Final Results

ALLIANCE TRUST PLC FINAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 JANUARY 2007 ALLIANCE TRUST'S REAL GROWTH STRATEGY GATHERS PACE WITH FURTHER DIVERSIFICATION * Record year-end net asset value per share of £4.22 against £4.04 last year * Total shareholder return of 7.5% * Group revenue up 31.8% following merger with the Second Alliance * Diversification across asset classes increased to enhance and preserve capital * Dividend up for 40th consecutive year to 7.575p per share Alliance Trust PLC, announced today that its net asset value rose 39% to £2.8bn in the last financial year to 31 January 2007, following the successful merger with the Second Alliance Trust that created the UK's largest generalist investment trust company. This simpler corporate structure has enabled the international investment and financial services group to take advantage of market opportunities as it expands its asset management and financial services. Total return for the year was made up of a £147.6m net capital gain on the company's assets as well as net revenue of £67.9m. As world stock markets appeared to enter a more uncertain phase, the company decided to preserve capital by reducing exposure to quoted equities and built a 7% cash position. This cash position has subsequently allowed the company to take advantage of a fall in stock markets and other opportunities in the first quarter of the current year. Chief Executive Alan Harden said, "In a historic year for Alliance Trust, we have completed a successful merger and taken meaningful steps towards building a rounded group that is able to deliver real growth for shareholders through different economic cycles. We have made progress towards enhancing and preserving returns by spreading our corporate capital over several asset classes where we have, or are developing, expertise. We have strengthened our equities team, grown our property portfolio, launched a third-party asset management business, acquired a new private equity subsidiary and made the investment dealing service of our financial service subsidiary available online." "While the timing of our decision to protect capital by reducing exposure to quoted equities proved to be early, falling markets since the end of the year have given us opportunities to acquire stock. We remain cautious about the outlook for global stock markets and believe our strategy to deliver real growth by balancing our portfolio across well-selected opportunities in several asset classes and our subsidiaries is the correct approach for the medium and long term. I was particularly pleased to see a higher-than-expected 25% jump in revenue from our financial services and pensions subsidiary, Alliance Trust Savings, which we expect to contribute significantly to the group in coming years." Head of Equities Grant Lindsay said, "Conditions for world stock markets soured slightly during the first half of the year with a sharp correction in May and early June. We acted to preserve capital, raising cash, and our equity returns were dampened in the second half of our financial year. Even though markets recovered quickly we still anticipate a genuine shift in investor attitudes and tolerance of risk in the coming year, with signs that the global economy may slow. We continue to see good individual opportunities within global equity markets for careful but decisive stockpicking and the performance of our UK Small Cap and Asia-Pacific (ex-Japan) portfolios are examples of how that approach is delivering outperformance." The Alliance Trust announced a total dividend of 7.575p for the year ending 31 January 2007, the 40th year in a row that the company has increased its dividend. Contacts Jane Holligan, Media Relations Amy Fisher/Richard Winder Manager Alliance Trust Lansons Communications Tel +44 (0)1382 306064 Tel +44 (0)20 7294 3641 / 3629 Mobile 07745 783212 Email Email Kelly O'Donnell, Head of Investor Relations Alliance Trust Tel +44 (0)1382 306036 Mobile 07843 369522 Email kelly.o' Web FINANCIAL SUMMARY (Company) 31 January 31 January 2007 2006 One Year Analysis Pence per Pence per ordinary ordinary share unit share unit Change Dividend for the 7.575 7.35 3.1% year Net asset value 421.5 404.2 4.3% Share priceA 365.5 349.0 4.7% Return Earnings 8.66 8.70 Capital 23.47 78.47 ------------ ------------ Total 32.13 87.17 ____________ ____________ 31 January 31 January 2007 2006 DiscountB 13.29% 13.66% Total expense ratioC 0.35% 0.32% Pro Forma expense 0.38% ratioD ____________ ____________ ____________ 1 year 10 years 10 years One and Ten Year absolute absolute compound Analysis Returns Total shareholder 7.5% 109.6% 7.7% returnE Growth Earnings (0.4%) 47.8% 4.0% Dividend 3.1% 36.5% 3.2% Net asset value 39.0% 56.7% 4.6% A Source: Datastream. B Discount at which share price stands relative to the net assets of the Company. C Total administrative expenses divided by year end net asset value. D Proforma expense ratio is calculated by taking the total administrative expenditure of the Company and the Second Alliance Trust for the year to 31 January 2007. E The theoretical growth in value over one and ten years, assuming that gross dividends