Final Results
for the year ended 31 December 2013
Financial Highlights
Attributable to ordinary 31 December 31 December Change
shareholders 2013 2012 %
Net assets (£'000) 885,346 1,215,743 -27.2
Net asset value per ordinary
share 499.39p 685.75p -27.2
- with income reinvested -24.6
Ordinary share price
(mid-market) 465.00p 586.50p -20.7
- with income reinvested -17.5
Euromoney Global Mining Index 466.03 613.72 -24.1
Discount to net asset value 6.9% 14.5%
For the year For the year
ended ended
31 December 31 December Change
2013 2012 %
Net revenue return after
taxation (£'000) 39,633 38,614 +2.6
Revenue return per ordinary
share 22.36p 21.78p +2.6
Dividend per ordinary share
- Final 14.00p 14.00p -
- Interim 7.00p 7.00p -
Chairman's Statement
Despite a generally improving economic environment, mining shares suffered poor
returns in 2013. Fears of a worse than expected slowdown in China, which has
been the main motor for demand growth in the last decade, led to price falls in
most commodities. In addition, the breakdown in trust between mining companies
and investors on the back of poor returns on investment and excessive capital
spending, further derated mining company share prices. Accordingly, despite
an otherwise strong recovery in broader equity markets generally, the mining
sector has struggled.
Against this backdrop, the Company's net asset value ('NAV') per share returned
-24.6% and the Company's share price returned -17.5% over the twelve months to
31 December 2013. The Company's benchmark index, the Euromoney Global Mining
Index (formerly the HSBC Global Mining Index) returned -24.1% in the same
period (all percentages calculated in sterling terms with income reinvested).
Since the year end, the Company's NAV has returned 4.7% compared with a return
of 5.1% in the benchmark index.
Revenue return and dividend
The Company's revenue return per share for the year to 31 December 2013
amounted to 22.36p compared with 21.78p for the previous year.
The Directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of 14.00p per share for
the year ended 31 December 2013 (2012: 14.00p), which together with the interim
dividend of 7.00p per share (2012: 7.00p), makes a total dividend of 21.00p per
share (2012: 21.00p). The dividend will be paid on 15 May 2014 to shareholders
on the register of members on 7 March 2014.
Since the launch of the Company in 1993 and following the payment of the
forthcoming final dividend, total dividends paid will be greater than the
initial public offering price paid on the Company's ordinary shares.
Your Board recognises that it is in the long term interests of shareholders
that the discount to NAV at which the shares trade should be minimised as far
as possible and will continue to focus on attempting to narrow this margin. The
Company's discount has narrowed considerably in the last year and averaged
10.2% on a cum income NAV. Currently the shares are trading at a discount of
0.8% on a cum income basis and a premium of 2.5% on a capital only basis.
The Board
We were pleased to welcome Ian Cockerill to the Board with effect from
14 November 2013. Mr Cockerill has nearly 40 years' experience in the mining
industry, having previously been responsible for business development in
AngloGold, and chief executive officer of both Gold Fields Ltd and AngloCoal,
between 1999 and 2009.
Oliver Baring, who has served on the Board since November 2004, will retire as
a Director at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. I would like to thank
Oliver on behalf of the Board for his wise counsel over this period and wish
him every success for the future.
Royalty investments
In July, shareholders approved changes to the investment policy clarifying that
the Company may, as part of its existing authority to invest in unquoted
investments, invest in royalties which arise from the production of metals and
minerals. The limit on unquoted investments was also raised from 10% to 20% of
gross assets to allow greater exposure to metal and mining related royalties.
It was announced in October that the Company had reached a non-binding
agreement on key commercial terms for a US$12 million smelter return royalty
investment with Avanco Resources Limited. The Company and Avanco are currently
working on heads of terms. Whilst this would represent a relatively small
commitment for the Company, the Board believes that the investment will offer
an attractive addition to the royalty portfolio and also diversify the
Company's existing royalty holdings by type of asset.
Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive
The Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive (the 'Directive') is a
European Directive which seeks to reduce systemic risk by regulating
alternative investment fund managers ('AIFMs'). AIFMs are responsible for
managing investment products that fall within the category of Alternative
Investment Funds ('AIFs') and investment trusts are included in this. The
Directive was implemented on 22 July 2013, although the Financial Conduct
Authority will permit a transitional period of one year after that during which
UK AIFMs must seek authorisation. The Board has taken, and will continue to
take, independent advice on the consequences for the Company and has decided in
principle that BlackRock Fund Managers Limited will be appointed as its AIFM in
advance of the end of the transitional period on 22 July 2014.
New reporting requirements
There have been a number of revisions to reporting requirements for companies
with accounting periods ending on, or after, 30 September 2013. These changes
are intended to increase the quality and structure of reporting and include the
introduction of a new Strategic Report which is intended to replace the
Business Review section of the Directors' Report, providing insight into the
Company's objectives, strategy and principal risks. The Strategic Report should
also enable shareholders to assess how effective Directors have been in
promoting the success of the Company during the course of the year under
review. Other changes comprise additional Audit Committee reporting
requirements on the external audit process, as set out on pages 36 to 38 of the
Annual Report, and changes to the structure and voting requirements in respect
of the Directors' Remuneration Report which are explained in more detail on
pages 27 to 29 of the Annual Report.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited at 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London
EC2N 2DL on Thursday, 8 May 2014 at 11.30 a.m. Details of the business of
meeting are set out in the Notice of Meeting on pages 71 to 74 of the Annual
Report. The Portfolio Managers will make a presentation to shareholders on the
Company's performance and the outlook for the year ahead.
Articles of Association
At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, shareholders will be asked to
approve new Articles of Association in substitution for the current Articles.
The Board is proposing to make these amendments to the Articles in response to
the Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive; details of the principal
changes are given on pages 25 and 26 of the Annual Report.
The mining industry has faced many challenges since the start of the decade.
However, much progress has now been made in trimming back the unwelcome
increase in operating costs taken on in the boom years. In addition, much of
the previously planned expansion in capacity has now also been reassessed
resulting in cut backs in the light of the harsher operating environment and a
need to reset the balance between reinvestment and shareholder returns. It is
hoped that the consequence of these actions will result in a marked increase in
free cash flow for the companies allowing them to better reward shareholders
with increased returns.
A W Lea
20 February 2014
Strategic report
The Directors present the Strategic Report of the Company for the year ended
31 December 2013. The aim of the Strategic Report is to provide shareholders
with the ability to assess how the Directors have performed their duty to
promote the success of the Company for the collective benefit of shareholders.
Principal activity
The Company carries on business as an investment trust. Its principal activity
is portfolio investment and that of its subsidiary, BlackRock World Mining
Investment Company Limited (the 'Group'), is investment dealing.
General Meeting
The Company held a general meeting on 21 August 2013 to amend the Company's
investment policy. The principal changes clarified that the Company may invest
in royalties derived from the production of metals and minerals as part of its
permission to invest in unquoted investments; permit the Company to invest up
to 20% of its gross assets in unquoted investments including royalties
(previously 10%); and enable the Company to invest in any single holding that
would represent up to 20% of gross assets at the time of acquisition, as
compared with the previous 10%.
The Company's objective is to maximise total returns to shareholders through a
worldwide portfolio of mining and metal securities. The Board recognises the
importance of dividends to shareholders in achieving that objective, in
addition to capital returns.
Strategy, Business Model and Investment Policy
In order to achieve its objective, it is intended that the Group will normally
be fully invested, which means at least 90% of the gross assets of the Company
and its subsidiary will be invested in stocks, shares, royalties and physical
metals. However, if such investments are deemed to be overvalued, or if the
Investment Manager finds it difficult to identify attractively priced
opportunities for investment, then up to 25% of the portfolio may be held in
cash or cash equivalents.
