Directorate Change

BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc Appointment of Director: The Board of BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc is pleased to confirm the appointment of Mr Eric Sanderson as an independent non-executive director of the Company with effect from 1 April 2013. Mr Sanderson is a chartered accountant and a banker and was Chief Executive of British Linen Bank from 1989 to 1997 and a member of the Management Board of Bank of Scotland in his role as Head of Group Treasury Operations from 1997 to 1999. He was also formerly Chairman of MyTravel Group PLC, Dunedin Fund Managers Limited and of MWB Group Holdings PLC. He has also held a number of non-executive Board positions. Mr Sanderson is presently Chairman of the Court (Governing Body) of The University of Dundee and is a non-executive director of Schroder UK Mid Cap Fund plc. He was previously a director of MWB Group Holdings PLC and MWB Business Exchange PLC until 21 November 2012. MWB Group Holdings PLC, a property investment and development business, went into administration on 16 November 2012. Mr Sanderson has no interest in the share capital of the Company. There are no further details or disclosures required under Section 9.6.13R (1-6) of the Financial Services Authority Listing Rules. A B Powley Company Secretary 19 December 2012
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