are fully reinvested, and ignoring re-investment charges. The 2007 figures include the post merger contribution from the former Second Alliance Trust. The 2006 comparative figures have not been restated and therefore exclude any contribution from the former Second Alliance Trust. Comparative earnings, NAV and dividends per share have been restated to reflect the 10 for 1 subdivision of the Company's ordinary shares. DIVIDEND An interim dividend of 3.75p (adjusted for the share split) was paid on 16 June 2006, a second interim dividend of 1.875p was paid on 31 January 2007 and a third interim dividend of 1.95p will be paid on 30 April 2007. No final dividend will be paid. Total dividends payable for the year to 31 January 2007 will therefore be 7.575p, an increase of 3.1% on last year's dividend payment. The Company has adopted a quarterly dividend policy and with respect to each financial year we will pay interim dividends on or around 31 July, 31 October, 31 January and 30 April. Under normal circumstances the first three quarterly dividends of each financial year will be the same and we will indicate their level in advance. The Directors will use the fourth quarterly dividend as an opportunity to increase the total dividend payable for that financial year. In the absence of any unforeseen developments, we expect to be able to recommend quarterly interim dividends of 1.9p payable on or around 31 July 2007, 31 October 2007 and 31 January 2008, and a fourth interim dividend of at least 1.9p payable on or around 30 April 2008. CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S STATEMENT Last year brought historic and structural changes in the way Alliance Trust operates that allow us to provide shareholders with real growth over the medium to long term even more effectively. I am pleased to report that over the past year with the benefit of the merger with the Second Alliance Trust, your Company increased its Net Asset Value by 39% to £2.8bn and its Group revenue rose by 31.8%. The total shareholder return over the financial year was 7.5% compared to the 4.2% increase in the Retail Prices Index. Our investment objective Our objective is reinforced by aligning it more closely with your expectations that we should grow and preserve our Company's portfolio of investments. By focusing on real returns relative to the UK RPI, we acknowledge that our shareholders invest in Alliance Trust expecting to receive a superior reward for their investment risk over the medium to long term. You should reasonably expect your investment to return real growth over inflation across economic cycles, which is something that I'm pleased to say we have delivered in the past year, and will be a core target for your Company in the future. Last year's results show we can take significant steps to mitigate risk while, at the same time, continuing to grow our assets and seeking improved performance at all levels of our Group. Our strategy is to reduce the Company's exposure to a single asset class and spread risk by diversifying across several main investment areas where we have, or are developing, expertise. Over the year we appeared to enter a more uncertain period in world equity markets. We took decisive action in the third quarter to preserve capital, adopting a more defensive stance on equities. We moved early to unwind our gearing of 2.7% of the portfolio and reduce exposure to quoted equities to 83% building up a 7% cash position. This proved to be premature as equity markets moved higher, by over 10%, and our quoted equity portfolio lagged as a result. This asset allocation decision was based on concerns of the risks from economic slowdown and higher energy costs. Another factor in the relatively weaker second half was that we held a 10% equity exposure to Japan which was the poorest performing of the major markets and our own performance within that market was disappointing. However, our resulting cash position allowed us to take advantage of the stock market falls in the first quarter of the current year. We ended the year with just under 3% in private equity and just under 3% in property, both of which performed very well during the year. We believe that this move was timely as we anticipate a genuine shift in perceptions and tolerance of risk in the year ahead when there are signs that the global economy may slow. Benefits of the merger The most notable change since the last financial year is the merger of The Alliance Trust with the Second Alliance Trust. At our last AGM, shareholders voted to approve the merger of the two investment companies and this took effect in June, creating one combined company which is now the largest generalist investment trust in the UK. The merger means that we have a single set of shareholders and a simplified structure that is enabling us to take advantage of market opportunities in a more responsive and efficient manner. Recruiting quality and experience In the past year, we have added genuine strength to our executive team. At Group level we have appointed two very experienced and talented Directors, Janet Pope, who joined in November and is Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Trust