Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST plc All information is at 30 April 2015 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Three Launch Month Months Year Years (20 Sep 04) Net asset value* (undiluted) 0.6% 7.4% 7.9% 53.0% 222.4% Net asset value* (diluted) 0.6% 6.3% 8.2% 51.9% 219.4% Share price -2.1% 8.0% 6.5% 54.5% 211.6% FTSE World Europe ex UK 0.0% 6.1% 7.0% 57.4% 157.0% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream At month end Net asset value (capital only): 262.53p XD Net asset value (including income): 264.04p XD Net asset value (capital only)*: 260.16p XD Net asset value (including income)*: 261.42p XD Share price: 253.50p XD Discount to NAV (including income): 4.0% Discount to NAV (including income)*: 3.0% Subscription share price: 21.00p Net gearing: 3.2% Net yield**: 1.9% Total assets (including income): £279.0m Ordinary shares in issue***: 105,676,343 Subscription shares: 20,633,300 Ongoing charges****: 0.94% * Diluted for subscription shares and treasury shares. ** Based on prior year final dividend of 3.2p and current year interim dividend of 1.65p per share. *** Excluding 5,561,653 shares held in treasury **** Calculated as a percentage of average net assets and using expenses, excluding performance fees and interest costs, after relief for taxation for the year ended 31 August 2014. Sector Analysis Total Assets (%) Country Analysis Total Assets (%) Financials 34.7 France 17.5 Industrials 19.6 Switzerland 15.1 Consumer Goods 12.6 Germany 13.3 Health Care 10.2 Italy 11.6 Consumer Services 7.7 Netherlands 8.4 Technology 6.9 Ireland 7.2 Basic Materials 4.3 Sweden 6.7 Telecommunications 4.0 Denmark 5.7 Utilities 2.4 Spain 5.0 Oil & Gas 0.8 Belgium 3.6 Net current liabilities (3.2) Finland 3.5 ----- Turkey 2.8 100.0 Russia 2.8 ===== Net current liabilities (3.2) ----- 100.0 ===== Ten Largest Equity Investments % of Company Country Total Assets Novartis Switzerland 5.4 Novo-Nordisk Denmark 4.8 Roche Switzerland 3.8 KBC Groep Belgium 3.6 Banco Santander Spain 3.3 Bayer Germany 3.0 Deutsche Telekom Germany 2.8 AXA France 2.8 ASML Netherlands 2.7 Heineken Netherlands 2.7 Commenting on the markets, Vincent Devlin, representing the Investment Manager noted: During the month, the Company's NAV rose 0.6% and the share price fell -2.1%. For reference, the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index was flat during the period, returning 0.0%. European Equity markets were mixed over April with a strong start being offset by falling indices in the latter half of the month. The Eurozone lagged broader Europe as the Euro reversed some of its recent weakness versus the US dollar. Macro data was mixed with global flash April Manufacturing indexes weaker and the expectations component of the German Business Climate Index worsening. However, broad indicators of economic performance such as money supply continued to signal improvement and European earnings continued to see net upgrades. Data from the US was generally weaker. In sector terms, energy performed very strongly as the oil price continued to rebound, with Brent crude approaching $70 per barrel. Health Care and Financials lagged the market, reversing some of the outperformance seen since the beginning of the year. Stock selection drove performance; however, the Company experienced detractions on a sector allocation basis. Primarily, this was due to the Company's very low exposure versus the benchmark to the Oil & Gas sector which recovered during April after multi-month underperformance. The Company also experienced detractions at a sector level from a greater exposure to Technology and Financials. The strongest performer during the month was Sberbank of Russia, which was supported by the general rally in this market. Russia is one of the best performing markets year to date; the political environment is normalising, the Ruble is appreciating and the central bank are cutting rates. Italian asset manager Anima also contributed strongly to performance as it continues to be supported by the favourable structural changes evident within the Italian savings market. Additionally, the share price gained on the news of a 10% stake of the company being sold to Poste Italiane, which is likely to be strongly beneficial for asset inflows. The Company experienced detractions due to a reversal factor apparent in European markets towards the end of the month, with previous winners losing out. Zurich Insurance and Intesa Sanpaolo were two such names. The Company also experienced detractions from not holding Total and Eni as the Oil & Gas sector began to recover. At the end of the month, the Company had higher exposure to Financials, Technology and Consumer Services. The Company had less exposure to Oil & Gas, Basic Materials, Health Care, Utilities, Consumer Goods and Telecoms. The Company's exposure to Industrials was in line with the benchmark. Outlook European Central Bank Quantitative Easing (QE) is underway, now in month two of what should be a long period of QE, so we think liquidity will remain supportive for European equities. Whilst the market could consolidate given the rapid rise we have seen in a short period, ongoing accommodative monetary policies, supportive and improving earnings momentum and a successful resolution to the Greek negotiations, could push the market level higher still in our view. Valuations are less attractive than they were six months ago versus historic levels, but we note that the market is equally not expensive. Looking ahead on that front, we need to watch the Greek negotiations in case of slippage which could lead to a sell-off and potentially open up a buying opportunity. We also need to keep an eye on the US macro momentum which is expected to improve post the weather related weakness of the first quarter, but seems to be taking longer to pick up than we would have expected. This will continue to have implications for FX movements, which have been a big driver for some of the stock performances in Europe. Uncertainty around weak Chinese economic momentum remains another important area to watch, but we note that recent supportive actions by the Chinese authorities to offset the weaker trends, could lead to a pickup in momentum. This is another area to keep a close eye on given the importance of the region for European corporates. 14 May 2015 ENDS Latest information is available by typing www.brgeplc.co.ukon the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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