Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST plc All information is at 30 April 2013 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Three Since launch Month Months Year Years (20 Sep 04) Net asset value* (Undiluted) 1.7% 3.1% 26.8% 32.4% 167.0% Net asset value* (Diluted) 1.7% 3.1% 27.0% 32.4% 167.1% Share price -0.6% 1.5% 26.3% 33.1% 154.7% FTSE World Europe ex UK 2.6% 3.2% 28.1% 20.1% 109.2% Sources: BlackRock and DataStream At month end Net asset value (capital only): 225.47p Net asset value (including income): 229.41p Net asset value (capital only)**: 225.47p Net asset value (including income)**: 229.41p Share price: 217.75p Discount to NAV (including income): 5.1% Discount to NAV (including income)**: 5.1% Susbcriptionshare price 17.50p Gearing: 3.9% Net yield: 1.9% Total assets (including income): £277.2m Ordinary shares in issue: 116,285,355*** Subscription shares in issue 23,254,813 ** Diluted for subscription shares. *** Excluding 6,052,299 shares held in treasury. Benchmark Sector Analysis Total Assets (%) Index (%) Country Analysis Total Assets (%) Consumer Goods 21.5 18.3 Switzerland 25.6 Financials 18.1 21.6 Germany 20.1 Health Care 16.6 12.6 France 18.3 Consumer Services 11.9 5.6 Netherlands 6.8 Basic Materials 11.8 8.6 Belgium 6.3 Industrials 8.0 13.7 Denmark 5.4 Technology 7.1 3.6 Russia 4.5 Oil & Gas 5.3 7.8 Ireland 3.5 Telecommunications 2.0 4.3 Finland 2.5 Utilities - 3.9 Portugal 2.4 Net current liabilities (2.3) - Spain 2.3 ----- ----- Italy 2.0 100.0 100.0 Hungary 1.8 ===== ===== Ukraine 0.8 Net current liabilities (2.3) ----- 100.0 ===== Ten Largest Equity Investments (in alphabetical order) Company Anheuser-Busch Belgium Bayer Germany Cie Financière Richemont Switzerland Continental Germany Novo Nordisk Denmark Roche Switzerland Sanofi France SAP Germany Swiss Re Switzerland Zurich Insurance Switzerland Commenting on the markets, Vincent Devlin, representing the Investment Manager noted: Market During the month the Company's NAV rose by 1.7% and the share price fell by 0.6%. For reference, the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index gained 2.6% during the same period. The successful formation of the Italian government after 2 months of political stalemate helped compress European equity risk premia and drive performance for higher beta sectors and the periphery. Despite generally disappointing macro releases (both from Europe itself and from key markets such as China), markets continued to make progress. We continued to see inflows into European equities. The Company's underperformance in April when compared with the broader market was mainly caused by the allocation of funds at a sector level. Telecoms, utilities and financials all performed strongly in the market during the month, and the Company's lower weightings in these sectors caused the portfolio to lag in performance terms. From a stock perspective, holdings in consumer goods were the least successful. In particular, holdings in German auto supplier Continental and brewer Anheuser-Busch Inbev both underperformed during the month. Stock selection proved marginally more successful, especially within industrials and health care. Within health care, holdings in defensive growth names Novo Nordisk and Grifols both delivered solid returns. Within industrials, avoiding conglomerates Siemens and Philips benefited the Fund as the sector proved to be the worst performer during April. At the end of the month, the Company had higher weightings (when compared to the market) in consumer services, basic materials, consumer goods, technology and health care and lower weightings in utilities, financials, telecoms, industrials and oil & gas. The Company was also geared by around 5%. Outlook The resolution of the Italian political stalemate was well received by the market, reducing equity risk premium and benefitting leveraged and peripheral sectors which reacted most. At the same time, a global wall of accommodative monetary policy has driven continued performance by equity markets, at the same time as yields from other asset classes remain under pressure. The already significant premium offered by European Equities over corporate bonds has further increased and now stands at a decade long high. While Q1 earnings results were mixed, the common theme was that companies with a globally diverse customer base did better. Europe continues to be home to global leaders, available at attractive valuations thanks to the domicile of their listing as opposed to the customer base. However the political momentum remains fragile and we therefore continue to focus on the long term winners and high quality companies within the sector. 16 May 2013 ENDS Latest information is available by typing www.brgeplc.co.uk on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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