The Company's investment policy is to provide a diversified investment in
mining and metal securities worldwide. While the policy is to invest
principally in quoted securities, the Company's investment policy includes
investing in royalties derived from the production of metals and minerals, as
well as physical metals. Risk is spread by investing in a number of holdings,
many of which themselves are diversified companies.
The Group may occasionally utilise derivative instruments such as options,
futures and contracts for difference, if it is deemed that these will, at a
particular time or for a particular period, enhance the performance of the
Group in the pursuit of its objective. The Company is permitted to enter into
stock lending arrangements.
The Group may invest in any single holding, of quoted or unquoted investments,
that would represent up to 20% of gross assets at the time of acquisition.
Although investments are principally in companies listed on recognised stock
exchanges, the Company may invest up to 20% of the Group's gross assets in
investments other than quoted securities. Such investments include unquoted
equities or bonds, royalties, physical metals and derivatives. In order to
afford the Company the flexibility of obtaining exposure to metal and mining
related royalties, it is possible that, in order to diversify risk, all or part
of such exposure may be obtained directly or indirectly through a holding
company, a fund or another investment or special purpose vehicle, which may be
quoted or unquoted. The Board will seek the prior approval of shareholders to
any unquoted investment in a single company, fund or special purpose vehicle or
any single royalty which represents more than 10% of the Group's assets at the
time of acquisition.
As at 31 December 2013, the Company held two unquoted investments. Unquoted
investments can prove to be more risky than listed investments. The two
investments, the Marampa royalty contract and Banro gold-linked preference
shares, are held at Directors' valuation.
In addition, while the Company may hold shares in other listed investment
companies (including investment trusts) the Company will not invest more than
15% of the Group's gross assets in other UK listed investment companies.
The Group's financial statements are maintained in sterling. Although many
investments are denominated and quoted in currencies other than sterling, the
Board does not intend to employ a hedging strategy against fluctuations in
exchange rates.
The Investment Manager believes that tactical use of gearing can add value from
time to time. This gearing is typically in the form of an overdraft or short
term loan facility, which can be repaid at any time or matched by cash. The
level and benefit of gearing is discussed and agreed with the Board regularly.
In order to provide flexibility for future royalty transactions, the Board
would allow for gearing to increase but to no more than 25% of the Group's net
assets, the limit stipulated in the Company's Articles of Association. The
maximum level of gearing used during the year was 12.8% and, at the financial
reporting date, net gearing (calculated as borrowings less cash as a percentage
of net assets) stood at 9.6% of shareholders' funds (2012: 7.1%). For further
details on borrowings refer to note 14 on page 53 of the Annual Report.
No material change will be made to the investment policy without shareholder
Portfolio analysis
Information regarding the Company's investment exposures is contained within
the ten largest investments, the investments listing and portfolio analysis.
Further information regarding investment risk and activity throughout the year
can be found in the Investment Manager's Report.
Continuation of the Company
As agreed by shareholders in 1998, an ordinary resolution for the continuance
of the Company is proposed at each Annual General Meeting. The Company has a
strong long term investment record, providing excellent returns to
shareholders, and the Directors recommend that shareholders vote in support of
the Company's continuation.
In the year to 31 December 2013, the Company's net asset value per share
returned -24.6% compared with a return in the Euromoney Global Mining Index of
-24.1%. (The HSBC Global Mining Index was renamed on 1 October 2013.) The
Company's share price returned -17.5% over the same period. (All figures
calculated in sterling terms with income reinvested).
Results and dividends
The results for the Company are set out in the Consolidated Statement of
Comprehensive Income. The total loss for the year, after taxation, was
£293,167,000 (2012: loss of £64,031,000) of which £39,633,000 (2012:
£38,614,000) is revenue profit.
It is the Board's intention to distribute the maximum dividend possible in
terms of earnings each year. The Directors recommend the payment of a final
dividend of 14.00p per share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2013
(2012: 14.00p per share) which, together with the interim dividend of 7.00p
per share (2012: 7.00p), makes a total of 21.00p per share in respect of the
year ended 31 December 2013 (2012: 21.00p). The dividend will be paid on
15 May 2014 to shareholders on the register of members at close of business
on 7 March 2014. Dividend payments for the year ended 31 December 2013
(including the interim dividend) amount to £37,230,000 (2012: £37,230,000).
Key performance indicators
The Directors consider a number of performance measures to assess the Company's
success in achieving its objectives. The key performance indicators ('KPIs')
used to measure the progress and performance of the Company over time and which
are comparable to those reported by other investment trusts are set out below.
2013 2012
Net asset value per share 499.39p 685.75p
Share price 465.00p 586.50p
Discount to net asset value 6.9% 14.5%
Revenue earnings per share 22.36p 21.78p
Ongoing charges* 1.4% 1.4%
* Ongoing charges represent the management fee and all other operating
expenses excluding interest as a % of average shareholders' funds.
The Board monitors the above KPIs on a regular basis. Additionally, it
regularly reviews a number of indices and ratios to understand the impact on
the Company's relative performance of the various components such as asset
allocation and stock selection.
The Directors recognise that it is in the long term interests of shareholders
that shares do not trade at a significant discount to their prevailing net
asset value. In the year under review, the Company's shares traded at a
discount to net asset value of between 5.4% and 15.8%, with the average being
10.2%. The shares ended the year at a discount of 6.9%.
Principal risks
The key risks faced by the Company are set out below. The Board regularly
reviews and agrees policies for managing each risk, as summarised below:
- Performance risk - The Board is responsible for deciding the investment
strategy to fulfil the Company's objectives and for monitoring the
performance of the Investment Manager and implementation of the strategy.
An inappropriate strategy may lead to underperformance, against the
benchmark index. To manage this risk the Investment Manager provides an
explanation of significant stock selection decisions and the rationale for
the composition of the investment portfolio. The Board monitors and
mandates an adequate spread of investments in order to minimise the risks
associated with particular countries or factors specific to particular
sectors, based on the diversification requirements inherent in the
Company's investment policy. The Board also receives and reviews regular
reports showing an analysis of the Company's performance against the
Euromoney Global Mining Index and other similar indices, including the
performance of major companies in the sector. Past performance is not
necessarily a guide to future performance and the value of an investment in
the Company and the income from it can fluctuate as the value of the
underlying investments fluctuate.
- Income/dividend risk - The amount of dividends and future dividend growth
will depend on the Company's underlying portfolio and investment activity.
Any change in the tax treatment of the dividends or interest received by
the Company (including as a result of withholding taxes or exchange
controls imposed by jurisdictions in which the Company invests) may reduce
the level of dividends received by shareholders. The Board monitors this
risk through the receipt of income forecasts and considers the level of
income at each meeting.
- Market risk - Market risk arises from volatility in the prices of the
Company's investments. It represents the potential loss the Company might
suffer through realising investments in the face of negative market
movements. Changes in general economic and market conditions, such as
interest rates, rates of inflation, industry conditions, tax laws,
political events and trends can also substantially and adversely affect the
securities and, as a consequence, the Company's prospects and share price.
The Board considers asset allocation, stock selection and levels of gearing
on a regular basis and has set investment restrictions and guidelines which
are monitored and reported on by the Investment Manager. The Board monitors
the implementation and results of the investment process with the
Investment Manager.
- Financial risk - The Company's investment activities expose it to a variety
of financial risks which include market risk, currency risk, interest rate
risk, market price risk, liquidity risk and credit risk. Further details
are disclosed in note 18 on pages 55 to 63 of the Annual Report, together
with a summary of the policies for managing these risks.
