Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST plc All information is at 31 May 2014 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Three Launch Month Months Year Years (20 Sep 04) Net asset value* (undiluted) 2.0% 0.1% 9.8% 23.5% 204.5% Net asset value* (diluted) 2.7% 1.2% 9.8% 26.8% 203.5% Share price 2.5% 1.2% 13.5% 30.2% 199.7% FTSE World Europe ex UK 2.0% 3.3% 13.4% 23.2% 145.0% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream At month end Net asset value (capital only): 251.79p Net asset value (including income): 254.46p Net asset value (capital only)*: 251.10p Net asset value (including income)*: 253.25p Share price: 249.00p Discount to NAV (including income): 2.1% Discount to NAV (including income)*: 1.7% Subscription share price: 20.63p Net gearing: 0% Net yield**: 2.4% Total assets (including income): £276.9m Ordinary shares in issue***: 108,815,767 Subscription shares: 20,660,139 * Diluted for subscription shares and treasury shares. ** Based on a final dividend of 4.5p per share for the year ended 31 August 2013 (excluding special dividend) and an interim dividend of 1.5p per share for the year ending 31 August 2014. *** Excluding 5,429,676 shares held in treasury. Sector Analysis Total Assets (%) Country Analysis Total Assets (%) Financials 28.4 France 18.4 Industrials 23.1 Switzerland 16.1 Consumer Services 11.3 Germany 14.2 Consumer Goods 9.5 Netherlands 8.6 Health Care 9.2 Sweden 6.8 Basic Materials 6.7 Denmark 5.9 Technology 3.1 Italy 3.9 Utilities 2.1 Spain 3.4 Oil & Gas 1.4 Turkey 3.2 Net current assets 5.2 Russia 3.2 ----- Ireland 3.1 100.0 Portugal 2.7 ===== Belgium 2.4 Finland 1.6 Hungary 1.3 Net current assets 5.2 ----- 100.0 ===== Ten Largest Equity Investments (in alphabetical order) Company Adecco Switzerland Bayer Germany Continental Germany Deutsche Post Germany Novo Nordisk Denmark Publicis France Roche Switzerland Ryanair Ireland Schneider Electric France Syngenta Switzerland Commenting on the markets, Vincent Devlin, representing the Investment Manager noted: During the month the Company's undiluted NAV gained 2.0% and the share price rose by 2.5%. For reference, the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index returned 2.0% during the same period. European equities rose during May, benefiting on a broad basis from a weakening of the Euro, an easing of Russian tensions and an apparent bottoming out in data from China. The rotation (out of momentum and cyclicals, into defensives and Emerging Markets exposed names) which began in March and increased in magnitude during April continued into May, at least for the first two to three weeks of the month. Peripheral bond spreads also widened, albeit briefly, in response to weaker than expected economic data from Portugal and Italy, marking the first time that fixed income markets had participated in the rotation. Later in the month, markets were calmed following the European parliamentary elections; although we saw a strong rise in support for Euro sceptic parties in France, UK and the Netherlands, this did not mark a significant change to the workings of the parliament. In Italy, Renzi gained more support than expected, providing further backing for the potential reforms and, despite the momentary rise running into the elections, peripheral bond yields found new lows towards the end of May. Stock selection was the main driver of the outperformance, while sector allocation also detracted. From a sector perspective, the Company's underweight position to oil & gas (zero exposure) contributed to returns while an overweight position in financials and industrials detracted. Stock selection within financials significantly contributed to returns. This was again noticeable from the strong performance of Garanti Bankasi and Halk Bankasi; however, the top performing position was Sberbank of Russia. The Russian bank has performed well after tensions between the Ukraine and Russia subsided somewhat. A position in Hungarian OTP Bank also performed well but this was in contrast to financial names within developed Europe as holdings in Société Générale, Unicredit, ING, KBC and AXA were all detractors to returns. A position in Novo Nordisk was the Company's largest detractor over the month after announcing disappointing sales figures for Q1 even though they were expected to be weak. Although this year may be more of a 'transition' year for the business we still believe that the strong pipeline potential for insulin treatment is attractive and that the company remains one of the highest quality franchises in Europe. At the end of the month, the Company was positioned with higher weightings in industrials, consumer services, financials and health care and with lower weightings in consumer goods, oil & gas, basic materials, telecoms, utilities and technology. Outlook Global economic growth is expected to be positive for 2014 but the magnitude is less certain given China slowing and US tapering. European data is increasingly pointing to a recovery and is particularly encouraging for the periphery. European political and public policy uncertainty is declining and the peak of austerity is behind us. Consensus earnings estimates have moderated since the beginning of 2014 with international earnings continuing to come under pressure from FX headwinds, while European domestic earnings are now more realistic and have scope to benefit from a domestic recovery. We maintain our projection of 8% earnings growth this year in Europe. Monetary policy remains key to global growth and the ECB may need to apply new measures to stave off disinflation risks in the Eurozone. We are spending significant time analysing the factors that can help us piece together the road map over the next two years. The ability of individual companies to deliver above their expected earnings will also be key over this period. 10 June 2014 ENDS Latest information is available by typing www.brgeplc.co.uk on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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