Final Results

29 January 2010 THE THROGMORTON TRUST PLC Announcement of results in respect of the year ended 30 November 2009 Chairman's Statement Performance I am pleased to report that the Company has performed well during the year to 30 November 2009. Markets have rallied since March and the share prices of UK small and mid cap companies have generally been strong. At the year end the undiluted net asset value per share ("NAV") had increased by 64.4% whilst the share price had risen by 100.0%. By comparison, the Hoare Govett Smaller Companies plus AIM (ex Investment Companies) Index increased by 59.4%. (All percentages calculated in sterling terms with income reinvested). The CFD portfolio generated positive returns for shareholders amounting to £1,447,000. In the early part of the year, the short CFD position contributed to the performance. The Manager unwound the net short position at the end of the first calendar quarter and established a net long position which provided incremental performance in the second half. The CFD portfolio ranged from 21.0% to 31.0% of NAV during the year with an average of 27.0%. Further analysis is given in the Investment Manager's Report. Under the terms of the management agreement with BlackRock, any outperformance of the benchmark index from 11 September 2008 onwards will give rise to a performance fee. For the year ended 30 November 2009 the performance fee amounted to £353,000. For the purposes of calculating the performance fee, the total return for the year amounted to 61.8% giving an outperformance of 2.4%. Details of the performance fee calculation are shown in note 3. Revenue return and dividends Revenue return per share for the year amounted to 4.24 pence compared with 3.85 pence for the previous year, a rise of 10.1%. The increase is due to the repayment of interest relating to the refund of prior years' VAT in the current year, which contributed 1.68 pence to revenue return. The prior year revenue return was also inflated by a refund of VAT which contributed 1.12 pence to revenue in this period. After adjusting for the impact of VAT related items, like for like revenue return for the year had fallen by 6.2% from 2.73 pence in the prior year to 2.56 pence in the current year. This decrease mainly reflects the change in composition of the portfolio following the reorganisation that took place after the transfer of the investment mandate to BlackRock in 2008 and the subsequent tender offer. Further details relating to the interest repayment on the VAT refund are given below. The Directors are proposing a final dividend of 2.20 pence per share, which represents an increase of 18.9% (2008: 1.85 pence) together with a special dividend of 2.00 pence (2008: 3.00 pence) per share making a total dividend for the year of 4.75 pence per share. The final and special dividends are payable on 26 March 2010 to shareholders on the Company's register on 19 February 2010 (ex dividend date is 17 February 2010). Tender offers In July 2008 the Board announced that it would, at its discretion, implement tender offers, subject to shareholder approval. This discretion was exercised on 3 July 2009 and a 10% tender offer was implemented as at 1 September 2009. The tender price of 126.55 pence per share was paid to shareholders on 23 September 2009. It was announced on 26 November 2009 that having reviewed the current position of the Company, including the continued strong performance, the Board had decided not to exercise its discretion to implement a tender offer in February 2010. Subscription shares At a general meeting held on 1 October 2009, shareholders approved a proposal to make a bonus issue of subscription shares. Following the general meeting a total of 14,822,901 subscription shares were allotted to ordinary shareholders on the Company's register at 5.00 p.m. on 30 September 2009, by way of a bonus issue on the basis of one subscription share for every five ordinary shares held at that date. The subscription shares confer the right, exercisable on each of 31 January, 30 April, 31 July and 31 October between 31 January 2010 and 31 October 2011, inclusive, to subscribe for all or any of the ordinary shares to which the subscription shares relate at the price of 146.00 pence per share. The detailed terms and conditions of the subscription shares are set out in the Prospectus dated 3 September 2009. Refund of VAT I am pleased to report that following the success of the Association of Investment companies ("AIC") and JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust plc challenge to the imposition of VAT on management fees charged in investment trusts, HMRC has now repaid all of the irrecoverable VAT incurred by the Company outside of the 1996 - 2001 period for which protective claims were time barred, together with interest thereon. The Board has elected to join the PwC Investment Trust Company Restitution Action to seek to recover VAT incurred during the excluded period directly from HMRC. AIFM Directive The European Union's ("EU") draft "AIFM Directive" is a controversial measure aimed at regulating alternative investment funds which, in its current form, has major implications for your Company and other investment trusts. The AIC believes that the draft AIFM Directive is not proportionate because it threatens serious, negative consequences for all listed investment companies without providing compensating benefits. These issues arise regardless of the company's asset allocation, size, domicile or the market in which their shares are traded. The AIC recognises the far reaching implications of the AIFM Directive on listed investment companies and is currently engaged with the EU to seek the development of rules which would allow the business model of the listed investment company sector to continue (albeit with additional regulatory obligations). I have written to MEPs in support of the AIC stance. BlackRock is also making representations to the EU to seek a final form of the AIFM Directive which will regulate companies such as this one in a more proportionate, fair and effective way. New Articles of Association At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, shareholders will be asked to approve new Articles of Association (the "Articles") in substitution for the current Articles. The new Articles will take account of the implementation in August 2009, of the Companies (Shareholders' Rights) Regulations 2009 and in October 2009 of the final parts of the Companies Act 2006. Further details of the proposed changes