- Regulatory risk - The Company operates as an investment trust in accordance
with the requirements of Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act
2010. As such, the Company is exempt from capital gains tax on the profits
realised from the sale of its investments. The Investment Manager monitors
investment movements, the level and type of forecast income and expenditure
and the amount of proposed dividends, if any, to ensure that the provisions
of Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 are not breached
and the results are reported to the Board at each meeting. The Board and
the Investment Manager also monitor changes in government policy and
legislation which may have an impact on the Company. The Company must also
comply with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006 and, as its shares are
admitted to the Official List, the UKLA Listing Rules, the Disclosure and
Transparency Rules and the Prospectus Rules. A breach of the Companies Act
2006 could result in the Company and/or the Directors being fined or the
subject of criminal proceedings. A breach of the UKLA Listing Rules could
result in the Company's shares being suspended from listing, which in turn
would breach the requirements of Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation
Tax Act 2010.
- The Board relies on the services of its professional advisers and its
Company Secretary to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations. The
Company Secretary has stringent compliance procedures in place and monitors
regulatory developments and changes. Following authorisation under the
Alternative Investment Fund Managers' Directive (the 'Directive') the
Company and its appointed AIFM will be subject to the risk that the
requirements of the Directive are not correctly complied with.
- Operational risk - In common with most other investment trust companies,
the Company has no employees. The Company therefore relies upon the
services provided by third parties and is dependent on the control systems
of the Investment Manager and the Company's other service providers. The
security, for example, of the Company's assets, dealing procedures,
accounting records and maintenance of regulatory and legal requirements,
depend on the effective operation of these systems. These have been
regularly tested and monitored and an internal controls report, which
includes an assessment of risks together with procedures to mitigate such
risks, is prepared by the Investment Manager and reviewed by the Audit &
Management Engagement Committee at least twice a year. The Investment
Manager, the custodian and the fund accountant also produce regular Service
Organisation Control reports (SOC 1) or AAF 01/06 reports which are
reviewed by their reporting accountants and give assurance regarding the
design and effective operation of controls.
- Resource risk - The quality of the investment management team employed by
the Investment Manager is a crucial factor in delivering good performance
and the loss by the management of key staff could affect investment
returns. The Investment Manager has training and development programmes in
place for its employees and its recruitment and remuneration packages are
developed in order to retain key staff.
- Gearing risk - The Company has the power to borrow money (gearing) and does
so when the Investment Manager is confident that market conditions and
opportunities exist to enhance investment returns. However, if the
investments fall in value, any borrowings will magnify the extent of
this loss. All borrowings require the approval of the Board and gearing
levels are discussed by the Board and Investment Manager.
Future prospects
The Board's main focus is to maximise total returns over the longer term. The
future performance of the Company is much dependent upon the success of the
investment strategy and, to a large degree, on the performance of financial
markets. The outlook for the Company in the next twelve months is discussed
in both the Chairman's Statement and the Investment Manager's Report.
Social, community and human rights issues
As an investment trust, the Company has no direct social or community
responsibilities. However, the Company believes that it is in shareholders'
interests to consider environmental, social and governance factors and human
rights issues when selecting and retaining investments. Details of the
Company's policy on socially responsible investment are set out on page 33 of
the Annual Report.
Directors, employees and gender representation
The Directors of the Company on 31 December 2013 are set out in the Directors'
biographies on page 21 of the Annual Report. The Board consists of six male
Directors and no female Directors. The Company does not have any employees.
By order of the Board
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
20 February 2014
Related party transactions
The investment management fee for the year (including secretarial and
administration fees) was £12,656,000 (2012: £16,185,000). At the year end, the
following amount was outstanding in respect of the investment management fee:
£20,752,000 (2012: £8,096,000).
In addition to the above services, BlackRock has provided the Company with
marketing services. The total fees paid or payable for these services for the
year ended 31 December 2013 amounted to £51,200 including VAT (2012: nil), of
which £51,200 (2012: nil) was outstanding at 31 December 2013.
The Board consists of six non-executive Directors all of whom are considered to
be independent by the Board. None of the Directors has a service contract with
the Company. With effect from 1 October 2013 the Chairman receives an annual
fee of £45,000, the Chairman of the Audit & Management Engagement Committee
receives an annual fee of £37,500, and each other Director receives an annual
fee of £30,000. All six members of the Board hold shares in the Company. Mr Lea
holds 6,000 ordinary shares, Mr Barby 25,000 ordinary shares, Mr Buchan 24,000
ordinary shares, Mr Baring 3,000 ordinary shares, Mr Cheyne 4,000 ordinary
shares and Mr Cockerill 17,630 ordinary shares. The amount of Directors fees
outstanding at 31 December 2013 was £72,000 (2012: £29,000).
Statement of Directors' Responsibilities
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report, the Directors'
Remuneration Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable
United Kingdom law and regulations.
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each
financial year. Under that law, the Directors are required to prepare the
financial statements under IFRS as adopted by the European Union. Under Company
law the Directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are
satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
Company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period.
In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to:
- present fairly the financial position, financial performance and cash flows
of the Company;
- select suitable accounting policies in accordance with IAS 8: Accounting
Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors and then apply them
- present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides
relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;
- make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
- state whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
IFRS as adopted by the European Union, subject to any material departures
disclosed and explained in the financial statements;
- provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements
in IFRS as adopted by the European Union is insufficient to enable users to
understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions
on the Company's financial position and financial performance; and
- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and
enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies
Act 2006.
They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence
for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other
irregularities. The Directors are also responsible for preparing the Strategic
Report, Directors' Report, the Directors' Remuneration Report, the Corporate
Governance Statement and the Report of the Audit & Management Engagement
Committee in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and applicable regulations,
including the requirements of the Listing Rules and the Disclosure and
Transparency Rules. The Directors have delegated responsibility to the
Investment Manager for the maintenance and integrity of the Company's corporate
and financial information included on the Investment Manager's website.
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination
of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.
Each of the Directors at the date of this report, whose names are listed on
page 21 of the Annual Report, confirm to the best of their knowledge that:
- the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as
adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets,
liabilities, financial position and net return of the Company; and
- the Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance
of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description
of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.
The 2012 UK Corporate Governance Code also requires Directors to ensure that
the Annual Report and Financial Statements are fair, balanced and
understandable. In order to reach a conclusion on this matter, the Board has
requested that the Audit & Management Engagement Committee advise on whether it
considers that the Annual Report and Financial Statements fulfils these
requirements. The process by which the Committee has reached these conclusions
is set out in the Audit & Management Engagement Committee's Report on pages 36
to 38 of the Annual Report. As a result, the Board has concluded that the
Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2013, taken as a whole, is fair,
balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for
shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy.
For and on behalf of the Board
A W Lea
20 February 2014
Investment Manager's Report
Portfolio performance
2013 marked the third year in a row of negative returns for mining shares. Over
this period a combination of moderating economic growth in China, rising metals
and minerals supply, and a reduction in the mining sector's profitability and
free cash flow weighed heavily on share prices. The mining sector had begun
to respond to these changing conditions in 2012, accelerating in 2013 as new
management teams at the largest mining companies implemented cost-cutting
strategies and scaled back capital expenditures. However, it was only in the
second half of 2013 that this began to translate into improving operating and
financial results. Increasing stability in metals and minerals prices, as well
as recognition of the widening disparity in valuations between the mining
sector and other parts of the equity market, particularly with respect to
dividend yields, helped the mining sector to stage a somewhat muted recovery in
the second half of 2013.
The Company's move to diversify its mining exposure into royalties and fixed
income helped to partially offset the poor equity performance of the higher
growth, more operationally leveraged producers within the portfolio. For the
calendar year 2013, the Company's undiluted net asset value ('NAV') and share
price fell by 24.6% and 17.5% respectively, in sterling terms with income
reinvested. In "capital" only terms, the NAV fell by 27.1% and the share price
by 20.7%. By comparison, in sterling terms, the Euromoney Global Mining Index
(formerly the HSBC Global Mining Index) fell by 26.2% (capital only) and 24.1%
(with income reinvested).
