Portfolio Update

MERRILL LYNCH GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST plc All information is at 31 May 2007 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Since launch Month Months Year (20Sep04) Net asset value 3.8% 11.3% 25.3% 98.0% Share price 1.4% 8.6% 27.3% 86.9% FTSE World Europe ex UK 3.2% 13.1% 30.0% 87.6% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream. At month end Net asset value: 193.28p Includes net revenue of 2.57p Share price: 182.25p Discount to NAV: 5.7% Gearing: 6.0% Net yield: 1.1% Total assets: £252.2m Ordinary shares in issue: 124,729,045 Benchmark Sector Analysis Total Assets Index Country Analysis Total Assets (%) (%) (%) Financials 31.6 33.1 Germany 21.9 Basic Materials 11.4 5.6 France 14.0 Healthcare 10.6 6.7 Switzerland 10.9 Telecommunications 9.2 6.0 Italy 9.5 Industrials 8.3 12.5 Spain 7.4 Oil & Gas 7.6 7.7 Russia 5.3 Utilities 6.9 5.9 Netherlands 4.6 Consumer Services 5.9 13.0 Finland 4.2 Consumer Goods 5.4 5.3 Turkey 4.1 Other Investments 3.0 4.2 Greece 3.7 Technology 1.7 - Austria 2.0 Net current liabilities (1.6) - Poland 2.0 Ireland 1.9 Israel 1.9 Norway 1.9 Sweden 1.7 Denmark 1.2 Luxembourg 1.2 Hungary 1.0 Cyprus 1.0 UK 0.2 Net current liabilities (1.6) ----- ----- ----- 100.0 100.0 100.0 ----- ----- ----- Ten Largest Equity Investments Company Country of Risk Bayer Germany BlackRock Eurasian Frontiers Fund Emerging Europe Intesa Sanpaolo Italy Nokia Finland Novartis Switzerland OTE (Hellenic Telecommunications) Greece Roche Holdings Switzerland Siemens Germany Societe Generale France Telefonica Spain Commenting on the markets, James Macmillan, representing the Investment Manager noted: European equity markets continued their upward trend in May and the FTSE World Europe ex UK (net) returned 3.2% in GBP terms. Investors were encouraged by the upbeat news flow on economic growth in Europe, particularly in Germany, positive company results and a continued stream of mergers & acquisition transactions. Performance in Emerging Europe was mixed with continued underperformance from Russia focused mainly in the energy sector. The MSCI Emerging Europe Index returned -1.3%. The Company's NAV returned 3.8% during May outperforming the reference index by 0.6%. The contribution from the Emerging Europe region was beneficial with strong performance in Turkey more than compensating for underperformance in Russia. The Company benefited from being geared in a rising market. The Company's exposure to material and automobile sectors proved to be beneficial with strong performance from holdings in car manufacturers BMW and Renault, steel companies Arcelor Mittal and Vallourec, and paper/stationery provider Ipek Matbaacilik. The Company also benefited from strong stock selection in energy and telecoms. The stocks which detracted from performance were found mainly in the banking sector which fell due to concerns over rising interest rates and slowing loan growth, along with selected holdings in health care and pharmaceuticals. During the month the Company increased its exposure to the telecoms sector through the purchase of Greek telecommunications company OTE. This was partially funded by reducing exposure to materials and insurance through the sale of buildings company CRH and specialities chemical producer Umnicore. The Company continues to have a bias towards financials, through banks, along with pharmaceuticals, materials and energy. Exposure to Emerging Europe decreased during the month to finish at 14.3%, with key country exposures being Turkey, Russia and the BlackRock Eurasian Frontiers Hedge Fund. During the month the Company increased its net market exposure to 106%. We remain positive on the prospects for European and Emerging European equities. Despite recent market volatility the latest evidence appears to suggest that the global economy remains in reasonable health with a slight tempering of growth rather than the emergence of a recession or a serious slowdown. Companies have generally reported good Q1 results, with decent earnings growth and record profits and this has been driven by a pick up in domestic consumer demand as well as robust global export demand. We believe a combination of strong earnings growth and attractive valuations should allow the market to make progress against what may be a more challenging international backdrop. Latest Latest information is available by typing www.blackrock.co.uk/its on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). 20 June 2007
UK 100

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