Retirement of Chairman and Change of Company Se...

AIM and Media Release 20 May 2015 BASE RESOURCES LIMITED RETIREMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND CHANGE OF COMPANY SECRETARY Base Resources Limited (ASX & AIM: BSE) ("Base") wishes to advise that Andrew King has retired as Chairman and Winton Willesee has retired as Company Secretary of the company with effect from close of business on 19 May 2015. The retirements come as part of the ongoing evolution of Base as the company moves into its next phase of development. Andrew and Winton have been Directors and/or Company Secretary of Base since before its initial listing in 2008 and have played a vital role in what has been a dynamic and transformational period for the company. The Board would like to thank Andrew and Winton for their considerable efforts and wish both all the very best in their respective future endeavours. Andrew is replaced as Chairman by Keith Spence who was appointed to the Board on 20 February 2015. Keith brings a wealth of experience to the Board and the role of Chairman. Keith has over 30 years of experience in the oil & gas industry with Shell and Woodside. He retired from Woodside in 2008 after 14 years in senior executive roles including Chief Operating Officer and acting Chief Executive. Keith is currently Non-Executive Chairman of Geodynamics Limited as well as a Non-Executive Director of Oil Search Limited and Independence Group NL. Keith was also Chairman of Clough Limited before its acquisition in late 2013. Chadwick Poletti, Base's Group Legal Counsel, has been appointed Company Secretary. A full PDF version of this release is available from and the company's website: ENDS CORPORATE PROFILE Directors Keith Spence Non-Executive Chairman Tim Carstens Managing Director Colin Bwye Executive Director Sam Willis Non-Executive Director Michael Anderson Non-Executive Director Michael Stirzaker Non-Executive Director Malcolm Macpherson Non-Executive Director Company Secretary Chadwick Poletti NOMINATED ADVISOR & BROKER RFC Ambrian Limited As Nominated Adviser: Andrew Thomson / Stephen Allen Phone: +61 (0)8 9480 2500 As Broker: Jonathan Williams Phone: +44 20 3440 6800 SHARE REGISTRY: ASX Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited Level 2, 45 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000 Enquiries: 1300 850 505 / +61 (3) 9415 4000 SHARE REGISTRY: AIM Computershare Investor Services PLC The Pavilions Bridgwater Road BRISTOL BS99 6ZZ Enquiries: +44 (0) 870 702 0003 AUSTRALIAN MEDIA RELATIONS Cannings Purple Michael Vaughan / Warrick Hazeldine Email: Phone: +61 (0)8 6314 6300 UK MEDIA RELATIONS Tavistock Communications Jos Simson / Emily Fenton / Nuala Gallagher Phone: +44 (0) 207 920 3150 KENYA MEDIA RELATIONS Africapractice (East Africa) David Maingi/ James Njuguna/Joan Kimani Phone: +254 (0)20 239 6899 Email: PRINCIPAL & REGISTERED OFFICE Level 1, 50 Kings Park Road West Perth WA 6005 Email: Phone: +61 (0)8 9413 7400 Fax: +61 (0)8 9322 8912
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