Mining sector overview
The mining sector entered 2013 in the throes of change. Managements were under
attack from investors to rebalance the mix between returns to shareholders and
reinvestment of cash flows back into the "ground". In addition, investors were
nervous about the prospects for China, the world's largest commodity consumer,
as media reports debated between hard and soft landings for the economy. In
North America the economy finished 2012 showing signs of improvement and whilst
monetary policy remained accommodative (through quantitative easing) so as not
to allow economic momentum to stall, "taper talk" was already beginning to
creep into markets.
During the first half of the year, the bearish commentators won the debate.
Share prices fell, demand fears increased and management teams at the world's
largest mining companies were replaced with fresh blood. Write-downs in the
carrying values of assets built or purchased during the good times were
commonplace. Despite all of the negative headlines, demand for commodities
continued to improve during the year rather than fall. This fact seemed to go
unnoticed by investors as they reached for the sell button on their holdings.
In fact, the dispersion in performance between the prices of iron ore and
copper versus the respective producers of those commodities was startling. The
overwhelming urge to sell exposure to the sector resulted in the Euromoney
Global Mining Index falling 24.9% in US dollar terms (26.2% in sterling terms
in the first half of the year). All in all it was a sorry state of affairs.
However, it looks as though the seeds of change were planted during this period
and in the second half of the year fortunes started to show signs of
improvement. New management teams appear to have embraced the challenges facing
their businesses. Promises to cut operating costs, cancel or delay planned
investments into new capacity, curtail M&A activity (after the overwhelmingly
poor track record of returns from this endeavour), and when appropriate
increase returns to shareholders, were all well-received. However, until the
evidence of change has enough data points to prove the cynics wrong, investors
will doubt that the leopards can change their spots. Asset sales were also
showcased by majors keen to reduce debt, but to date completed transactions
have not raised as much cash as had been hoped for. In fact, a number of
assets have since been withdrawn from sale due to a lack of interest at the
valuations being demanded by the vendors.
Of note, though, was the ability of mid-cap mining companies to pick up growth
assets that have the potential to rerate their valuation. One such deal was
done by Lundin Mining by purchasing the Eagle nickel project from Rio Tinto.
This deal was taken well by investors and the shares of Lundin significantly
outperformed post the deal's announcement.
This difficult environment provided fertile ground for the braver investors to
seek out new opportunities to put capital to work. The Company was one such
investor with the conclusion of two royalty related transactions in gold and
copper. During the first half of the year we concluded a deal to help finance
Banro in the DRC with gold linked preference shares. In the second half, we
entered into a royalty agreement on the copper/gold project portfolio of Avanco
in Brazil (there is more detail on these deals later in the report).
In the gold equity arena troubles were severe. The average gold equity fell by
greater than 50% during the year as gold prices slumped by 27.3% (in US dollar
terms). The compression of operating margins only served to add to the already
damaging derating that gold equities have gone through during the last two
years. The end result was a collapse in valuations and has left many gold
companies perilously close to the edge in terms of their futures. For example,
Barrick, the world's largest gold producer, opted to raise US$3 billion in an
equity placement to help restore confidence in its balance sheet. Other gold
producers have cut projects, reduced costs and many are seeking to adjust
production profiles in order to survive at lower prices. However, for those
that have been better guardians of shareholder capital, this price move has
played into their hands. During the last few months of 2013 there were a number
of smaller M&A deals done as mid-cap companies consolidated growth projects
into their business plans. Should prices recover in the near term this strategy
might easily serve them well.
Just as in previous years, commodity exposure in the Company has continued to
be linked to companies that are likely to be able to generate healthy margins
and not suffer unduly from the volatility in metal prices seen elsewhere in
the commodity complex. As such, exposure in the Company during 2013 was again
centred on copper and iron ore. The prices of these commodities averaged well
above marginal production cost levels and as a result cash generation remained
buoyant. In fact, iron ore prices not only remained high but the average price
for 2013 was up 4.1% (in US dollar terms) on the previous year. When added to
the movement in exchange rates during the year, for producers in Australia,
Brazil and South Africa, margins should have been even better.
Base metals
The performance of base metals in 2013 reflected the fact that metal
inventories ballooned to multi-year highs during the first half of the year and
in the case of aluminium and nickel to record levels, primarily driven by
growth in supply exceeding growth in demand. Unsurprisingly, aluminium and
nickel were the worst performers over the year, down 14.0% and 18.6%
respectively. For zinc and copper however, fears of a growing surplus in the
second half of the year were proved wrong as consumers began to restock and
inventory levels fell sharply. Combined copper exchange inventories hit a 10
year high at the end of June 2013 but then began an almost unbroken run of
daily stock declines such that by the end of 2013, inventories had fallen by
45%. Zinc, used in galvanising steel and the best base metal price performer of
2013, also showed impressive inventory erosion with combined exchange
inventories falling 23% from a record 1.5mt high at the end of January 2013.
The zinc price was also buoyed by recognition in the market that a number of
large zinc mines are coming to the end of their lives, as evidenced by the news
in December 2013 of the closure in 2015 of Minmetals' Century mine in
Australia, the world's third largest zinc mine. Zinc prices were flat over 2013
whilst copper prices closed down by 6.7%.
Selected commodity price changes during 2013
Price % change % change
31 December over average
2013 12 months 2013 vs. 2012
Tin (USc/lb) 10.13 -4.5 +7.9
Iron Ore - fines 62% Fe China
Import US$/t 134.2 -7.4 +4.1
Lead (USc/lb) 0.99 -5.4 +1.0
Zinc (USc/lb) 0.93 +0.2 -1.7
Platinum (US$/troy oz) 1,357 -11.1 -8.0
Copper (USc/lb) 3.35 -6.7 -8.8
Aluminium (USc/lb) 0.80 -14.0 -9.5
Thermal Coal (US$/tonne) 86.3 -6.5 -12.2
Nickel (USc/lb) 6.27 -18.6 -16.4
Hard Coking Coal (US$/tonne) 133.0 -16.9 -22.4
Gold (US$/troy oz) 1,207.85 -27.3 -22.9
Uranium (US$/lb) 34.50 -21.1 -22.9
Silver (US$/oz) 19.50 -34.9 -32.5
Sources: Datastream and Bloomberg.
Copper remains the Company's largest single metal exposure, representing nearly
25% of the portfolio. This is due to the strong profit margins generated by
existing producers and the metal's constructive medium to long term
fundamentals. Poor scrap availability, robust demand and the scarcity of
new discoveries have helped to keep prices firmer than many market commentators
would have expected, despite the growth in mine production delivered in 2013
and expected in 2014. The Company's second largest copper holding,
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold (6.5% of the portfolio), was one of the
strongest performers in the portfolio having had a poor 2012.
The company rerated as management better articulated their strategy to reduce
debt. The Company's other core copper holding, First Quantum Minerals (7.8% of
the portfolio), also contributed positively to relative performance although
the shares began to struggle towards the end of the year as the eagerly awaited
update on its development project, Cobre Panama, was pushed back into Q1 2014.
The Company continued to add to its smaller market-cap copper exposure with new
positions in Nevsun Resources (1.1% of the portfolio) and Tiger Resources (0.5%
of the portfolio). These are both strong cash flow producers in Africa and good
illustrations of the high quality opportunities that exist in this area of the
Exposure to the other base metals remains limited as the metal prices sit at or
below the marginal cost of production and profit margins for the companies are
correspondingly low or negative. A reluctance to cut high cost capacity coupled
with strong growth in Chinese production has kept aluminium prices low,
although premiums for the metal have been elevated owing to warehouse
bottle-necks. Whilst the Company did have a trading position in Alcoa during
the year, it had no direct exposure to aluminium producers at the end of the
year under review. The nickel market is also suffering from severe oversupply;
however, there is the potential for a price catalyst in the coming months with
the Indonesian government restricting the export of all types of unbeneficiated
ore from the country including nickel-rich low grade iron ore. This is
significant for nickel as low grade nickel pig iron has become a major raw
material for stainless steel production in China, displacing traditional nickel
demand. Given the high level of inventories, these restrictions are unlikely to
have any near term impact on the market surplus; however, it does suggest
downside risk to the nickel price has reduced. During the year, the Company
initiated a position in Norilsk Nickel (0.6% of the portfolio), the world's
largest nickel producer, as well as a significant producer of palladium,
platinum and copper. The Company increased its zinc exposure indirectly through
the year by adding to its position in Vedanta (1.2% of the portfolio).