Savings, and Katherine Garrett-Cox, who has been appointed Chief Investment Officer and will take up her position in May. Janet has experience in banking and corporate strategy with some of the world's leading financial services companies, while Katherine has a breadth of expertise in fund management, investment strategy and asset allocation. Their combined expertise will inform strategic decisions at Board level and strengthen execution of that strategy in their respective investment areas. We have also appointed a new Company Secretary, Donald McPherson, whose broad experience in the financial services and energy sectors will help to embed strong governance within our new structure. Equally we have continued to bring skilled people into management teams throughout the Group. Recruiting the best people for these jobs in a competitive marketplace can be expensive as we must be prepared to recruit world-class expertise in order to build a leading company. Our remuneration packages have to be competitive and so we are realigning them with challenging performance targets. This is integral to our strategy and executives and managers will only be rewarded to the extent that shareholders benefit and experience real returns in their investment. Our belief in creating the best possible environment for our Company to prosper was also carried through in the announcement that we will be investing in building a purpose-built, modern HQ in Dundee to reunite our staff, currently operating from three sites in the city, to a single location. The Scottish Executive has backed our expansion plans with a grant of up to £1.95m to help us in our creation of new jobs. Corporate structure Headed by a single company, the Group is now organised into four principal investment divisions namely quoted equities, private equity, property and our financial services subsidiaries. The subsidiaries include our pensions and investment services arm, Alliance Trust Savings, and our new asset management business, AT Asset Management (Asia-Pacific). We have appointed heads of each of these divisions embedding greater accountability and clearer reporting lines. Our goal is that each area in itself creates meaningful returns for Alliance Trust, while together these businesses complement one another, thereby multiplying returns for our Group, while diversifying risk. Our investment areas In quoted equities, we performed well during the second year that we have been organised on a geographical basis. In each area, we are focused on seeking excellent individual opportunities that will deliver value in the medium and long term. The performance of our UK Small Cap and the Asia-Pacific ex-Japan portfolios are good examples of how a decisive, well-researched approach is delivering outperformance. Our property portfolio, including mineral rights, had a good year, starting 2006/7 with two buildings fully rented and a capital value of £28.4m. Property still represents less than 3% of our total assets, but over the year we added three prime properties in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Leeds at realistic prices in a heated market. We saw capital value rise in historic oil and gas interests to nearly £11.2m and have been vigorous when negotiating new contracts. We will continue to grow the property portfolio but only where we see quality and long-term value. The net asset value of our property portfolio has risen to over £78m in the last year. With the acquisition of Albany Ventures, we have increased our exposure to private equity and added two strong private equity specialists to help direct and manage the private equity division going forward. Our private equity portfolio was valued at £80.1m at the end of the financial year, representing 2.8% of assets, in addition to which we manage £23.4m of third party assets. Our financial services subsidiaries comprise our Asset Management business and Alliance Trust Savings, our investment dealing, banking and pensions business. These account for approximately 1% of the Company's capital. We see great potential in these businesses which we intend to grow so that they contribute significantly to the Alliance Trust Group both in terms of capital appreciation and earning generation. In 2004 we began to modernise the Alliance Trust Savings business and put in place the capability, processes, systems, technology and people to allow us to begin to realise that potential. Stronger than expected business growth has reinforced our confidence in the potential of this business. Building on a record the previous year, in the year to 31 January 2007 Alliance Trust Savings group customer numbers were up 23% (last year 22%), plans 20% (last year 12%), and, most importantly, revenue 25% (last year 19% before the Alliance Trust Pensions purchase). Revenue growth is stated after annualising the contribution from Alliance Trust Pensions which we acquired at the end of 2005; actual Alliance Trust Savings revenue growth this year was 77%. Total customer assets under administration grew from £3.3bn to almost £4.8bn up 42% (on a like for like basis) compared to last year's 33%. The rate of business growth over