Portfolio Update

GARTMORE ASIA PACIFIC TRUST PLC Portfolio information as at 31 July 2005. 10 Largest Investments: Market Value % of Company £'000 Gross Assets Samsung Elec GDR(NV0.5 Ord) 1,037 3.0 Murata Manufacturing JPY50 860 2.5 KasikornBank THB10 FB 860 2.5 Hutchison Whampoa HKD0.25 855 2.5 Don Quijote NPV 844 2.4 Mitsui & Company JPY50 840 2.4 Nippon Elec Glass NPV 830 2.4 Hysan Development HKD5 800 2.3 Dai Nippon Ink & Chemicals JPY50 775 2.2 Mitsui Fudosan JPY50 746 2.2 . Investment Trust Companies: The Company had no investments in listed investment companies that do not have a stated investment policy to invest no more than 15% of their gross assets in other UK listed investment companies (including investment trusts) and which must therefore be disclosed in accordance with UKLA Listing Rule 21.20(l)(i): Gross Assets: Equities 99.0% Cash and other net current assets 1.0% ------ 100.0% ===== Total Gross Assets £34.6m
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