Gold and precious metals
Precious metals remained under pressure in 2013 with silver the worst
performer, declining close to 35% over the year. Gold fared little better
falling over 27%, the worst annual performance since 1981. Strong equity market
performance, a firmer US dollar and an absence of inflationary pressures meant
the demand from institutional investors for gold, which is treated as a store
of value, diminished. Gold was particularly hard hit during the first half of
the year as the market began to expect "tapering" (the phasing out of the
Federal Reserve's bond-buying programme, or quantitative easing) and the bears
made the most of speculation that Cyprus could have to sell part of its gold
holdings (which are only 13.9 tonnes) as part of its bailout terms. Liquidation
in the futures market, followed by selling in the physically-backed exchange
traded funds ('ETFs'), pushed the gold price to a low of US$1,180/oz in June
2013. At these lower levels, there was a surge in retail demand for jewellery,
bars and coins in the second quarter, particularly from China and India. These
two countries are now expected to represent around 60% of global demand. The
challenge for the gold market is that for now this retail demand, Chinese
demand in particular, is price sensitive, pulling back when prices neared
US$1,300/oz. This meant during the second half of the year, the price was
range-bound closing the year at US$1,207/oz.
The sharp fall in the gold price pushed the gold industry into loss-making
territory and the sector has been forced to take drastic action. Going forward
the gold industry will need to adjust mine plans for the new lower gold price
environment in order to return to profitability. Those companies with the
highest quality assets have the greatest flexibility and have already begun to
announce their new production profiles and mine plans to the market. However,
those with mines that are low grade, with short lives and limited scope for
adjustment, will struggle. The impact of this will only become clear in the
medium term but it is our expectation that we shall see global gold production
start to fall in coming years.
The Company has been underweight gold producers for a number of years and this
remains the case. The beta of the gold sector to the gold price has returned so
we are watching carefully for an improvement in the fundamentals for gold and
will adjust our exposure accordingly. There was one significant addition to the
Company's gold exposure in the form of gold-linked preference shares issued by
Banro, an African gold producer that is in the process of bringing its second
operation online. As referred to earlier, the security's dividend is
royalty-like in nature, linked to the level of production and the prevailing
gold price.
Platinum and palladium, mainly used in auto catalysts, outperformed gold and
silver with platinum falling by just over 11% and palladium rising by 2%.
Supply for both metals has come under pressure owing to challenges facing the
world's major producing countries. In the case of platinum, South Africa
represents approximately 72% of world supply and mine production has been
impacted by rising costs, frequent disruptions and a highly fractious and
politicised relationship between the management of the platinum mining
companies and the labour unions. Russia is the largest source of primary
palladium, representing 42% of supply, with South Africa at 37%. Dwindling
strategic stockpiles has meant the supply of Russian palladium into the market
has declined. Unlike gold and silver, platinum and palladium did not see a
sharp reduction in physically backed ETF holdings; palladium holdings ended
2013 virtually unchanged and platinum holdings rose to record levels owing
predominantly to the launch of the South African NewPlat ETF in May 2013. By
the end of the period under review, the NewPlat ETF represented 35% of all
platinum ETF holdings.
The Company continued to reduce its overall exposure to South African platinum
producers. However, owing to the improving outlook for platinum demand and the
ongoing supply side challenges, the Company switched some of its exposure into
Impala Platinum, a physically backed platinum ETF (0.6% of the portfolio),
giving it direct exposure to the platinum price. In addition, the Company added
to its holding in Platinum Group Metals (0.7% of the portfolio), an exciting
development company with what looks to be a world-class discovery at its
Waterberg joint venture.
Energy commodities
After sharp declines in 2012, thermal and coking coal markets continued to be
challenged in 2013 due to oversupply. Spot thermal coal prices fell by over 6%
and averaged over 12% down year-on-year. The impact of the closure of higher
cost US coal production capacity and some let-up in the degree of coal-to-gas
switching by the US power utilities was more than offset by growing production
elsewhere in the world. Australian coal producers have sought to reduce
operating costs through improving productivity via volume growth, adding to an
already oversupplied market. In addition, a reduction in the use of higher cost
contractors and a weaker Australian dollar have helped to make the Australian
producers more competitive in a global context, bringing down the overall cost
curve for the industry. In December, the Company initiated a position in China
Shenhua Energy (0.2% of the portfolio), a Chinese coal producer. The outlook
for the Chinese domestic coal market is significantly better than that for the
seaborne market and the sell-off in Chinese equities provided what we believe
will be an attractive entry point.
After a fall of over 40% in 2012, coking coal prices ended the year down a
further 17% and average prices were down by over 22% year-on-year. Growth in
seaborne supply from Australia and Canada, as well as increasing Chinese
domestic production, counteracted the stronger than expected growth
in production from the Chinese steel industry, the largest source of demand for
coking coal. The Company's only major coking coal exposure is indirectly
through the holding in Teck Resources.
Uranium prices fell for a third year in a row, closing the year down over 21%.
Despite universal acknowledgement that the uranium price is unsustainably low,
the uncertain demand environment (with Japanese nuclear reactors still off-line
and power utilities stepping back from the market) has kept prices under
pressure. The much anticipated end to the US-Russia Highly Enriched Uranium
(HEU) Agreement had no obvious effect on the supply-side environment, although
the full impact of this will only likely be felt from 2014 onwards. Whilst
markets today remain in balance, it is our expectation that the fundamentals
for the sector are beginning to show some signs of improvement over coming
years as the nuclear reactors under construction in China come on-line and
Japan potentially restarts at least part of their reactor fleet but with a lack
of new uranium production being developed to meet that demand growth. As such
we initiated a position in Cameco, the world's lowest cost, highest quality
producer. Along with our existing position in the Canadian explorer UEX,
uranium makes up 0.5% of the portfolio.
During the second half of the year, the Company re-entered the oil sands market
by taking advantage of a failed corporate deal in producer Canadian Oil Sands.
The holding provides direct exposure to the oil market as well as delivering a
high yield, tied directly to the oil price.
Royalties and illiquid investments
Marampa royalty contract (6.6% of the portfolio) - In July 2012, the Company
purchased for US$110 million a 2% revenue-related royalty contract calculated
on any iron ore sales over the life of mine from London Mining Plc's Marampa
mine in Sierra Leone. The ramp-up of the Marampa operation successfully
delivered over 100% growth in production year-on-year. The mine exited the year
at a run-rate of 5.4 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). In September 2013, the
company announced the results of its life of mine study including a JORC
compliant reserve of 539mt which supports a life of over 40 years at an annual
production rate of over 6.5mtpa. In addition, the company is looking at
potential expansion options including 10mtpa and 16-20mtpa.
Banro gold-linked preference shares (1.7% of the portfolio) - In April 2013,
the Company purchased US$30 million gold-linked preference shares from Banro
Corporation to help fund the development of its second gold mine, Namoya.
The gold-linked preference shares provide exposure to the gold price as well as
to volume growth with the principal moving in-line with the gold price and the
coupon ranging between 10-15% depending on Banro's overall level of production.
The company has ramped-up quarterly gold production from Twangiza (its first
operation) from 19.6koz in Q1 of 2013 to 22.9koz in Q4 2014 and has also
announced first gold production from Namoya.