to be introduced in the new Articles are set out in the Directors' Report and the Notice of Annual General Meeting within the annual report. Outlook Global markets and economies are emerging from recession and starting to show signs of recovery. Uncertainty remains about the strength, pace and sustainability of future economic growth but we are confident that our commitment to good quality growth companies combined with the opportunities provided by the CFD portfolio will continue to reward shareholders. Richard Bernays Chairman 29 January 2010 Interim Management Report and Responsibility Statement The Chairman's statement above and the Investment Managers' Report following give details of important events which have occurred during the period and their impact on the financial statements. Principal risks The key risks faced by the Company are set out below. The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for managing each risk, as summarised below. Performance risk - The Board is responsible for deciding the investment strategy to fulfil the Company's objective and monitoring the performance of the Investment Manager. An inappropriate strategy may lead to poor performance. To manage this risk the Investment Manager provides an explanation of significant stock selection decisions and the rationale for the composition of the investment portfolio. The Board monitors and maintains an adequate spread of investments in order to minimise the risks associated with factors specific to particular sectors, based on the diversification requirements inherent in the Company's investment policy. Income/dividend risk - The amount of dividends and future dividend growth will depend on the Company's underlying portfolio. Any change in the tax treatment of the dividends or interest received by the Company may reduce the level of dividends received by shareholders. The Board monitors this risk through the receipt of detailed income forecasts and considers the level of income at each meeting. Regulatory risk - The Company operates as an investment trust in accordance with section 842 of ICTA. As such the Company is exempt from capital gains tax on the profits realised from the sale of its investments. The Investment Manager monitors investment movements, the level and type of forecast income and expenditure and the amount of half yearly dividends to ensure that the provisions of section 842 are not breached. The results are reported to the Board at each meeting. Operational risk - In common with most other investment trust companies, the Company has no employees. The Company therefore relies upon the services provided by third parties and is dependent on the control systems of the Investment Manager and the Company's other service providers. The security, for example, of the Company's assets, dealing procedures, accounting records and maintenance of regulatory and legal requirements, depend on the effective operation of these systems. These are regularly tested and monitored and an internal control report, which includes an assessment of risks together with procedures to mitigate such risks, is prepared by the Investment Manager and reviewed by the Audit Committee at least twice a year. The Investment Manager produces an annual SAS70 report which is reviewed by its auditors and gives assurance regarding the effective operation of controls. Financial risks - The Company's investment activities expose it to a variety of financial risks that include market price risk, foreign currency risk and interest rate risk. The Company has approximately 34.6% of its portfolio invested in AIM traded securities, and, by the very nature of its investment objective, largely invests in smaller companies, and liquidity in these securities can from time to time become constrained, making these investments difficult to realise at or near published prices, giving rise to additional liquidity risk. This is taken into consideration by the Directors when determining the valuation of these holdings. There are also risks linked to the Company's use of derivative transactions including CFDs. Further details are disclosed in note 19 of the annual report, together with a summary of the policies for managing these risks and liquidity and credit risks. Related party transactions The investment management fee for the year charged by BlackRock was £838,000 (2008: £508,000). In addition a performance fee was payable of £353,000 (2008: £377,000). At the year end, an amount of £905,000 was outstanding in respect of these fees (2008: £377,000). The Company's prime broker, Merrill Lynch International, is associated with BlackRock. At the year end, the Company had a negative cash balance of £40,000 (2008: a positive cash balance of £3,708,000) with the prime broker. The Company also had an investment in BlackRock's Institutional Cash Fund of £14,000 (2008: £9,999,000) at the year end. Directors' responsibility statement The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law they have prepared the financial statements in accordance with applicable laws and UK Accounting Standards (UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). The Directors are required to ensure that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the affairs of the Company as at the end of each financial year and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to: - select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; - make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and - state whether applicable UK accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements. The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for preparing a Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and Corporate Governance Statement that comply with that law and those regulations. The Directors have delegated responsibility to the Investment Manager for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's corporate and financial information included on the Investment Managers' website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: - the financial statements, prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and - the annual report includes a fair view of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. Investment Manager's Report Market review and overall investment performance Markets have rallied strongly since last March as hopes have built that economies are stabilising and recovery is in prospect. This has enabled us to recover a significant part of the losses sustained in the latter part of 