Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST plc All information is at 30 November 2010 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Three Since Launch Month Months Year Years (20 Sep 04) Net asset value* (Undiluted) -3.5% 9.7% 13.0% 7.5% 111.9% Net asset value* (Diluted) -2.8% 9.2% 12.4% 7.0% 111.0% Share price -3.7% 16.6% 13.3% 9.4% 104.3% FTSE World Europe ex UK -6.5% 5.5% -0.1% -10.3% 69.9% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream * Net asset value and share price performance includes the subscription share reinvestment, assuming the subscription share entitlement per share was sold and the proceeds reinvested on the first day of trading. At month end Net asset value (capital only): 189.92p Net asset value (including income): 190.30p** ** Includes net revenue of 0.38p Share price: 182.50p Discount to NAV (capital only): 3.9% Discount to NAV (including income): 4.1% Subscription share price: 23.00p Gearing (including income): 4.8% Net yield: 1.8% Total assets (including income): £199.6m Ordinary shares in issue: 99,871,041*** Subscription shares in issue: 18,977,902 *** Excluding 2,642,046 shares held in treasury. Benchmark Sector Analysis Total Assets Index (%) Country Analysis Total Assets (%) (%) Industrials 22.7 13.5 France 23.3 Consumer Goods 17.9 16.5 Switzerland 20.2 Financials 13.9 22.0 Germany 13.0 Basic Materials 13.5 8.4 Finland 8.9 Consumer Services 10.2 5.2 Denmark 8.3 Health Care 10.1 8.8 Netherlands 5.7 Oil & Gas 6.3 9.6 Sweden 5.2 Telecommunications 2.9 6.3 Russia 3.2 Utilities 2.7 6.5 Spain 3.1 Technology 2.6 3.2 Portugal 3.1 Net current liabilities (2.8) - Norway 2.3 ----- ----- Ireland 2.0 100.0 100.0 Israel 1.8 ===== ===== Czech Republic 0.9 Turkey 0.9 Belgium 0.9 Net current liabilities (2.8) ----- 100.0 ===== Ten Largest Equity Investments (in alphabetical order) Company Country of Risk Daimler Germany Legrand France Nokian Renkaat Finland Novartis Switzerland Novo Nordisk Denmark Schneider Electric France Swatch Switzerland Syngenta Switzerland Technip France Vopak Netherlands Commenting on the markets, Vincent Devlin, representing the Investment Manager noted: Fund Performance & Attribution During November, both the Company's NAV and the share price outperformed the reference index. While the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index fell 6.5% during November, the Company's NAV decreased by 3.5% and its share price fell by 3.7%. The European equity markets experienced a volatile period in November, as sovereign debt concerns in peripheral Europe once again dominated the headlines. Ireland was the focus of attention in this respect, with the government ultimately requesting €85bn of funding from the European Financial Stability Facility. As a result, Financials performed badly as sentiment towards the sector declined, although positions within the Consumer Discretionary and Industrials sectors fared better in the month. The Company's relative performance during November was driven by a combination of stock selection and sector allocation, with a higher weighting in Industrials and lower weighting in Financials contributing well. The Company's average gearing of 7.3% detracted from returns, however, in a falling market. At a stock level, a position in Swiss watch maker Swatch continued to perform well, benefiting from news of a strong year-on-year rise in Swiss watch exports and continuing to benefit from emerging market growth trends, with 40% of its sales coming from the Asia ex-Japan region. Also within the Consumer Goods sector, a position in jewellery brand Pandora continued to perform following its recent IPO, and is benefiting from strong sales expectations over the holiday period. Elsewhere, a position in Syngenta performed well as commodity prices continued to rise in the month and a position in Swedish ball bearing manufacturer SKF benefited from its high growth prospects and strong global market position within its industry. Relative to the reference index, the Company ended the period with higher relative weightings in the Industrials, Consumer Services and Basic Materials sectors and lower relative weightings in the Financials, Telecommunications and Utilities sectors. At the end of the month, the Company was geared by 4.8% of its NAV. Outlook Our outlook for 2011 and beyond remains positive. We believe that core Europe is relatively healthy, as reflected by rising consumer confidence and strong momentum in the industrial cycle. In addition, core Europe is less indebted than many other developed economies and has exceptional access to emerging market growth. Peripheral Europe clearly has structural issues, which have been well-publicised, but it is worth keeping in mind that this is a small part of the European economy and an even smaller portion of the European stock market. As such, we view the impact of further problems in the periphery on corporate earnings as limited. Europe remains under-owned and valuations continue to look compelling on a relative and historic basis. The region offers a broad selection of well managed companies that are able to access the strongest areas of global growth through high quality product offerings. With European valuations low and many companies holding net cash on their balance sheets, we have begun to see an increase in M&A activity which we would expect to continue in coming months. Latest information is available by typing www.blackrock.co.uk/its on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). 16 December 2010
UK 100

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