Avanco royalty contract - In October 2013, the Company entered into a royalty
agreement with Avanco Resources over its exploration licenses within the
world-class mineral district of Carajas in Brazil. The Company will provide
US$12 million in return for Net Smelter Return (net revenue after deductions
for freight, smelter and refining charges) royalty payments comprising 2% on
copper, 25% on gold and 2% on all other metals that will be produced from their
Antas North and Pedra Branca (Stage 1 and Stage 2) licenses. In addition, there
will be a flat 2% royalty over all metals produced from any other discoveries
within Avanco's licence area as at the time of the agreement. The purchase of
the royalty is conditional on the publication of a JORC compliant reserve
statement, the receipt of a mining license for Stage 1 and will only be
drawn-down in parallel with debt draw-downs. It is expected that this will take
place from the middle of 2014.
Fixed income securities
The Company's exposure to natural resource debt securities has been a
significant contributor to overall performance since the decision was taken
post the financial crisis to take advantage of the attractive yield
opportunities available in the market. At the start of 2013, the Company
switched its exposure from Glencore's convertible bond into the equity, taking
advantage of the implied premium at which the bond was trading relative to the
equity. As at the end of 2013, the Company had 3.7% of the portfolio in
convertible debt and 4.9% in corporate debt. The First Quantum Minerals 8.75%
coupon debt was our largest single position at 3.3%.
Derivatives activity
The Company sometimes holds positions in derivatives contracts with virtually
all the activity focused on selling either puts or calls in order to increase
or decrease position sizes. These derivative positions, which are small in
comparison with the size of the Company, usually have the effect of obliging us
to buy or sell stock or futures at levels we believe are attractive. During
2013, we primarily focused on writing short-dated calls in order to reduce some
of our larger positions. The income generated by such option writing enables us
to maximise the potential exit price from a position if the option is
exercised. In addition to writing calls, we also took advantage of volatility
in the market occasionally to write puts. Both strategies worked well during
the year and income from option writing increased by over 150% from £2.1 million
in 2012 to £5.4 million in 2013. At the end of 2013 we had one put option
outstanding in the portfolio and this expired at the end of January.
At 31 December 2013, the Company had net gearing (calculated as borrowings less
cash) amounting to £85.4 million, dropping from around £86.4 million as a
result of a call option exercise in December. For the most part, this gearing
has been drawn-down against the higher yielding mining company corporate debt
and royalty portfolios. Gearing, which can be drawn-down or repaid at any time,
is used in the portfolio to take tactical advantage of market volatility and
opportunities as well as enhance overall returns during the medium to long
term. Once again the reduced risk appetite of banks around the world continues
to present numerous investment opportunities especially in the mid-size part of
the market. With this in mind it is likely that we could end up drawing-down
more from our debt facilities during 2014.
Outlook and strategy for 2014
Looking into 2014 it is clear that the world economy is now in a better state
than it has been during the last few years. The overall macro picture is
pointing towards synchronous global growth for the first time in years and with
industrial production expanding in most of the world's key commodity-consuming
countries the demand picture is supportive at worst. Should demand surprise to
the upside, then the enormous supply surpluses that have been forecast to
arrive each year for the past two might once again fail to be realised. This
would certainly retire the bears into hibernation.
At the mining company level we remain optimistic that management teams will
continue to deliver a strategy built around improved capital discipline and
increased returns to shareholders. At the moment the sceptics remain convinced
that this will not be the case and the sector is largely under-owned by
generalist investors. If momentum starts to build on the back of better than
expected results and a supportive metal price environment, then this should
provide the necessary catalyst for these investors to return to the share
registers of mining companies.
Meanwhile, we continue to search for new investment opportunities not only in
the traditional equity environment but also looking to add new royalties to the
portfolio as companies find it difficult to raise development capital. With the
mandate from shareholders to go beyond the previous 10% ceiling we are well
placed to add new royalty deals during 2014.
Evy Hambro and Catherine Raw
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
20 February 2014
Ten Largest Investments
31 December 2013
Set out below is a brief description by the Investment Manager of the Company's
ten largest investments.
Rio Tinto* - 11.9% (2012: 10.1%) is a leading mining company by market cap. It
has interests over a broad range of metals and minerals including iron ore,
aluminium, copper, coal, industrial minerals, gold and uranium. As part of its
annual investment seminar in November 2013, Rio Tinto announced a revised
expansion plan of its Australian iron at a significantly lower capital cost than
previous expectations. The company continues to remain focused on delivering
greater value for shareholders. Rio Tinto remains on track to achieve its US$5
billion cost savings target by 2014; capital expenditure in 2013 was 20% lower
than in 2012 and US$3.3 billion of divestments were announced or completed
during the year.
BHP Billiton - 10.6% (2012: 9.4%) is a leading diversified natural resource
company, formed in 2001 from the merger of BHP and Billiton. The company is an
important global player in a number of commodities including iron ore, copper,
coal, manganese, aluminium, diamonds and uranium. The company is the only
sizeable holding in the portfolio with significant oil and gas assets. In
December 2013, the company hosted an important analyst site visit to its US
Petroleum business focusing on its longer term growth potential. Productivity
improvement is a key focus at BHP with the company reducing controllable costs
by US$2.7 billion at the year end in June 2013.
GlencoreXstrata†- 9.9% (2012: 9.1%) is a leading, diversified natural
resources group with activities in mining, smelting, refining, processing and
marketing of metals and minerals, energy products and agricultural products
globally. It provides financing, logistics, marketing and purchasing services
to producers and consumers of commodities. In May 2013, Glencore announced
completion of the merger with Xstrata to form GlencoreXstrata. As part of its
investor day in September 2013, the company announced synergies of at least
US$2 billion for 2014 via head office cuts with further benefits to come from
operational efficiencies.
First Quantum Minerals*†- 7.8% (2012: 7.6%) is an integrated copper producer
whose principal operating assets are in Africa, but also with nickel assets in
Australia and Finland. In April 2013, the company completed its C$5.1 billion
offer for Inmet, a copper producer who is currently developing the Cobre Panama
project in Panama. First Quantum is in the midst of a significant expansion of
the business comprising of six major projects. The company is due to provide a
revised capital cost estimate and project schedule for its Cobre Panama project
in the first quarter of 2014.
In addition to the equity, the Company holds a corporate bond originally issued
by Inmet to fund the development of Cobre Panama. The bond has a coupon of
8.75% and matures in 2020.
Marampa Royalty Contract# - 6.6% (2012: 5.1%) is a 2% revenue-related royalty
calculated on any iron ore sales over the life of mine from London Mining Plc's
Marampa mine in Sierra Leone. The royalty is payable quarterly in arrears
calculated on the amount receivable at the relevant point of sale, currently
calculated with reference to the net freight on board price received from sales
of iron ore in Sierra Leone (terms similar to that of the existing royalty
payable to the Government of Sierra Leone). In September 2013, the company
announced the results of the Marampa Life of Mine study which shows that the
asset is capable of supporting a 40 year operation at 6mtpa, with the potential
for further expansions over time.
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold - 6.5% (2012: 3.8%) is a leading copper producer,
accounting for 9% of global mined copper production annually. It is also a major
producer of gold and molybdenum from mines in North and South America, as well as
Indonesia and the DRC. Its Grasberg mine in Indonesia contains the world's
largest recoverable copper and gold reserves. In May 2013, the mine was
temporarily shut down following an underground incident which reduced 2013
production by 115mlbs copper and 115koz gold. In June 2013, the company announced
the completion of the acquisition of Plains Exploration & Production and McMoRan
Exploration to enter into US oil & gas.