2008. During the year to 30 November 2009 the NAV rose by 64.4% and the benchmark rose by 59.4%. Over this period larger companies lagged, with the FTSE100 Index rising by only 26.3%. (All percentages calculated in sterling terms with income reinvested). Long only portfolio performance Our best performance came in the technology sectors. Software was our largest overweight sector during the year and on average our holdings increased in value by 71%. The largest percentage increases came from holdings in Alterian and Fidessa, both key global players in their areas of customer marketing and communications software and financial trading software respectively. Holdings in SDL and Aveva also performed very well. Our technology hardware stocks also performed well with holdings in Pace, a leading global supplier of set top boxes, seeing very strong growth and earnings upgrades leading to its share price more than tripling, and Dmatek, a supplier of electronic monitoring technology, being acquired. Some of our resources and emerging markets related investments achieved strong share price increases, notably Emerald Energy, which was acquired by Sinochem, and City of London Investment Group, which manages funds predominantly invested in emerging markets. A number of investments performed poorly. Endace, which supplies solutions mainly to government security agencies, banks and telecoms companies to allow them to ensure that internet traffic is secure, suffered as customers delayed placing orders. London Capital did not experience a repeat of the highly volatile trading conditions of late 2008 which enabled its spread betting operations to achieve extraordinary returns. Intercytex saw its key drug fail in trials. Mouchel did not win key contracts, and suffered lower utilisation in its consultancy operations which are largely public sector orientated. Umeco's share price was weak following concern about its lack of cash generation, high gearing and weaker aerospace markets. Connaught and Alternative Networks saw their shares derated. Connaught is largely public sector focussed, and Alternative Networks saw reduced corporate usage of its telecoms devices as spending controls tightened. We have sold our holdings in Mouchel, Intercytex, Umeco and Connaught. Activity Our strategy for much of the year under review was to increase exposure to early cyclical companies. We generally bought companies with strong market positions, preferably serving international markets, and with proprietary technology or strong brands. Purchases during the year included Cookson, Charter, Spectris, Renishaw, Halfords and Headlam. Cookson stands to benefit from a recovery in steel consumption in China; a significant part of its supplies are consumables. Charter is an engineering group which through its welding supplies division is, like Cookson, a direct beneficiary of a recovery in steel consumption. Spectris and Renishaw design and supply measurement tools and instrumentation; most of their sales are international with the Asia Pacific region being important. Halfords and Headlam are both well run UK orientated consumer companies, which dominate their markets and have attractive and safe dividend yields. The companies we sold had either disappointed, such as Mouchel, or were overly dependent on either UK government spending, such as Babcock and Chemring, or the UK consumer, but lacking some of the more defensive characteristics found in stocks such as Halfords and Headlam. CFD portfolio The CFD portfolio generated good returns during the year, although the first half of the financial year, in particular March and April, were very difficult as poor quality, highly leveraged stocks rallied sharply; in many cases we were short of these stocks. As the year progressed we closed out a number of short positions, increasing the net long positions such that, including the long only portfolio, we are currently 110% net exposed to markets. At the year end the CFD portfolio comprised 63 positions (2008: 72), of which 35 were long positions, representing investments mainly in our preferred core holdings such as Rotork, Aveva and Abcam. Overall, the CFD portfolio generated net positive returns for shareholders amounting to £1,447,000, with the long CFD positions performing particularly well. Gross assets in the CFD portfolio ranged from 21.0% to 31.0% of NAV during the year with an average of 27.0%. Portfolio positioning We are focussed mainly on good quality growth companies which meet our criteria for core holdings; these are the large positions in the portfolio. Many have strong, leading technology including holdings such as Fidessa, Aveva, Pace, Dechra Pharmaceuticals, Domino Printing Sciences, BATM Advanced Communications, Alterian, Kewill, Intec Telecom Systems and Spirent. Other portfolio holdings have well known brands, for example Rathbone Brothers, Rensburg Sheppards, Brewin Dolphin and Abcam. Others provide excellent exposure to emerging markets, many of which we expect to lead global GDP growth over the next five years, for example City of London Investment Group, ITE Group, Rotork, Spirax-Sarco and Victrex. We increased our exposure to real estate companies during the second half of the financial year. Our preferred location in this sector is the West End of London, represented by holdings in Derwent London, Shaftesbury and Great Portland Estates. We also like the developers which have excellent management and track records, notably St Modwen Properties, Development Securities and Helical Bar. Within the resources sectors our larger holdings are sensibly valued producers, including oil producers Premier Oil, Gulfsands Petroleum and Valiant Petroleum, and mining companies Eastern Platinum, Petropavlovsk (formerly Peter Hambro Mining) and International FerroMetals. We hold a number of small investments in companies with potentially very significant upside. These include oil exploration companies such as Falklands explorers Desire Petroleum and Falkland Oil & Gas. Amongst the junior miners we hold small stakes in Zimbabwe orientated Mwana Africa, which is growing its gold production and is generally very well placed to benefit from any rehabilitation of Zimbabwe, and Petra Diamonds, which recently found a 507 carat diamond at its Cullinan mine. Our other cyclical holdings include construction related companies such as Keller, a leading global player in ground preparation, housebuilder Bellway, and engineering consultancy WSP Group. We are generally cautious about the outlook for the UK economy. It faces