the last year has been very strong and we are reluctant to forecast that we will continue to grow at this pace, especially if the economy and investment environment were to slow. However, early signs are positive with the delivery of an exceptionally functionally rich online dealing and account management service, and our innovative investment trust services. The cost of customer acquisition and first year servicing generally exceeds recurring servicing costs and the economies of scale from our systems developments over the past few years are beginning to be realised. We anticipate that our financial services subsidiaries will be operating profitably in 2008/09. Over the year, AT Asset Management (Asia-Pacific) began to manage two new open-ended funds, one focused on Japan and the other on Asia-Pacific, which are available to UK institutional and individual investors. We also added £5.6m of third-party assets under management, generating fees from this area that add further income to our asset management business. This venture gives us the opportunity to generate revenue and offer alternative investment products to our shareholders and customers for the first time. We are planning more funds and services over the next 18 months. Investment philosophy We will further broaden the exposure of our corporate capital. We are not setting a specific target for any single asset class; we are seeking to build portfolios where each investment represents a positive choice with real, long-term potential to generate growing returns. We are conscious of the overall risk profiles of asset classes such as property and private equity and the dangers of approaching these indiscriminately. In every asset class, we are looking for outstanding opportunities that we will discover through rigorous bottom-up analysis. Our goals for the coming year are: · To continue to build a portfolio of opportunities, ensuring we cherry-pick those investments with real long-term potential that stand out within their asset class and outside it. We will develop avenues of profitability by continuing the diversification of our investments. · To grow and develop our financial services businesses by realising the exciting potential within our pensions business, growing our investment dealing business with our innovative online service and the transfer of customer books from other providers, and developing our new asset management business with new funds and services. · To complete the modernisation of our technology infrastructure across all our businesses and apply that technology to bring greater scale and flexibility to our businesses, as well as to refine our investment performance and deliver better services to customers and shareholders. · To continue building a world-class team and supporting our employees in realising their full potential with customised training that develops their skills. · To manage costs continually with investment gauged strictly by its potential to generate medium and long-term real returns. Consolidated Income Statement For the year ended 31 January 2007 2007 2006 £000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Deposit interest 11,009 - 11,009 6,930 - 6,930 Dividend income 58,750 - 58,750 49,878 - 49,878 Mineral rights income 1,575 - 1,575 850 - 850 Rental income 1,935 - 1,935 81 - 81 Gains and losses on investment (Decrease)/Increase - (52,382) (52,382) - 236,790 236,790 in fair-value designated investment held Increase in - 201,655 201,655 - 161,367 161,367 fair-value investments disposed of Other operating 7,763 - 7,763 3,739 - 3,739 income Total revenue 81,032 149,273 230,305 61,478 398,157 459,635 Administrative (25,180) (462) (25,642) (13,947) (283) (14,230) expenses Merger expenses - (2,461) (2,461) - - - Finance costs (3,199) (1,224) (4,423) (2,071) (230) (2,301) Foreign exchange - (1,651) (1,651) - 1,165 1,165 (losses)/gains -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Profit before tax 52,653 143,475 196,128 45,460 398,809 444,269 Tax (4,329) 367 (3,962) (4,146) 106 (4,040) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Profit for the period 48,324 143,842 192,166 41,314 398,915 440,229 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Attributable to: - Minority interest (664) 202 (462) (49) 297 248 - Equity holders of 48,988 143,640 192,628 41,363 398,618 439,981 the parent -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 48,324 143,842 192,166 41,314 398,915 440,229 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Earnings per share 8.08p 23.70p 31.78p 8.21p 79.09p 87.30p CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE 2007 2006 £000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Income and expense recognised directly in equity: Own shares purchased - (321) (321) - (112) (112) for Employee Benefit Trust Defined benefit plan 304 - 304 25 - 25 actuarial gains -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 304 (321) (17) 25 (112) (87) Profit for the 48,324 143,842 192,166 41,314 398,915 440,229 period ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Total recognised 48,628 143,521 192,149 41,339 398,803 440,142 income and expense for the period