Director/PDMR Shareholding

Announcement of Director's interests in securities by Alliance Trust PLC Director's interests in securities Name of Company Alliance Trust PLC Name of Director Alan Jerry Harden Type of Transaction Increase in beneficial interest following purchase of shares (within Select Pension pursuant to standing instruction) Reason for Notification A transaction required to be notified in accordance with DR 3.1.4R(1) (a) and DR 3.1.4(R) (1) (b) [section 324 as extended by section 328 of the Companies Act 1985 or entered into the Company's register in accordance with s325(3) or (4)of the Companies Act 1985] Class of Security Ordinary 2.5p shares Name of registered holder Alliance Trust Savings Nominees Limited Number of shares 997 Price per share £3.48 Date and place of transaction 16 August 2006. UK. Date Company Notified 17 August 2006. Total share interests following this information: Beneficially Owned (including 24,987 self, connected persons and Share Incentive Plan excluding Employee Benefit Trust) Beneficial interest in shares held 15,959 for director by Trustee of Employee Benefit Trust Deemed beneficial interest in 162,940 shares held for company by Trustee of Employee Benefit Trust Total percentage of issued class 0.030% (all interests) This notification does not relate to dealings by persons otherwise connected with the named director. Name of contact Mr. Ian Anderson Telephone Number 01382 201700 Date of notification 18 August 2006
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