headwinds which are stronger than most developed economies, including high public sector debt, with the likelihood of large increases in taxes and further reductions in public sector spending soon after the impending general election. We continue to hold shares in a few very defensive companies, for example Caretech, which has a high level of long term contracted revenue, a strong management team and scope to gain significant market share. We maintain significant underweight positions in UK discretionary consumer related sectors especially travel & leisure and general retailers. A review of the portfolio's style relative to our benchmark shows unsurprising results. Our long only portfolio beta is 0.94, reflecting our preference for less volatile stocks. The tracking error has edged down slightly over the last six months. Relative to our benchmark our portfolio is comprised of stocks which, in general have positive share price momentum, are smaller in market capitalisation terms, are not value stocks are less frequently traded and have greater than average exposure to international markets. Outlook Developed economies are starting to recover from a painful recession. Recovery is expected to be slow, but we hope that we can look forward to a gradual recovery and a return to a period of growth which should continue for many years to come. Cyclical recovery stocks have performed very strongly since March; many have already seen their share prices double from cyclical lows. The quality growth companies which we know best, and which dominate our portfolio, have lagged during the rally since last March, but they should fare better as investors switch to companies they are willing to hold for the medium term. There are already early signs that this is happening, and that we are moving back into more of a stock pickers market. This should favour our investment approach. Mike Prentis and Richard Plackett BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 29 January 2010 Fifty Largest Investments as at 30 November 2009 Market % of value total Prospective Company £'000 portfolio PE ratio* Description Fidessa 2,498 2.3 19.0 Development and marketing of financial trading and connectivity software Brewin Dolphin Holdings 2,319 2.2 13.9 Fund management and stockbroking Aveva Group 2,289 2.1 19.7 Development and marketing of engineering computer software Abcam# 2,058 1.9 22.9 Production and distribution of research-grade antibodies and associated products Domino Printing Sciences 1,930 1.8 12.5 Manufacturer of inkjet and laser commercial printers BATM Advanced 1,914 1.8 7.9 Development and Communications production of data and telecommunications products City Of London 1,799 1.7 10.9 Management of Investment Group# investment funds primarily invested in emerging markets Victrex 1,780 1.7 18.8 Manufacture and supply of PEEK thermoplastic products Rensburg Sheppards 1,757 1.6 13.7 Private client fund management Rotork 1,703 1.6 15.6 Engineering, manufacturing and design of valve actuators Eastern Platinum# 1,626 1.5 - Exploration, development and production of platinum group metals Spirax-Sarco Engineering 1,616 1.5 14.4 Design and manufacture of steam management systems ITE Group 1,599 1.5 12.7 Organisation of trade exhibitions in Russia and other FSU countries Pace 1,534 1.4 11.8 Design and sale of digital set top boxes Rathbone Brothers 1,506 1.4 17.8 Private client fund management Dechra Pharmaceuticals 1,435 1.3 15.7 Development, manufacture and supply of veterinary products Shaftsbury 1,433 1.3 30.4 Ownership and management of retail and leisure property in London's West End Alterian 1,421 1.3 12.4 Development and sale of software to improve customer communication and marketing Charter International 1,290 1.2 14.2 Supply of welding consumables and air and gas handling equipment Research Now# 1,286 1.2 15.5 Provision of international online fieldwork and panel specialists Gulfsands Petroleum# 1,260 1.2 8.5 Exploration and production of oil in Syria and Iraq Hutchison China Meditech# 1,217 1.1 - Development and supply of traditional Chinese medicines to the Chinese market Hargreaves Services# 1,185 1.1 7.9 Mining, importing, processing and supply of coal and related products Keller Group 1,149 1.1 8.7 Provision of ground engineering solutions JKX Oil & Gas 1,142 1.1 5.8 Production of oil and gas in the Ukraine and other eastern European countries Petropavlovsk 1,142 1.1 13.7 Mining of gold in Russia Valiant Petroleum 1,138 1.1 9.7 Exploration and production of oil and gas in the North Sea region Ultra Electronics 1,127 1.0 13.5 Supply of Holdings electronic defence systems Hardy Underwriting 1,123 1.0 8.3 Provision of Bermuda insurance and re-insurance Premier Oil 1,123 1.0 14.8 Exploration of oil and gas in the North Sea and Asia Spirent Communications 1,118 1.0 14.9 Design and supply of telecoms testing systems Intec Telecom Systems 1,090 1.0 14.1 Supply of telecoms billing software and related services Endace# 1,080 1.0 10.4 Provision of telecoms networks security solutions Mothercare 1,054 1.0 18.6 Supply of baby and children's products Derwent London 1,047 1.0 24.1 Ownership and management of office property in London's West End Planet Payment# 989 0.9 - Provider of payment solutions Avocet Mining# 930 0.9 15.4 Gold exploration and production Immunodiagnostic Systems# 902 0.8 20.1 Development and supply of diagnostic testing systems Cookson 872 0.8 27.0 Supply of materials to the global steel and other industries SDL 869 0.8 14.5 Supply of multilingual translation software and translation services Care UK 849 0.8 9.9 Provision of care to the elderly and disabled Chaucer Holdings 823 0.8 7.4 Provision of insurance and re-insurance International 792 0.7 4.7 Mining and supply FerroMetals of ferrochrome Senior 790 0.7 7.6 Manufacture and supply of components for the aerospace and automotive sectors Caretech# 790 0.7 16.0 Provision of long term care for individuals with learning difficulties Connaught 780 0.7 13.4 Services to improve the quality of social housing Aquarius Platinum 761 0.7 23.6 Exploration, development and production of platinum group metals Great Portland Estates 748 0.7 10.7 Ownership and management of office property in London's West End Bellway 746 0.7 30.6 Housebuilding IQE# 746 0.7 33.9 Manufacture and supply of compound semiconductor wafers 50 largest investments 64,175 59.5 Remaining investments 41,580 38.6 UK equity portfolio 105,755 98.1 CFD portfolio** 2,042 1.9 Total investments 107,797 100.0 * Prospective PE ratio derived using late 2009 analyst