Attributable to: - Minority interest (664) 202 (462) (49) 297 248 - Equity holders of 49,292 143,319 192,611 41,388 398,506 439,894 the parent ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 48,628 143,521 192,149 41,339 398,803 440,142 COMPANY INCOME STATEMENT For the year ended 31 January 2007 2007 2006 £000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Deposit interest 4,847 - 4,847 2,170 - 2,170 Dividend income 59,549 - 59,549 51,428 - 51,428 Mineral rights income 1,575 - 1,575 850 - 850 Rental income 1,935 - 1,935 81 - 81 Gains and losses on investment (Decrease)/Increase - (54,033) (54,033) - 233,460 233,460 in fair value designated investment held Increase in fair - 201,680 201,680 - 161,230 161,230 value designated investments disposed of -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Total revenue 67,906 147,647 215,553 54,529 394,690 449,219 Administrative (9,427) (439) (9,866) (6,279) (254) (6,533) expenses Merger expenses - (2,461) (2,461) - - - Finance costs (622) (1,224) (1,846) (162) (230) (392) Foreign exchange - (1,651) (1,651) - 1,165 1,165 (losses)/gains -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Profit before tax 57,857 141,872 199,729 48,088 395,371 433,459 Tax (5,405) 367 (5,038) (4,270) 98 (4,172) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Profit for the period 52,452 142,239 194,691 43,818 395,469 439,287 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Attributable to: Equity shareholders 52,452 142,239 194,691 43,818 395,469 439,287 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Earnings per share 8.66p 23.47p 32.13p 8.70p 78.47p 87.17p COMPANY STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE 2007 2006 £000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Income and expense recognised directly in equity: Own shares purchased - (321) (321) - (112) (112) for Employee Benefit Trust Defined benefit plan 304 - 304 25 - 25 actuarial gains -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 304 (321) (17) 25 (112) (87) Profit for the 54,452 142,239 194,691 43,818 395,469 439,287 period ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Total recognised 52,756 141,918 194,674 43,843 395,357 439,200 income and expense for the period Attributable to: - Equity 52,756 141,918 194,674 43,843 395,357 439,200 shareholders BALANCE SHEETS As at 31 January GROUP COMPANY 2007 2007 2006 2007 2006 £000 £ £ £ £ Non-current assets Held at fair 2,538,385 2,004,743 2,550,524 2,008,260 value investments Investment 67,145 19,500 67,145 19,500 property Property, plant and equipment: Office premises 900 450 900 450 Motor vehicles 32 16 14 7 Intangible assets 14,808 10,152 1,514 174 Retirement 181 - 181 - benefit surplus Deferred tax 1,390 2,627 14 91 assets ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 2,622,841 2,037,488 2,620,292 2,028,482 Current assets Other receivables 32,826 12,152 15,443 8,368 Cash and cash 346,571 160,176 208,647 60,994 equivalents ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 379,397 172,328 224,090 69,362 Total assets 3,002,238 2,209,816 2,844,382 2,097,844 Current liabilities Other payables (156,667) (102,731) (12,538) (5,531) Bank overdrafts (5,188) (54,837) - (54,837) and loans ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- (161,855) (157,568) (12,538) (60,368) Total assets less 2,840,383 2,052,248 2,831,844 2,037,476 current liabilities Non-current liabilities Deferred tax (228) - (228) - liabilities Retirement - (254) - (254) benefit obligations ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- (228) (254) (228) (254) Net assets 2,840,155 2,051,994 2,831,616 2,037,222 Equity Share capital 16,798 12,600 16,798 12,600 Capital reserves 2,096,078 1,952,056 2,106,487 1,964,088 Merger reserve 645,335 - 645,335 - Capital 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 redemption reserve Revenue reserves 73,454 71,060 60,796 58,334 Equity 2,833,865 2,037,916 2,831,616 2,037,222 attributable to equity holders of the parent Minority interest 6,290 14,078 - - Total equity 2,840,155 2,051,994 2,831,616 2,037,222 Net Asset Value £4.22 £4.04 £4.22 £4.04 per ordinary share Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 GROUP COMPANY January 2007 2007 2006 2007 2006 £000 £ £ £ £ Cash Flows from operating activities Profit before tax 196,128 444,269 199,729 443,459 Adjustments for: Gains on investments (149,273) (398,157) (147,647) (394,690) Foreign exchange losses 1,651 (1,165) 1,651 (1,165) /(gains) Scrip dividends (617) (897) (617) (897) Bond premium 222 327 - 1 amortisation Depreciation 19 8 9 3 Amortisation of 177 66 28 23 intangibles Interest payable pay 4,423 2,301 1,846 392 Fixed assets written - 41 - - off --------- --------- --------- --------- Operating cash flows 52,730 46,793 54,999 47,126 before movements in working capital Increase in amount due 36,661 11,063 - - to depositors (Increase) in (13,643) (2,000) (2,192) (128) receivables Increase in payables 11,098 5,935 480 902 --------- --------- --------- --------- Net cash from operating 86,846 61,791 53,287 47,900 activities before income taxes Income taxes paid (4,760) (5,181) (4,178) (4,974) --------- --------- --------- --------- Net