurch Place, London EC3M 4PB.
The above financial information for the year ended 31 March 2005 does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2005 will be finalised
on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
thereafter. The comparative financial information is based on statutory
accounts for the period ended 31 March 2004 and the preliminary announcement is
prepared on the same basis as set out in that previous year's annual accounts.
The 2004 statutory accounts, upon which the Auditors issued an unqualified
opinion that did not contain statements under s237 (2) and (3) of the Companies
Act 1985, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
6 June 2004