Vale* - 4.1% (2012: 3.5%) is a leading producer of iron ore. Based in Brazil, the
company also has significant interests in other commodities such as nickel,
aluminium, copper, gold and coal. In addition, Vale owns and operates transport
infrastructure. The company made a transformational acquisition in 2006, acquiring
Canadian nickel miner Inco, which considerably broadened the company's asset mix
away from just iron ore. More recently they have ventured into the fertiliser
sector, Zambian copper and Guinean iron ore. Since 2011, under the leadership of
new CEO Murilo Ferreira, Vale has revised down its capital expenditure and growth
forecasts. At its most recent annual investor day in November 2013, the company
announced a capital expenditure budget of US$14.8 billion for 2014, 18% lower than
its peak in 2011.
Cerro Verde - 2.5% (2012: 3.0%) is a copper and molybdenum operation in
Peru operated by Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold where they maintain a 53.6%
ownership in the company. During the first quarter of 2013 construction
activities commenced on the US$4.4 billion large-scale expansion of the asset
to triple production at the concentrator facilities and provide an incremental
600mlbs of copper and 15mlbs of molybdenum from 2016.
Banro*# - 2.5% (2012: 0.8%) is a Canadian listed gold company that is operating
and developing assets in the DRC. The Company has a position in a preference
share that is royalty-like in its return profile in that the coupon varies with
the amount of gold produced and the gold price in each quarter and the
principal due at maturity also varies with the gold price. In addition, the
Company holds a position in a 10% coupon 2017 corporate bond. Although at the
higher end of the geo-political risk spectrum, the assets are geologically high
quality with the potential to operate towards the lower end of the cost curve.
There is also a high degree of exploration potential across the large land
package over which the company has licenses.
Antofagasta - 2.3% (2012: 3.0%) is a Chilean-based copper company with
interests in energy, transport and water distribution. The company is 65% owned
by the Luksic family of Chile with the remaining 35% free float listed on the
London Stock Exchange. Antofagasta is expected to produce 700kt of copper
during 2013, with additional growth via the already approved Antucoya expansion
project, as well as yet to be approved expansions at Los Pelambres and the
Centinela District.
* Includes fixed interest securities.
# Investments held at Directors' valuation.
All percentages reflect the value of the holding as a percentage of total
investments. Percentages in brackets represent the value of the holding as at
31 December 2012. Together, the ten largest investments represent 64.7% of
total investments (ten largest investments as at 31 December 2012: 53.6%).
†2012 percentages reflects Glencore and Xstrata combined and First Quantum
Minerals and Inmet Mining combined.
31 December 2013
Main Market %
geographical value of
exposure £'000 investments
Rio Tinto* Global 117,010 11.9
BHP Billiton Global 104,664 10.6
GlencoreXstrata Global 97,875 9.9
Vale* Global 40,191 4.1
Teck Resources Global 19,612 2.0
Vedanta Global 11,669 1.2
African Rainbow Minerals South Africa 10,866 1.1
Lundin Mining Global 8,849 0.9
------- ----
410,736 41.7
------- ----
First Quantum Minerals* Global 77,341 7.8
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Global 63,802 6.5
Cerro Verde Peru 24,408 2.5
Antofagasta Chile 23,072 2.3
Southern Copper Peru 14,729 1.5
Nevsun Resources Eritrea 11,108 1.1
Imperial Metals Canada 4,540 0.5
Tiger Resources DRC 4,481 0.5
Katanga Mining DRC 2,813 0.3
Ivanhoe Mines DRC 2,573 0.2
Avanco Resources Brazil 2,470 0.2
Oz Minerals Australia 1,272 0.1
Nevada Copper USA 756 0.1
Mawson West DRC 620 0.1
------- ----
233,985 23.7
------- ----
Iron Ore
Marampa Royalty Contract# Sierra Leone 65,342 6.6
African Minerals*~ Sierra Leone 22,259 2.3
London Mining convertible Sierra Leone 14,151 1.4
Kumba Iron Ore South Africa 12,653 1.3
Fortescue Metals Australia 6,266 0.6
IRC Russia 1,493 0.2
Equatorial Resources Republic of Congo 1,360 0.1
------- ----
123,524 12.5
------- ----
Banro*+# DRC 24,398 2.5
Franco Nevada Global 7,325 0.7
Randgold Resources Mali 6,633 0.7
Polymetal International Russia 6,372 0.6
Eldorado Gold Global 4,618 0.5
Newcrest Mining Australia 4,424 0.4
Yamana Gold Global 3,636 0.4
New Gold Global 2,985 0.3
Minas Buenaventura Peru 2,915 0.3
Shanta Gold convertible Tanzania 2,777 0.3
G Resources Indonesia 2,370 0.2
Barrick Gold Global 1,702 0.2
Stratex Ethiopia 1,237 0.1
Pacific Niugini Papua New Guinea 36 0.0
------ ---
71,428 7.2
------ ---
Silver & Diamonds
Fresnillo Mexico 21,620 2.2
Industrias Penoles Mexico 20,226 2.1
Dominion Diamond Canada 4,267 0.4
Gem Diamonds Lesotho 4,247 0.4
Tahoe Resources Guatemala 3,984 0.4
Lucara Diamond Botswana 2,753 0.3
Petra Diamonds South Africa 2,660 0.3
Sierra Metals Peru 2,069 0.2
Volcan Peru 1,404 0.1
------ ---
63,230 6.4
------ ---
Industrial Minerals
Iluka Resources Australia 20,113 2.0
Kenmare Resources Mozambique 9,125 0.9
Sirocco Mining Chile 1,698 0.2
Mineral Deposits Senegal 1,420 0.2
------ ---
32,356 3.3
------ ---
Platinum Group Metals South Africa 6,478 0.7
Impala Platinum South Africa 5,311 0.6
Source Physical Platinum MA
Platinum P-ETC Global 4,056 0.4
Aquarius Platinum 4% 18/12/15
convertible South Africa 2,414 0.2
------ ---
18,259 1.9
------ ---
China Shenhua Energy Peoples' Republic
of China 2,291 0.2
China Shenhua Energy put option Peoples' Republic
of China (276) 0.0
----- ---
2,015 0.2
----- ---
Minsur sa 'I' Peru 6,982 0.7
Canadian Oil Sands Canada 6,809 0.7
Norilsk Nickel Russia 6,010 0.6
Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Canada 3,980 0.4
Cameco Canada 2,881 0.3
UEX Canada 1,939 0.2
Metals X Australia 1,111 0.1
Soc Min El Brocal Peru 563 0.1
Bindura Nickel Zimbabwe 38 0.0
------ ---
30,313 3.1
------- -----
Portfolio 985,846 100.0
======= =====
* Includes fixed interest investments.
# Investments held at Directors' valuation.
+ Includes Banro Gold-Linked preference shares.
~ Includes group holdings.
All investments are in equity shares unless otherwise stated.
The total number of investments (including options classified as
liabilities on the balance sheet) as at 31 December 2013 was 71
(31 December 2012: 77).
Portfolio analysis
31 December 2013
Commodity Exposure*
BlackRock World Mining Trust plc Euromoney Global Mining Index
2013 2012 2013
% % %
Aluminium 0.0 0.0 3.2
Coal 0.2 0.0 6.1
Platinum 1.9 2.8 1.8
Industrial Minerals 3.3 3.0 1.0
Silver & Diamonds 6.4 9.3 2.5
Gold 7.2 10.4 14.9
Iron Ore 12.5 12.9 1.1
Copper 23.7 21.9 12.4
Diversified 41.7 38.1 55.2
Other 3.1 1.6 1.8
Geographical Exposure*
2013 2012
% %
Global 57.4 51.2
Africa (ex SA) 18.1 13.1
Latin America 12.4 20.3
South Africa 4.1 5.5
Australia 3.2 6.9
Canada 2.5 0.5
Other 2.2*** 2.0**
USA 0.1** 0.5
* Based on the principal commodity exposure and place of operation of each
** Consists of Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Oman, Papua New Guinea and
*** Consists of Guatemala, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, People's Republic of
China and Russia.
