Portfolio Update

THE THROGMORTON TRUST PLC All information is at 31 October 2008 and unaudited. Performance at month end is calculated on a cum income basis One Three One Three Month Months Year Years Net asset value# -21.6% -31.2% -52.5% -37.2% Net asset value* -21.6% -34.6% -54.9% -40.3% Share price -29.0% -38.7% -56.2% -43.6% HGSC ex Inv Trust + AIM -22.0% -32.8% -51.1% -30.2% # NAV prior to costs of repaying the debentures early * NAV after costs of repaying the debentures early Sources: BlackRock and Datastream At month end Net asset value Capital only: 94.46p Net asset value incl Income: 96.57p Share price: 76.00p Discount to Capital only NAV: 19.5% Net yield: 3.0% Total assets: £79.5m ** Gearing: Nil Ordinary shares in continuing pool: 82,351,197 **Includes current year revenue. Ten Largest Sector Weightings % of Total Assets Software & Computer Services 14.6 Financial Services 11.4 Aerospace & Defence 10.2 Support Services 9.4 Industrial Engineering 8.1 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 6.5 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 5.8 Oil & Gas Producers 5.2 Chemicals 4.2 Media 2.9 ---- Total 78.3 ==== Ten Largest Equity Investments (in alphabetical order) Company Aveva Group Dechra Pharmaceuticals Domino Printing Sciences Endace Rathbone Brothers Rensburg Sheppards SDL Ultra Electronics UMECO Victrex Commenting on the markets, Mike Prentis and Richard Plackett, representing the Investment Manager noted: October was a very poor month for stockmarkets and for the Company. The Company's NAV fell by 21.6%, whilst the benchmark index fell by 22.0%. By way of comparison the FTSE 100 Index fell by 10.7%. Stockmarket conditions continued to be affected by nervousness about the state of the world economy, as data was published that showed the UK, US and some other developed economies had seen a fall in GDP in the third quarter. Emerging market growth is slowing rapidly and some more highly indebted emerging markets saw sharp declines in their currencies and in certain cases have sought help from the International Monetary Fund. Resources prices have fallen further as demand has slowed. In relative terms, the best stock contributions came from Rensburg Sheppards, Dmatek, Endace and Abacus. Given that the level of stockmarkets is a key factor determining Rensburg's revenues, its shares have held up well. We see it as a business with reliable, recurring revenue streams which will recover well in due course. Dmatek and Abacus both attracted takeover approaches. Endace continues to trade well - its October pre-close update pointed to strong revenue and profit growth. We have subsequently held an encouraging meeting with management. The worst relative performers during the month were Fenner and City of London Investment Group. Fenner shares have been very weak over the last few months, falling 42% in October alone. The market is concerned by likely cutbacks in capital expenditure by mining companies following falls in commodity prices. Fenner is bound to be affected by these concerns, although a significant part of its sales are consumables and therefore should be more resilient. City of London manage emerging markets funds for institutional clients; emerging markets indices have fallen substantially in recent months, although City of London have outperformed and if anything seem to be seeing net inflows now. New holdings in the month included Premier Oil, Bellway, Savills, Hiscox and BRIT Insurance, 0.5% of the portfolio was put into each holding. We also continued to add to a number of our core holdings. Premier Oil shares have fallen about 60% from their peak, and trade well below the core value attributed to its oil and gas reserves. Production is expected to continue to grow steadily from its current 35,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Although the housing market is in crisis we regard Bellway as a very well run, lowly geared housebuilder, and felt it had reached attractive levels at the price we bought stock; we do expect more bad news from the sector but believe Bellway can find a way through these problems. Savills is also very well run, and a great brand name across its markets. Following the demise of AIG, and in view of the impact of hurricane Ike, it now looks as though enough capacity will come out of the insurance market to push up premiums in 2009. We decided to reduce our underweight position and bought holdings in Hiscox and BRIT Insurance. We reduced the size of a number of holdings, and completed the sale of others such as Axon which is subject to an agreed bid from HCL of India. The CFD portfolio has been set up as envisaged and has generated positive returns to date. Latest information is available by typing www.blackrock.co.uk/its on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). 25 November 2008
UK 100

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