estimates and relates to the next set of full year results for each company. ** CFDs are disclosed under current assets and liabilities on the Balance Sheet. No individual positions (long or short) would, if physically held, exceed 1.1% of total investments. # Traded on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange. Disclosure of the Company's smaller holdings would not add materially to shareholders' understanding of the Company's portfolio structure and priority investment themes, hence only the fifty largest investments have been disclosed. Distribution of Investments as at 30 November 2009 % of total long only Sector portfolio Oil & Gas Producers 7.0 Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution 1.1 ----- Oil & Gas 8.1 ----- Chemicals 2.2 Industrial Metals 1.0 Mining 8.9 ----- Basic Materials 12.1 ----- Construction & Materials 1.6 Aerospace & Defence 2.3 General Industrials 0.8 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 4.7 Industrial Engineering 6.9 Industrial Transportation 0.1 Support Services 7.1 ----- Total Industrials 23.5 ----- Beverages 1.9 Household Goods 2.0 Personal Goods 0.1 ----- Consumer Goods 4.0 ----- Health Care Equipment & Services 3.3 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 2.5 Food and Drug Retailers 0.6 ----- Health Care 6.4 ----- General Retailers 3.1 Media 4.3 Travel & Leisure 1.9 ----- Consumer Services 9.3 ----- Fixed Line Telecommunications 0.7 ----- Telecommunications 0.7 ----- Electricity 0.6 ----- Utilities 0.6 ----- Non-life Insurance 2.1 Real Estate 5.8 General Financial 9.7 ----- Financials 17.6 ----- Software & Computer Services 11.6 Technology Hardware & Equipment 6.1 ----- Technology 17.7 ----- Total 100.0 ----- Analysis of the UK and AIM traded long only portfolio % of Index portfolio FTSE 250 43.0% AIM 34.6% FTSE Small Cap 21.9% FTSE Fledgling 0.5% Distribution of contracts for difference portfolio % % Long Short % Sector exposure exposure Total Basic materials 12.7 - 12.7 Consumer goods 22.3 (9.7) 12.6 Consumer services 33.0 (21.0) 12.0 Financials 15.4 - 15.4 Food and beverages - (2.4) (2.4) Industrials 59.1 (45.9) 13.2 Oil & gas 9.7 (3.2) 6.5 Technology 43.4 (13.4) 30.0 ----- ----- ----- Total 195.6 (95.6) 100.0 ----- ----- ----- Historical Record Assets Creditors: amounts falling NAV Isssued Total due after Equity Mid-market absolute share assets less more than shareholders' NAV per price per Year to return capital liabilities one year funds share share 30 November % £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 p p 2009 +54.2 4,224 106,917 - 106,917 144.3 115.8 2008 -51.9(4) 6,863 77,029 - 77,029 93.5(1) 62.8 2007 -2.4 7,003 304,683 32,169 272,514 194.6(2) 152.0 2006 +16.2 8,179 358,381 32,169 326,212 199.4(2) 164.3 2005 +27.8 9,130 345,553(2) 32,169 313,384(2) 171.6(2,3) 142.0 2004 +28.0 11,488 340,746(3) 32,194 308,552(3) 134.3(2,3) 110.3 2003 +35.4 11,600 277,557 34,119 243,438 104.9(2) 84.0 2002 -24.9 11,863 228,953 45,126 183,827 77.5 59.0 2001 -9.7 11,886 290,332 45,126 245,206 103.2 81.0 2000 -0.8 12,414 328,844 45,127 283,717 114.3 94.3 (1). NAV per continuing share. (2). Prior charges at par. (3). Restated for changes in accounting policies: the principal changes were to value investments at bid (previously mid) market value and to account for dividends in the period in which they are paid. (4). Includes £5.5 million in respect of the write-back of prior years' VAT. Revenue Net Revenue Total Revenue revenue Available return gross finance Revenue before for per share Dividends Year to revenue costs expenses taxation Taxation distribution £'000 per share 30 November £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 p p 2009 5,201(5) 11 1,783 3,407 4 3,403 4.24 4.85 2008 7,562(6) 798 1,912 4,852 4 4,848 3.85 5.40 2007 6,196 1,983 1,851 2,362 14 2,348 1.54 2.20 2006 7,113 1,937 1,915 3,261 - 3,261 1.84 2.00 2005 7,064 1,973 1,898 3,193 - 3,193 1.58 1.75 2004 7,428 2,136 1,715 3,577 - 3,577 1.55 1.60 2003 7,383 2,550 1,510 3,323 - 3,323 1.40 1.50 2002 7,177 2,582 1,472 3,123 58 3,065 1.29 1.50 2001 8,092 2,611 1,926 3,555 196 3,359 1.40 1.50 2000 9,299 2,616 2,043 4,640 166 4,474 1.70 1.50 (5). Includes interest of £2,469,000 received in relation to the refund of prior years' VAT. (6). Includes £2,284,000 in respect of the write back of prior years' VAT. Income Statement for the year ended 30 November 2009 Revenue Revenue Capital Capital return return return return Total Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains/(losses) on investments held at fair value through profit or loss - - 39,899 (125,374) 39,899 (125,374) Net return on contracts for differences 142 34 1,305 2,221 1,447 2,255 Income from investments held at fair value through profit or loss 2 2,551 4,565 - - 2,551 4,565 Other income 2 39 679 - - 39 679 Investment management and performance fees 3 (210) (422) (981) (1,640) (1,191) (2,062) Write back of prior years' VAT 3 - 2,284 - 3,254 - 5,538 Interest on write back of prior years' VAT 2 2,469 - - - 2,469 - Operating expenses 4 (563) (428) 532 (1,399) (31) (1,827) ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- Net return/(loss) before finance costs and taxation 4,428 6,712 40,755 (122,938) 45,183 (116,226) Finance costs (11) (798) - (2,174) (11) (2,972) Costs on redemption of debenture stocks - - (30) (10,297) (30) (10,297) Change in tender offer provision (1,010) (1,062) 1,111 14,954 101 13,892 ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 3,407 4,852 41,836 (120,455) 45,243 (115,603) ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- Taxation on ordinary activities (4) (4) - - (4) (4) ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- Return/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation 3,403 4,848 41,836 (120,455) 45,239 (115,607) ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- Return/(loss) per ordinary share 8 4.24p 3.85p 52.07p (95.63p) 56.31p (91.78p) ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ ------- The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the Company. The supplementary revenue and capital return columns are both prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. The Company had no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds. Accordingly, no Statement of Recognised Losses has been prepared. