Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK NORTH AMERICAN INCOME TRUST plc All information is at 31 January 2013 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One month Since launch (24 Oct 2012) Net asset value +6.7% +6.9% Share price +5.8% +9.3% Russell 1000 Value Index +9.2% +9.3% Source: BlackRock At month end Net asset value - capital only: 103.78p Net asset value - cum income: 105.00p Share price: 109.25p Premium to cum income NAV: 4.0% Net yield: n/a Total assets including current year revenue: £73.55m Gearing: 0.0% Options overwrite: 16.4% Ordinary shares in issue: 70,050,000 During the month, the company issued 1,850,000 shares for proceeds of £1.92m Benchmark Sector Analysis Total Assets (%) Financials 18.1 Industrials 14.9 Energy 13.3 Consumer Staples 12.3 Consumer Discretionary 9.9 Health Care 7.5 Materials 6.8 Utilities 6.8 Telecommunication Services 5.1 Information Technology 4.4 Net current assets 0.9 ----- 100.0 ===== Country Analysis Total Assets (%) USA 85.3 Canada 6.2 United Kingdom 2.2 Australia 2.0 France 1.5 Netherlands 1.5 Peru 0.4 Net current assets 0.9 ----- 100.0 ===== Ten Largest Investments (in alphabetical order) Company Country of Risk BHP Billiton Australia Chevron USA Exxon Mobil USA General Electric USA Home Depot USA IBM USA JP MorganChase USA Pfizer USA Philip Morris USA Wells Fargo USA Bob Shearer and Kathleen Anderson, representing the Investment Manager, noted: Performance For the one month period ended January 31, 2013 the Trust posted a 6.7% increase in its NAV while the shares appreciated by 5.8% (all in sterling) while the Trust's benchmark, the Russell 1000 Value Index returned 9.2%. The Trust generated positive returns in 10 out of 10 GICS sectors during the month. On an absolute basis the financials, energy and industrials sectors each added over 100 basis points to returns. On a relative basis, the Trust benefited marginally from an overweight to consumer staples. Relative underperformance for the period came primarily from stock selection, with stock selection in consumer discretionary and industrials being the largest detractors from monthly returns. Stock selection in consumer staples, financials, energy and materials also hurt relative performance. Transactions/Gearing There were no significant transactions or changes to gearing in the Trust during the period. Positioning There are many positive signs for US equities as we begin 2013. Fiscal cliff uncertainty has been (mostly) reduced; central banks around the world are collectively easing; employment growth has been positive; housing appears to have begun a recovery; corporate balance sheets are strong; dividend payout ratios are hovering around historic lows, and although slowing, emerging markets remain as engines of global growth. However, there are also negative influences that cannot be overlooked. These include: the European debt and budget issues, high unemployment, a fiscal drag from tax changes, US debt ceiling issues and the potential for inflation given exceptionally accommodating central banks. On balance, we believe that the positive forces here outweigh the negative, and that the US economy will continue to grow, albeit slowly, as the remaining issues work themselves out or are forcefully resolved. As we consider all of these factors in conjunction with the current level of equity valuation, there is a strong case to be made for investment in US equities, especially among the highest quality, dividend-paying segment of the market. While equities broadly have rebounded and proved resilient during the last year, they are exceedingly attractive relative to other asset classes, and especially fixed income. As investors begin a new year, they do so with a number of concerns, but significant opportunity. Top of mind are the expense of bonds, the lack of yield in the marketplace, broad underexposure to equities, worries about outliving income and the prospect of inflation on the not-so-distant horizon. We believe that equity income securities can offer a unique solution to these concerns in this environment, and expect that the investors will place a high degree of confidence in these stocks throughout 2013. ENDS 14 February 2013 Latest information is available by typing www..co.uk on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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