AGM Results

Bisichi Mining PLC (“the Company”)

The Company is pleased to announce that at the Company's 105th Annual General Meeting held on 7 June 2017 at 24 Bruton Place, London W1J 6NE all ordinary and special resolutions concerning ordinary and special business were duly passed.

Proxy votes were as follows:


Resolution 1

To receive and adopt the Company's annual accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 together with the directors’ report and the auditors’ report on those accounts.                                

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 7,527,252 Discretion 5,620
Those against 320 Withheld 0

Resolution 2

To approve the remuneration report (other than the part containing the remuneration policy referred to in resolution 3 below) for the year ended 31 December 2016.                                                   

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 5,630,935 Discretion 5,620
Those against 1,896,637 Withheld 0

Resolution 3

To approve the remuneration policy to be effective from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.                                                  

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 5,632,435 Discretion 5,620
Those against 1,895,137 Withheld 0

Resolution 4

To declare and approve a final dividend of 3.0p per share.              

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 7,527,252 Discretion 5,620
Those against 320 Withheld 0

Resolution 5   

To re-elect as a director Mr GJ Casey.

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 5,634,598 Discretion 5,620
Those against 320 Withheld 1,892,654

Resolution 6

To reappoint BDO LLP as auditors of the Company.             

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 7,527,252 Discretion 5,620
Those against0 320 Withheld 0

Resolution 7                     

To authorise the directors to determine the remuneration of the auditors.

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 7,526,414 Discretion 5,620
Those against  1,158 Withheld 0

Resolution 8

To authorise the directors to allot securities.

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 5,580,426 Discretion 58,954
Those against    1,893,812 Withheld 0

Special Resolutions

Resolution 9 

To empower the directors to disapply statutory pre-emption rights.         

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 7,524,602 Discretion 7,272
Those against 1,318 Withheld 0

Resolution 10

To authorise the calling of general meetings of the Company on 14 clear days’ notice.

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 7,525,440 Discretion 7,272
Those against 480 Withheld 0

Resolution 11 

To authorise the Company to make market purchases of its ordinary shares.

Votes Votes
Those in favour: 7,518,962 Discretion 7,272
Those against    6,958 Withheld 0

Copies of the Special Resolutions referred to above have been sent to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for viewing at

For further information, please contact:

Garrett Casey


Bisichi Mining plc

Tel: 020 7415 5000

7 June 2017




Bisichi (BISI)
UK 100