Chairman's Statement

APPLIED TECHNOLOGY MONITORING PLC ("ATM" OR "COMPANY) CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT for the period ended 31st December 2007 There follows the audited consolidated results for the nine month period from 1st April 2007 to 31st December 2007. These show a loss of £ 302,000 after taxation, on turnover of £ 352,000. Gross margins during the period ran at 53%. This report is the result of a change in your Company's financial year end and is brought about by the strategic review of the sales and marketing performance, referred to in my last statement. The discussions with an established, integrated solutions' provider over the last six months have confirmed that opportunities do exist for sales' growth in return for above-average gross margins. The discussions continue with the objective of formalising a relationship that will achieve the optimum results for both parties; if successful, shareholders and the market will be informed at the earliest opportunity. In addition to thanking all shareholders for their on-going support I would like to thank the present Directors and the staff for their efforts. I look forward to communicating with you again shortly, as soon as a date can be set for the AGM. Martin Trussler, Chairman 28th July 2008
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