Interim Management Statement

Quester VCT plc 17 January 2008 Quester VCT plc ('the Company') Interim Management Statement This Interim Management Statement for the quarter ended 30 November 2007, is unaudited and is provided in accordance with Rule 4.3 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the UK Listing Authority. The statement also includes relevant information from the period from 1 December 2007 to the date of issue. The Statement has been prepared solely to provide additional information in order to meet the relevant requirements of the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules, and should not be relied on by Shareholders, or any other party, for any other purpose. Net Asset Value (NAV) and Dividends The NAV as at 30 November 2007 was 31.9p per share. This is before the payment of an interim dividend of 1.4p per share in respect of the current period on 7 December 2007 and does not take into account the disposal of Nomad Payments Limited that was announced on 10 January 2008 and is referred to below. Venture Capital Investments During the quarter the Company made five follow-on investments of £740,000. Two new unquoted investments were made totalling £1,051,000 of which £1,000,000 was invested in Skinkers Limited. Skinker's information broadcast technology is the world's first enterprise class, multi channel message and content delivery technology. No realisations were recorded in the quarter ended 30 November 2007. Since the quarter end, three follow-on investments totalling £570,000 and one new investment of £210,000 have been made. On 10 January 2008, the Company sold its entire stake in Nomad Payments Limited for £7.3 million realising a profit of £3.7 million. The transaction has the effect of increasing the net asset value of the Company by 3.2p per share. Share Capital The number of ordinary shares in issue at 30 November 2007 was 113,641,420. During the quarter ended 30 November 2007, 671,236 shares were bought back. Since the 30 November 2007 a further 188,150 shares have been bought back. As reported in the Half Yearly Financial Statement, the name of the manager was changed from Quester Capital Management Limited to SPARK Venture Management Limited on 24 October 2007 and it is intended to approach shareholders at the 2008 Annual General Meeting to seek a name change of the Company to SPARK VCT plc. The Company's year end has been changed to 31 December and the audited results will be reported in April 2008. Other than described above, the Board is not aware of any events during the period from 30 November 2007 to the date of this statement, which would have had a material impact on the financial position of the Company. Issued on behalf of the Board Nghi Tran Company Secretary 17 January 2008
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