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the year ended 30 November 2009 Share Captial Share premium redemption Capital Revenue capital account reserve reserve reserve Total Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 For the year ended 30 November 2009 At 30 November 2008 6,863 35,272 8,327 19,648 6,919 77,029 Return for the year - - - 41,836 3,403 45,239 Issue of subscription shares 148 - - (148) - - Share issue costs - - - (265) - (265) Transfer of assets to tender pool - - - (10,639) - (10,639) Shares purchased and cancelled 9,10 (2,787) - 2,787 - - - Dividends paid and declared (see (a) below) 7 - - - - (4,447) (4,447) ----- ------ ------ ------ ----- ------- At 30 November 2009 4,224 35,272 11,114 50,432 5,875 106,917 ----- ------ ------ ------ ----- ------- For the year ended 30 November 2008 At 30 November 2007 7,003 35,272 8,187 216,860 5,192 272,514 (Loss)/return for the year - - - (120,455) 4,848 (115,607) Transfer of assets to tender pool - - - (74,439) - (74,439) Shares repurchased and cancelled 9,10 (140) - 140 (3,771) - (3,771) Proceeds from shares sold through mix and match facility - - - 1,453 - 1,453 Dividends paid and declared (see (b) below) 7 - - - - (3,121) (3,121) ----- ------ ------ ------ ----- ------- At 30 November 2008 6,863 35,272 8,327 19,648 6,919 77,029 ----- ------ ------ ------ ----- ------- a. Final dividend of 1.85p per share and a special dividend of 3.00p per share for the year ended 30 November 2008, declared on 1 April 2009 and paid on 1 May 2009 and interim dividend of 0.55p per share for the six months ended 31 May 2009, declared on 27 July 2009 and paid on 17 August 2009. b. Final dividend of 1.70p per share for the year ended 30 November 2007, declared on 29 February 2008 and paid on 27 March 2008 and interim dividend of 0.55p per share for the six months ended 31 May 2008, declared on 8 August 2008 and paid on 12 September 2008. Balance Sheet as at 30 November 2009 30 30 November November 2009 2008 Notes £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 107,553 93,042 ------- ------- Current assets Debtors 350 1,457 Contracts for differences 2,784 3,893 Cash 17 3,790 ------- ------- 3,151 9,140 ------- ------- Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Other creditors (3,005) (22,126) Bank overdraft (40) - Amounts due in respect of the contracts for differences (742) (3,027) ------- ------- (3,787) (25,153) ------- ------- Net current liabilities (636) (16,013) ------- ------- Net assets 106,917 77,029 ------- ------- Capital and reserves Share capital 9 4,224 6,863 Share premium account 10 35,272 35,272 Capital redemption reserve 10 11,114 8,327 Capital reserve 10 50,432 19,648 Revenue reserve 10 5,875 6,919 ------- ------- Total equity shareholders' funds 106,917 77,029 ======= ======= Net asset value per ordinary share 11 144.26p 93.54p ======= ======= Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 November 2009 Year ended Year ended 30 November 30 November 2009 2008 Note £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 4(b) 3,007 8,171 ------- ------- Servicing of finance (303) (3,061) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of investments (91,322) (155,456) Proceeds from sale of investments 117,587 233,127 ------- ------- Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 26,265 77,671 ------- ------- Equity dividends paid (4,447) (3,121) ------- ------- Net cash inflow before financing 24,522 79,660 ------- ------- Financing Purchase of ordinary shares - (2,683) Distributions to tender shareholders (28,306) (42,020) Redemption of debenture stock (30) (42,466) ------- ------- Net cash outflow from financing (28,336) (87,169) ------- ------- Decrease in cash in the year (3,814) (7,509) ======= ======= Notes to the financial statements 1. Accounting policies The policies set out below have been applied consistently throughout the year. Basis of preparation The Directors, having considered the nature and liquidity of the portfolio and the Company's investment objective, and the Company's income and expenditure, are satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. Ongoing annual expenses (excluding any performance fees) are approximately 1.3% of net assets. The Company's principal risks, risk management policies and procedures are set out in the annual report. The Company's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies" ("SORP") revised in January 2009. All of the Company's operations are of a continuing nature. The Company's financial statements are presented in sterling, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates. All values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (£'000) except where otherwise stated. 2. Income 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 Investment income: UK listed dividends 2,282 4,217 Overseas listed dividends 269 348 ----- ----- 2,551 4,565 ----- ----- Other income: Deposit interest 6 614 Underwriting commission 33 65 ----- ----- 39 679 ----- ----- Interest on VAT refund 2,469 - ----- ----- Total 5,059 5,244 ----- ----- Total income comprises: Dividends 2,551 4,565 Interest 6 614 Other income 33 65 Interest on VAT refund 2,469 - ----- ----- 5,059 5,244 ----- ----- 3. Investment management and performance fees 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investment management fees 210 628 838 422 1,263 1,685 Performance fees - 353 353 - 377 377 --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- 210 981 1,191 422 1,640 2,062 Write back of prior years' VAT - - - (2,284) (3,254) (5,538) --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- Total 210 981 1,191 (1,862) (1,614) (3,476) --- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- The terms of the investment management agreement with BlackRock provide for a basic management fee, payable quarterly in arrears, of 0.7% per annum on the gross asset value of the Company's long only portfolio plus the gross value of the underlying equities, long and short, to which the Company is exposed to derivatives through its CFD portfolio. In addition, BlackRock is entitled to a performance fee of 12.5% of any net asset value (total return) outperformance against the Hoare Govett Small Companies plus AIM (ex Investment Companies) Index. The performance fee is subject to a high watermark such that, if in a performance period the Company underperforms the Index, in a future performance period a performance fee is only payable on the net asset value return that represents the net outperformance. In addition, the performance fee in any performance period will be capped at 4.99% of the average value of the Company's assets. Performance fees have been wholly allocated to the capital reserve as the performance has been predominantly generated through capital returns