R&D and Product Update

BIOVENTIX PLC R&D AND PRODUCT UPDATE 7 Jan 2010 The Directors of Bioventix plc ("Bioventix" or "the Company") are pleased to provide an update on the Company's research and development activities and the current products in use by customers. Research During 2010, the main research focus was on the development of the antibody panel to vitamin D (specifically 25-OH D2 and D3). As previously announced, there was a technical breakthrough with the identification of a novel antibody (vitD3.5H10) that recognises the above two forms of vitamin D with equal and high affinity. The Directors believe that this will prove to be of value to some Bioventix customers and anticipate that it will generate revenues in the future. In 2011, the research focus will move towards progesterone (a fertility hormone) and benzodiazepines (class of drug that includes well known entities such as temazepam, valium and rohypnol). Development During the period 2007-2009, antibodies to cortisol, hCG and troponin were made and are now at various stages of R&D at Bioventix customers. Estimates appear below of when the Directors believe that these projects may begin to produce increased revenue for the Company. The activities required to enable these anitibodies to reach commercialisation reside mainly with Bioventix's customers and are therefore outside of the control of the Company. Products Final assay products based on Bioventix antibodies made a number of years ago reached the market place in 2010. It is noteworthy that the estradiol, testosterone and THC.cannabis antibodies were created in the period 2005-2007 and took from 3-5 years to reach the market. This lead-time is a natural consequence of the R&D and regulatory steps that take place at Bioventix's customers after samples have been delivered. The table below summarises the Bioventix product portfolio at January 2011 Product pipeline Project Disease area Bioventix R&D and Launched in customer date antibodies diagnostic products created (or estimated launch data) T3 Thyroid Approx 1990 Approx 1995 NT proBNP Cardiac 2004 2007 Testosterone Fertility 2006 2009 Estradiol Fertility 2005 2010 THC (cannabis) Drug testing 2007 2010 Cortisol Adrenal/stress 2008 Estimated after 2012 hCG Pregnancy 2007 Estimated after 2012 Vitamin D General health 2009 Estimated after 2012 Troponin Cardiac 2007 Estimated after 2013 Tacrolimus Transplant drug 2010 Estimated after 2013 Benzodiazepines Drug testing Current research in - 2011 Progesterone Fertility Current research in - 2011 The Directors of Bioventix plc accept responsibility for this announcement. Bioventix plc Peter Harrison, CEO +44 (0)1252 728001; peter.harrison@bioventix.com Keith, Bayley, Rogers & Co. Limited - PLUS Corporate Adviser David Coffman +44 (0)203 100 8300 ABOUT BIOVENTIX Bioventix (www.bioventix.com) specialises in the development and commercial supply of high-affinity monoclonal antibodies (SMAs) with a primary focus on their application in clinical diagnostics, such as in automated immunoassays used in blood testing. The antibodies created at Bioventix are generated in sheep and are of particular benefit where the target to be assayed is present at low concentration and where conventional mouse monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies derived from various species have failed to produce a suitable reagent. Bioventix was incorporated in 2003 following a management buyout of assets (including technology and intellectual property) relating to the creation of SMAs from KS Biomedix Limited. The management buyout was led by Peter Harrison and principally funded by SpringHill Bioventures Sendirian Berhad, a venture capital fund company registered and regulated by the Securities Commission in Malaysia. Since 2003, Bioventix has established a profitable commercial offering based on its SMA technology and its shares became quoted on the PLUS-Market in London in April 2010 (BVXP).


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