cash from operating 82,086 56,610 49,109 42,926 activities ========= ========= ========= ========= Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds on disposal of 871,207 650,618 865,558 639,681 fair value through profit and loss investments Purchases of fair value (645,326) (673,328) (643,751) (656,131) through profit and loss investments Cash and cash 23,596 - 23,596 - equivalent acquired through merger Purchase of investment (36,684) (20,307) (36,684) (20,307) properties Purchase of property, (35) (24) (16) (10) plant and equipment Purchase of intangible (4,536) (1,981) (1,368) (197) assets Purchase of business (224) (10,623) - - and subsidiary undertaking --------- --------- --------- --------- Net cash (outflow)/ 207,998 (55,645) 207,335 (36,964) inflow from investing activities ========= ========= ========= ========= Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid - Equity (50,136) (36,664) (50,136) (36,664) Dividends paid - - (49) - (49) Preference shares Purchase of own shares (321) (112) (321) (112) Repayments of (54,837) - (54,837) - borrowings New bank loans raised - 54,837 - 54,837 New issue of shares - 5,000 - - Minority interest 2,616 - - - investment in PATIF* Dividends (paid to) (125) (1,000) - - minority interest Repayment of Debenture - (1,648) - (1,648) Stock Repayment of Preference - (2,200) - (2,200) Stock Interest payable (4,423) (1,956) (1,846) (47) --------- --------- --------- --------- Net cash (outflow)/ (107,226) 16,208 (107,140) 14,117 inflow from financing activities Net increase in cash 182,858 17,173 149,304 20,079 and cash equivalents Cash and cash 160,176 141,838 60,994 39,750 equivalents at beginning of year Effect of foreign (1,651) 1,165 (1,651) 1,165 exchange rate changes --------- --------- --------- --------- Cash and cash 341,383 160,176 208,647 60,994 equivalents at end of year ========= ========= ========= ========= * Premier Alliance Trust Investment Funds Limited. The revenue return statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 January 2007 or 2006 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2006 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2007 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditor has reported on those accounts. The report was unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Notes to the Financial Statements 1 Expenses comprise £9,866,000 (£6,533,000) incurred by the Company, and £ 15,776,000 (£7,697,000) incurred by subsidiary companies. Taking guidance from the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies" the cost of the Senior Management Equity Incentive Plan ("SMEIP") deemed to be related to the capital performance of the Company has been treated as a capital expense of £462,000. 2 The earnings per share are calculated using the weighted average number of ordinary shares, which is arrived at by taking account of 162,939 (46,820) ordinary shares acquired by the Company and held by the Trustee of the Employee Benefit Trust for the Company. The net asset value per share exclude, for the purposes of these disclosures, the 162,939 ordinary shares acquired by the Company and held by the Employee Benefit Trust (`EBT') for the Company. 3 All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the analysis between revenue and capital items presented within the income statement, all expenses have been presented as revenue items except as follows: · Expenses which are incidental to the acquisition of an investment are included within the cost of that investment. · Expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an investment are deducted from the disposal proceeds of the investment. · The Directors have determined to allocate annual bonus and Senior Management Equity Incentive Plan costs which relate to the achievement of investment manager performance objectives and total stockholder return performance objectives against capital profits and those that relate to the achievement of job performance objectives against revenue profits. · The Directors have determined to allocate two thirds of the cost of bank indebtedness incurred to finance investment against capital profits with the balance being allocated against revenue profits. · Merger costs have been allocated to capital. Number of Issued Shares Ordinary Shares of 2.5p 671,909,760 POSTING ARRANGEMENTS The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 and will be available on the Company's website on Wednesday, 25 April 2007. It will also be made available to the public at the Company's registered office, Meadow House, 64 Reform Street, Dundee DD1 1TJ and at the offices of the Company's Registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC, Lochside House, 7 Lochside Avenue, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DJ on and after 25th April 2007. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 24th May 2007 at 11.00 am at the Hilton Dundee, Earl Grey Place, Dundee DD1 4DE. In addition to the full annual report, up-to-date performance data, details of new initiatives and other information about the Company can be found on the Company's website.
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