of the investment portfolio. At 30 November 2009, there is a performance fee payable to the Investment Manager of £353,000 (2008: £377,000). The net asset value and share price performance with income reinvested which have been disclosed in the financial highlights in the annual report include the subscription share reinvestment, assuming the subscription share entitlement per share was sold and the proceeds reinvested on the first day of trading. This reinvestment factor has been excluded from the calculation of total return for the purposes of calculating the performance fee. In addition, the impact of VAT recovered as a result of the JPMorgan Claverhouse case, interest thereon, accounting adjustments relating to the management fee waiver and the basic management fee have also been excluded from performance calculations. After adjusting for these factors, and including the impact of reinvestment of dividends paid in the period, the cum-income, total return NAV used to calculate the performance fee amounted to 151.37p, generating outperformance of 2.4% above the benchmark and a performance fee of £353,000. BlackRock have agreed to waive the management fees payable to the Company up to the level of transition and restructuring costs of £1,068,000. This fee waiver benefit has been amortised over the initial period of the management contract of 24 months. A credit of £532,000 has been applied to the capital column of the Income Statement - see note 4 for further details. 4. Operating activities 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (a) Other operating expenses Auditors' remuneration: - audit services 28 - 28 40 - 40 - other services 25 - 25 - 20 20 Registrar's fee 41 - 41 40 - 40 Directors remuneration 106 - 106 117 - 117 Termination costs - (532) (532) - 1,379 1,379 Other administrative costs 363 - 363 231 - 231 --- --- --- --- ----- ----- 563 (532) 31 428 1,399 1,827 --- --- --- --- ----- ----- 2009 2008 The Company's total expense ratio ("TER"), calculated as a percentage of average net assets and using expenses, excluding interest costs, VAT written back and management fee waiver credit, after relief for taxation was: 1.3% 1.2% Auditors' remuneration - other services comprised £25,000 relating to the provision of taxation compliance services. Fees of £40,000 were also paid to Ernst & Young LLP in respect of non audit services provided in relation to the tender offer and bonus issue of subscription shares. These fees were charged directly to the capital reserve. (b) Reconciliation of net return before finance costs and taxation to net cash flow from operating activities 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 Net gain/(loss) before finance costs and taxation 45,183 (116,226) (Less)/add capital (gains)/losses (40,755) 122,938 ------ ------- Net return before finance costs and taxation 4,428 6,712 Decrease in accrued income 233 241 Decrease/(increase) in debtors 225 (321) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (1,405) 1,328 Expenses charged to capital (449) (3,039) VAT write back to capital - 3,254 Income taxation deducted at source (14) - Overseas withholding taxation suffered (6) (4) Scrip dividends included in investment income (5) - ------ ------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,007 8,171 ------ ------- 5. Directors emoluments The aggregate emoluments of the Directors, excluding VAT, where applicable, for the year ended 30 November 2009 were £106,000 (2008: £117,000). The emoluments of the Chairman, who was also the highest paid Director were £30,000 (2008: £ 30,000). The Company does not have a share option scheme or any incentive scheme. No pension contributions were made in respect of the Directors. There were no employees other than the Directors. 6. Finance costs 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Debenture interest - - - 403 1,208 1,611 Overdraft interest 2 - 2 15 - 15 Interest payable to subsidiary undertakings 9 - 9 380 966 1,346 -- -- -- --- ----- ----- 11 - 11 798 2,174 2,972 -- -- -- --- ----- ----- Finance costs are allocated, insofar as they relate to financing the Company's investments, 25/75 between revenue and capital to reflect the Directors' expected long term splits of returns from the investment portfolio. 7. Dividends Dividends paid or proposed 2009 2008 on equity shares: Record date Payment date £'000 £'000 2007 final of 1.70p 29 February 2008 27 March 2008 - 2,366 2008 interim of 0.55p 8 August 2008 12 September 2008 - 755 2008 final of 1.85p 3 April 2009 1 May 2009 1,523 - 2008 special of 3.00p 3 April 2009 1 May 2009 2,471 - 2009 interim of 0.55p 31 July 2009 27 August 2009 453 - ----- ----- 4,447 3,121 ----- ----- The Directors have proposed a final dividend of 2.20 pence per share and a special dividend of 2.00 pence per share (2008: Final 1.85p, Special 3.00p). The dividends will be paid, subject to shareholders approval on 26 March 2010, to shareholders on the Company's register on 19 February 2010. The proposed final dividend has not been included as a liability in these financial statements as final dividends are only recognised in the financial statements when they have been approved by shareholders. The total dividends payable in respect of the year which form the basis of section 842 of the ICTA and section 832 of the Companies Act 2006, and the amounts proposed meet the relevant requirements as set out in this legislation. 2009 2008 £'000 £'000 Dividends paid or proposed on equity shares: Interim paid 0.55p (2008: 0.55p) 453 755 Final proposed of 2.20p* (2008: 1.85p) 1,631 1,523 Special dividend of 2.00p* (2008: 3.00p) 1,482 2,471 ----- ----- 3,566 4,749 ----- ----- *based upon 74,116,108 ordinary shares. 8. Return per ordinary share Revenue and capital returns per share are shown below and have been calculated using the following: 2009 2008* Net revenue return attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) 3,403 4,848 Net capital return attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) 41,836 (120,455) ------- ------- Total return (£'000) 45,239 (115,607) ------- ------- Equity shareholders' funds (£'000) 106,917 77,029 ------- ------- The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during each year, on which the return per ordinary share was calculated, was: 80,343,189 125,966,485 The actual number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of each year, on which the net asset value was calculated, was: 74,116,108 82,351,197 *For 2008 comparatives, the figures noted represent amounts attributable to continuing shareholders. 