Interim Results
24th September 2002
Interim results to 30th June 2002
2002 2001
*Turnover: £2,368,000 £2,277,000
*Profit before tax and
goodwill amortisation: £362,000 £169,000
*Earnings per share: 2.17 p 0.96 p
*Net Asset Value: £7,276,000 £7,025,000
*Sustained improvement in the performance of Black Wattle Colliery
*New coal reserves extend mine life by 15 years
*New export facilities in place
Commenting, Michael Heller, chairman of Bisichi Mining said:
'Bisichi Mining is in a very sound condition. Our direct mining activities are
well established and are facing some very exciting opportunities; our property
assets are prospering and expanding. I am confident that the results for the
year as a whole will be satisfactory and in line with our expectations.'
- more -
For further information, please call:
Andrew Heller, Bisichi Mining PLC 020 7415 5000
I am pleased to report that, in the 6 months ended 30 June 2002, Bisichi Mining
PLC made a profit before tax and goodwill amortisation of £362,000 (30.06.01: £
169,000). Net assets as at 30 June have increased to £7.276 million (30.06.01:
£7.025 million) after adjusting listed investments to market values.
Shareholders should be aware that these excellent results arise from a
sustained improvement in the performance of our 62.5% owned coal mining
subsidiary, Black Wattle Colliery (Pty) Ltd, which is located near Middelburg,
South Africa.
Our confidence in, and commitment to, the ongoing development of our direct
mining asset is shown by two recent events. First, in July of this year, Black
Wattle acquired additional new coal reserves adjacent to our existing reserves,
which should increase the life of the mine, at current production levels, by at
least 15 years. We estimate that half of these reserves can be mined to supply
our existing markets and half mined to supply power stations (by opencast
mining methods). Second, Black Wattle has built a new railway siding and line
near to the mine for its exclusive use. This new facility will enable Black
Wattle to export coal through the Richards Bay Coal Terminal, if and when
opportunities arise.
We continue to be one of the largest producers of low phosphorous coal in
Southern Africa; low phosphorous coal usually commands a premium price.
Shareholders should also be aware that for part of the second half of the year
processing yields are likely to be lower as we have to mine through inferior
coal in order to reach the better quality coal but the mine should continue to
operate at acceptable levels of profitability.
Our mining activities and investments have, in the past, been in part financed
by Bisichi Mining's retail property investments; these are managed, for a fee,
by London & Associated Properties PLC and are fully let. Our property
investment portfolio was valued at 31 December 2001 by independent Chartered
Surveyors at £8.1 million. In the centre of Bradford, Bisichi Mining owns a
retail property investment known as 'the Ritz site'. This site now falls within
a major redevelopment scheme and it has recently been confirmed to us that the
Ritz site will be subject to a compulsory purchase order. We are already
looking actively for new properties both to replace the Ritz site and to
continue the development of the retail property investment portfolio; we expect
to make an announcement in this regard in the very near future
In closing, I am pleased to be able to tell shareholders that Bisichi Mining is
in a very sound condition. Our direct mining activities are well established
and are facing some very exciting opportunities; our property assets are
prospering and expanding. Whilst we continue to live in an uncertain world, I
am confident that the results for the year as a whole will be satisfactory and
in line with our expectations.
