Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK INCOME AND GROWTH INVESTMENT TRUST PLC All information is at 31 August and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Three Five month months year years Years Sterling: Share price 1.1% 10.8% 12.6% 31.9% -9.8% Net asset value 2.4% 9.5% 12.2% 35.6% -7.4% FSTE All-Share Total Return 2.2% 8.6% 10.2% 30.7% 9.5% Sources: BlackRock and Datastream BlackRock took over the investment management of the Company with effect from 1 April 2012. At month end Sterling: Net asset value - capital only: 142.62p Net asset value - cum income*: 144.88p Share price: 135.50p Total assets (including income): £41.1m Discount to cum-income NAV: 6.5% Gearing: 6.7% Net yield: 3.8% Ordinary shares in issue**: 28,379,268 *includes net revenue of 2.26 pence per share ** excludes 4,554,664 shares held in treasury Benchmark Sector Analysis Total assets (%) Oil & Gas Producers 13.45 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 10.54 Mobile Telecommunications 9.13 Media 8.19 Banks 7.87 Tobacco 7.59 Mining 7.05 Food Producers 4.60 Non Life Insurance 3.68 Equity Investment Instruments 3.08 Life Insurance 2.90 Software & Computer Services 2.80 Non Equity Investment Instruments 2.77 Support Services 2.59 General Retailers 2.42 Aerospace & Defense 2.31 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 2.13 Electricity 1.97 Gas, Water & Multiutilities 1.76 Real Estate Investment & Services 1.61 Financial Services 1.47 Technology Hardware & Equipment 1.31 Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution 0.51 Net Current Liabilities (1.73) ------ Total 100.00 ------ Ten Largest Equity Investments Company % of Total assets Vodafone 9.13 Royal Dutch Shell B 8.37 HSBC 5.98 GlaxoSmithKline 4.96 British American Tobacco 4.67 UBM 3.84 Antofagasta 3.75 Unilever 3.61 Tullow Oil 3.42 BHP Billiton 3.30 Commenting on the markets, Nick McLeod-Clarke & Adam Avigdori, representing the Investment Manager noted: Markets The UK equity market produced positive returns in August, with the rally driven by an earnings season that produced no material negatives and greater confidence that European policymakers are ready to act. A mix of cyclicals and financials were the most positive contributors to market returns, although mining was the exception and was one of the worst performing sectors. Companies with more defensive earnings - pharmaceuticals, tobacco and mobile telecoms - were amongst the most negative contributors to market performance. Portfolio Performance The Company returned 2.4% over the month, ahead of its benchmark, the FTSE All Share (Total Return) Index, which returned 2.2%. Amongst the contributors to portfolio returns, plumbing goods supplier Wolseley gained on signs that the US housing market is seeing signs of revival. Recent acquisitions helped Spectris, the supplier of precision instrument and industrial controls, overcome tough trading conditions as customers continue to seek productivity gains. The company's interim results showed a good first half performance and were in line with expectations. Carphone Warehouse reported first quarter results at the end of July that were ahead of expectations. Shares of business information and exhibitions group UBM continued to do well after reporting a good set of interim numbers at the end of July, with its events division performing well, particularly in China. Shares of Playtech climbed after the gaming software company reported a strong set of interim results as revenue doubled in the first half of the year. Being underweight the mining sector was again beneficial as the sector performed poorly on weaker commodity prices and hence not owning Rio Tinto and Anglo American helped portfolio returns. As doubts grew over Glencore's proposed merger with Xstrata - after further scrutiny of the terms of the deal - the shares of both companies (neither of which are held in the portfolio) recovered from the previous month's falls, which had detracted from returns. Other detractors were modest, with Vodafone, Unilever and Imperial Tobacco lagging as investors favoured cyclical companies. Outlook Macro risk has been a key feature across financial markets again this year. The continuing euro crisis, lower Chinese growth and broader slowdown fears across emerging markets combined with concerns about the US budget deficit have dominated investor debate in recent months. Consequently this remains an environment that is dominated by short term trading patterns where macro-economic factors dominate market returns. We prefer to make investments where we believe we have a competitive edge and an information advantage. We continue to position the portfolio towards companies where the fundamentals are strong and the business can take advantage of geographies that are growing strongly. Overall equity valuations look attractive relative to other asset classes and we continue to believe that emerging economies offer the best economic fundamentals. UK equity valuations still look attractive compared to those of most other asset classes, with the prospect of high quality earnings and dividend growth. 14 September 2012
UK 100

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