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital 2008 p p p p p Total Return/(loss) per share Calculated on weighted average number of shares 4.24 52.07 56.31 3.85 (95.63) (91.78) ----- ----- ------ ---- ----- ----- Net asset value per share 144.26 93.54 ----- ----- ------ ---- ----- ----- 9. Share capital Continuing Tender Treasury Subscription Total shares shares shares shares shares number number number number number (nominal) (nominal) (nominal) (nominal) (nominal) £'000 Authorised share capital comprised: Ordinary shares of 5p each 460,000,000 460,000,000 23,000 ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------ Allotted, issued and fully paid: Shares in issue at 30 November 2008 82,351,197 54,900,675 - - 137,251,872 6,863 Shares cancelled following initial tender offer - (46,700,675) - - (46,700,675) (2,335) Shares transferred into treasury following initial tender offer - (8,200,000) 8,200,000 - - - Shares tendered - August 2009 (8,235,089) 8,235,089 - - - - Shares cancelled August 2009 tender offer - (835,089) - - (835,089) (42) Shares transferred into treasury following August 2009 tender - (7,400,000) 7,400,000 - - - Treasury shares cancelled - - (8,200,000) - (8,200,000) (410) Subscription shares: Issue of subscription shares of 1p each - - - 14,822,901 14,822,901 148 ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------ 74,116,108 - 7,400,000 14,822,901 96,339,009 4,224 ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------ During the year no ordinary shares were purchased and cancelled (2008: 2,806,404 ordinary shares). Under the August 2009 tender offer, 8,235,089 ordinary shares were tendered and cancelled (2008: 54,900,675). The number of ordinary shares excluding treasury shares in issue at the year end was 74,116,108 (2008: 82,351,197) and the number of subscription shares in issue was 14,822,901. 10. Reserves Capital reserve Capital arising on reserve revaluation Share Capital arising on of premium redemption investments investments Revenue account reserve sold held reserve £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At 1 December 2008 35,272 8,327 83,758 (64,110) 6,919 Movement during the year: Shares cancelled - 2,787 - - - Revenue return for the year - - - - 3,261 Transfer to tender pool - - (10,639) - - Change in value of tender pool - - 1,111 - - Issue of subscription shares - - (148) - - Subscription share issue costs - - (265) - - Redemption of debenture stocks - - (30) - - Losses on realisation of investments - - (32,096) - - Changes in investment holding gains - - - 71,994 - Gains on foreign currency transactions - - 1 - - Gains on contracts for differences - - 129 1,176 142 Finance costs, investment management and performance fee charged to capital after taxation - - (449) - - Dividends paid during the year - - - - (4,447) ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- At 30 November 2009 35,272 11,114 41,372 9,060 5,875 ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- 11. Net asset value per ordinary share 2009 2008 Net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) 106,917 77,029 The actual number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of each year, on which the net asset value per share was calculated, was: 74,116,108 82,351,197 Net asset value per ordinary share 144.26p 93.54p Ordinary share price 115.75p 62.75p ---------- ---------- Exiting shares Liability attributable to tendering and mix and match shareholders (£'000) - 17,768 Shares attributable to tendering shareholders - 54,900,675 Shares attributable to mix and match shareholders - 1,127,000 ---------- ---------- Total shares in respect of which proceeds are payable from the tender pool - 56,027,675 ---------- ---------- Net asset value per share - 31.71p ---------- ---------- The Company had in issue at the year end 14,822,901 subscription shares which confer the right to subscribe at set times to all or any of the ordinary shares to which the subscription shares relate at a price of 146.00 pence per share. To the extent that the Company's NAV is in excess of the exercise price, the subscription shares are considered to be dilutive and a fully diluted net asset value per share is calculated by adjusting the shareholders' funds for consideration receivable on the exercise of all subscription shares and dividing by the total number of shares that would have been in issue at 30 November 2009 had all the subscription shares been converted. As the Company's NAV was below the exercise price at 30 November 2009, the subscription shares are deemed not to be dilutive and no diluted net asset value or earnings per share value has been calculated. 12. Publication of non statutory accounts The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in the Companies Act 2006. The 2009 annual report and financial statements will be filed with the Registrar of Companies after the Annual General Meeting. The report of the Auditor for the year ended 30 November 2009 contains no qualification or statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The comparative figures are extracts from the audited financial statements of The Throgmorton Trust PLC and its subsidiaries for the year ended 30 November 2008, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditor on those accounts contained no qualification or statement under section 498 of the Companies Act. This announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 29 January 2010. 13. Annual Report Copies of the annual report will be sent to members shortly and will be available from the registered office, c/o The Company Secretary, The Throgmorton Trust PLC, 33 King William Street, London EC4R 9AS. This report will also be available on the BlackRock Investment Management website at 14. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 33 King William Street, London EC4R 9AS on Friday, 12 March 2010 at 12:00 p.m. For further information, please contact: Jonathan Ruck Keene, Managing Director, Investment Companies, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Tel: 020 7743 2178 Mike Prentis, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Tel: 020 7743 2312 Richard Plackett, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Tel: 020 7743 4869 Emma Phillips, Media & Communication, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited Tel: 020 7743 2922 William Clutterbuck, The Maitland Consultancy Tel: 020 7379 5151 29 January 2010 33 King William Street London EC4R 9AS
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