24th September 2002
Consolidated profit and loss account
six months ended 30th June 2002
(Restated) (Restated)
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st
2002 2001 2001
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 1 2,368 2,277 4,060
Operating costs (2,006) (2,082) (3,711)
Operating profit 1 362 195 349
Exceptional items 2 - 4 4
Income from interests in 37 38 70
joint venture
Interest receivable 16 3 5
Interest payable (95) (113) (208)
Profit on ordinary activities 320 127 220
before taxation
Taxation 3 (80) (36) (82)
Profit after taxation 240 91 138
Minority interest (13) 9 19
Profit for the financial 227 100 157
Earnings per share 4 2.17p 0.96p 1.50 p
Dividends per share - - 1.00 p
Cost of net dividend - - 105
The turnover and operating profit for the period derive from continuing
operations and are made up as follows:
Mining 1,966 1,897 3,298
Property 390 368 733
Share dealing 12 9 22
Other investments - 3 7
2,368 2,277 4,060
Operating profit
Mining 232 111 129
Goodwill (42) (42) (85)
190 69 44
Property 168 122 296
Share dealing 4 1 5
Other investments - 3 4
362 195 349
Consolidated balance sheet
(Restated) (Restated)
30th June 30th June 31stDecember
2002 2001 2001
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 174 259 216
Properties and other 8,888 8,663 8,632
tangible assets 5
Investments 1,161 1,027 1,109
10,223 9,949 9,957
Current assets
Stocks 65 24 13
Debtors 803 896 575
Investments (Market value £
6 463 450 474
Bank balances 122 45 64
1,453 1,415 1,126
Creditors - falling due within one (2,775) (2,661) (2,405)
Net current liabilities (1,322) (1,246_ (1,279)
Total assets less current 8,901 8,703 8,678
Creditors - falling due after one (1,816) (2,019) (1,904)
Provisions for liabilities and (50) (38) (43)
Minority interests 120 170 121
Net assets 7,155 6,816 6,852
Financed by:
Equity shareholders' funds 7,155 6,816 6,852
Statement of total recognised gains and losses
six months ended 30th June 2002
(Restated) (Restated)
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
The company 152 75 130
Subsidiary and joint 75 25 27
Profit for the period 227 100 157
Revaluation of investment
Company - - 268
joint venture - - 101
Exchange adjustments 76 (3) (288)
Total gains and losses related to the 303 97 238
Prior year adjustment (as explained (27)
in note 3)
Total gains and losses recognised
since last annual report
Group cash flow statement
six months ended 30th June 2002
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities
Operating profit 362 195 349
Depreciation charges and 226 192 299
goodwill amortised
Profit on sale of current (4) (1) (5)
asset investments
(Increase) decrease in net 220 (27) 93
current assets
804 359 736
Dividend from joint venture - - 40
Returns on investments and (79) (110) (196)
servicing of finance
Taxation - (3) (76)
Capital expenditure and (389) (197) (308)
financial investment
Equity dividends paid - - (105)
Cash inflow before financing 336 49 91
Financing (127) (90) (134)
209 (41) (43)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Increase (decrease) in cash 209 (41) (43)
in the period
Net cash flow from changes 127 90 134
in debt
Movements in net debt in the 336 49 91
Net debt at 1st January 2001 (2,863) (2,954) (2,954)
Net debt at 30th June 2002 (2,527) (2,905) (2,863)
Analysis of net debt
Bank balances in hand 122 45 64
Bank overdraft (701) (837) (854)
Debt due within one year (132) (94) (169)
Debt due after one year (1,816) (2,019) (1,904)
(2,527) (2,905) (2,863)
Notes to the interim results
six months ended 30th June 2002
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
1. Geographical analysis
United Kingdom 402 380 762
Southern Africa 1,966 1,897 3,298
2,368 2,277 4,060
Operating profit
United Kingdom 172 126 305
Southern Africa 190 69 44
362 195 349
2. Exceptional items
Arising in respect of fixed
asset investments
- gains from disposals - 4 4
(Restated) (Restated)
Company and subsidiaries 73 27 66
Joint venture undertaking 7 9 16
80 36 82
The Company is, in the six months ended 30th June 2002, required to comply for
the first time with Financial Reporting Standard 19 Deferred Tax ('FRS 19').
Consequently, provision is now made for deferred tax in respect of accelerated
capital allowances. This represents a change in accounting policy and the
results for the prior periods have been restated accordingly.
4. Earnings per share
Earnings per share have been calculated on the issued share capital of
10,451,506 shares throughout the period under review.
5. Properties are included at valuation at 31st December 2001.
6. Investments held as current assets
Listed Investment Portfolio
at lower of cost
or net realisable value 463 450 474
Listed Investment Portfolio 584 659 624
at market value
Unrealised surplus of market 121 209 150
value over cost
7. The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for
the year ended 31st December 2001 are based upon the latest statutory accounts,
as adjusted for FRS 19 (see note 3), which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies; the report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act
1985. Save for the adoption of FRS 19 in 2002, the six months figures use the
same accounting policies as previously published for the year ended 31st
December 2001. The Six months figures have not been audited or subject to
review by the auditors.
8. Board Approval
These interim results were approved by the Board of Bisichi Mining PLC on 23rd
September 2002.
9. Posting to shareholders
The interim statement will be posted to shareholders shortly. Copies are
available at the Company's Registered Office: 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A