Holding(s) in Company

14 September 2007 Microgen plc (the "Company") Notifiable Interests Following the Company's recent announcement of an increase in its issued share capital to 102,776,776 Ordinary Shares, the Company received notice on 12 September 2007 in compliance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules that Aberforth Partners LLP that its holding of 19,091,277 Ordinary Shares now represents 18.58% of the issued share capital of the Company. Aberforth Partners is interested in 16,433,177 of the voting rights of these Ordinary Shares representing 15.99% of the issued share capital of the Company. The shares are registered in the name of: No. of shares Aberforth Smaller Companies Trust plc 7,246,426 (Nortrust Nominees Ltd A/c Aberfrth) Aberforth UK Small Companies Fund 6,763,451 (Nortrust Nominees Ltd A/c Aberfrth) The Church Commissioners for England 1,216,800 (The Church Commissioners for England (Chase GIS) Nominees Ltd) Aberforth Geared Capital & Income Trust plc 1,206,500 (Nortrust Nominees Ltd A/c Aberfrth) If you require further information please contact: G.E. Liddle, Company Secretary Tel: 01252 772 313 www.microgen.co.uk
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