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2013
Revenue Revenue Capital Capital Total Total
2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Income from
investments held at
fair value through
profit or loss 3 42,865 42,508 - - 42,865 42,508
Other income 3 5,937 2,553 - - 5,937 2,553
------ ------ -------- ------- ------ ------
Total revenue 48,802 45,061 - - 48,802 45,061
------ ------ -------- ------- ------ ------
Losses on investments
held at fair value
through profit or
loss - - (324,228) (93,808) (324,228) (93,808)
Realised (losses)/
gains on foreign
exchange - - (718) 1,705 (718) 1,705
------ ------ -------- ------- -------- -------
48,802 45,061 (324,946) (92,103) (276,144) (47,042)
------ ------ -------- ------- -------- -------
Investment management
fees 4 (3,164) (4,046) (9,492) (12,139) (12,656) (16,185)
Other expenses 5 (975) (902) - (766) (975) (1,668)
------ ------ -------- ------- ------ -------
Total operating
expenses (4,139) (4,948) (9,492) (12,905) (13,631) (17,853)
------ ------ -------- ------- ------- -------
Net profit/(loss)
before finance costs
and taxation 44,663 40,113 (334,438) (105,008) (289,775) (64,895)
------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------
Finance costs 6 (391) (299) (1,175) (895) (1,566) (1,194)
------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------
Net profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities
before taxation 44,272 39,814 (335,613) (105,903) (291,341) (66,089)
------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------
Taxation (4,639) (1,200) 2,813 3,258 (1,826) 2,058
------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------
Net profit/(loss) for
the year 39,633 38,614 (332,800) (102,645) (293,167) (64,031)
------ ------ -------- -------- -------- -------
Earnings/(loss) per
ordinary share 8 22.36p 21.78p (187.72p) (57.90p) (165.36p) (36.12p)
====== ====== ======== ======= ======== =======
The total column of this statement represents the Consolidated Statement of
Comprehensive Income, prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), as adopted by the European Union. The
supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under guidance
published by the Association of Investment Companies ('AIC'). All items in the
above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired
or discontinued during the year. All income is attributable to the equity
holders of BlackRock World Mining Trust plc. There were no minority interests.
The net loss of the Company for the year was £293,167,000 (2012: loss of
The Group does not have any other comprehensive income. The net return for the
year disclosed above represents the Group's comprehensive income.
Statements of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 December 2013
Ordinary Share Capital
share premium Special redemption Capital Revenue
capital account reserve reserve reserves reserve Total
Group Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
For the year ended
31 December 2012
At 31 December
2011 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 994,236 46,712 1,317,004
(Loss)/profit for
the year - - - - (102,645) 38,614 (64,031)
Transactions with
Dividend paid 7 - - - - - (37,230) (37,230)
----- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- -------
At 31 December
2012 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 891,591 48,096 1,215,743
===== ======= ======= ====== ======= ====== =========
For the year ended
31 December 2013
At 31 December
2012 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 891,591 48,096 1,215,743
(Loss)/profit for
the year - - - - (332,800) 39,633 (293,167)
Transactions with
Dividend paid 7 - - - - - (37,230) (37,230)
----- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- -------
At 31 December
2013 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 558,791 50,499 885,346
===== ======= ======= ====== ======= ====== =======
Ordinary Share Capital
share premium Special redemption Capital Revenue
capital account reserve reserve reserves reserve Total
Company Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
For the year ended
31 December 2012
At 31 December
2011 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 1,005,137 35,811 1,317,004
(Loss)/profit for
the year - - - - (102,640) 38,609 (64,031)
Transactions with
Dividend paid 7 - - - - - (37,230) (37,230)
----- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- --------
At 31 December
2012 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 902,497 37,190 1,215,743
===== ======= ======= ====== ======= ====== =========
For the year ended
31 December 2013
At 31 December
2012 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 902,497 37,190 1,215,743
(Loss)/profit for
the year - - - - (332,792) 39,625 (293,167)
Transactions with
Dividend paid 7 - - - - - (37,230) (37,230)
----- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- -------
At 31 December
2013 9,651 127,155 116,471 22,779 569,705 39,585 885,346
----- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------ -------
Statements of Financial Position
as at 31 December 2013
2013 2013 2012 2012
Group Company Group Company
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Non current assets
Investments held at fair value
through profit or loss 986,122 998,536 1,318,360 1,330,766
Deferred tax asset 1,795 1,795 3,002 3,002
------- --------- --------- ---------
987,917 1,000,331 1,321,362 1,333,768
------- --------- --------- ---------
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 16,553 5,273 14,493 3,224
Other receivables 6,293 6,293 3,693 3,693
------- ------ ------ ------
22,846 11,566 18,186 6,917
--------- ------ ------ ------
Total assets 1,010,763 1,011,897 1,339,548 1,340,685
--------- --------- --------- ---------
Current liabilities
Other payables (22,949) (24,083) (21,672) (22,809)
Derivative financial instruments -
written options (276) (276) (250) (250)
Bank loans and bank overdrafts (101,915) (101,915) (100,892) (100,892)
-------- -------- -------- --------
(125,140) (126,274) (122,814) (123,951)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Total assets less current
liabilities 885,623 885,623 1,216,734 1,216,734
Non current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities (277) (277) (991) (991)
------- ------- --------- ---------
Net assets 885,346 885,346 1,215,743 1,215,743
======= ======= ========= =========
Equity attributable to equity
Ordinary share capital 9 9,651 9,651 9,651 9,651
Share premium account 127,155 127,155 127,155 127,155
Special reserve 116,471 116,471 116,471 116,471
Capital redemption reserve 22,779 22,779 22,779 22,779
Capital reserves 558,791 569,705 891,591 902,497
Revenue reserve 50,499 39,585 48,096 37,190
------- ------- --------- ---------
Total equity 885,346 885,346 1,215,743 1,215,743
======= ======= ========= =========
Net asset value per ordinary share 8 499.39p 499.39p 685.75p 685.75p
======= ======= ======= =======
Cash Flow Statements
for the year ended 31 December 2013
2013 2013 2012 2012
Group Company Group Company
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Operating activities
Loss before taxation (291,341) (291,344) (66,089) (66,091)
Add back interest paid 1,566 1,566 1,194 1,194
Losses on investments held at fair value
through profit or loss including
transaction costs 324,228 324,220 93,808 93,803
Net losses/(gains) on foreign exchange 718 718 (1,705) (1,705)
Sales of investments held at fair value
through profit or loss 317,195 317,195 281,719 281,719
Purchases of investments held at fair
value through profit or loss (309,159) (309,159) (340,539) (340,539)
Increase in other receivables (94) (94) (138) (138)
Increase in amounts due from brokers (2,610) (2,610) (189) (189)
(Decrease)/increase in amounts due to
brokers (11,125) (11,125) 12,462 12,462
Increase in other payables 12,399 12,399 3,927 3,927
------ ------ ------ ------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating
activities before interest and taxation 41,777 41,766 (15,550) (15,557)
------ ------ ------- -------
Interest paid (1,566) (1,566) (1,194) (1,194)
Taxation paid - - (40) (40)
Taxation on overseas income (1,226) (1,226) (1,144) (1,144)
------ ------ ------ ------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating
activities before financing activities 38,985 38,974 (17,928) (17,935)
------ ------ ------- -------
Financing activities
Drawdown of loan 168 168 40,624 40,624
Dividend paid (37,230) (37,230) (37,230) (37,230)
------- ------- ------- -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing
activities (37,062) (37,062) 3,394 3,394
------- ------- ------ ------
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents 1,923 1,912 (14,534) (14,541)
------ ------ ------- -------
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 137 137 (1,086) (1,086)
------ ------ ------ ------
Change in cash and cash equivalents 2,060 2,049 (15,620) (15,627)
Cash and cash equivalents at start of
year 14,493 3,224 30,113 18,851
------ ------ ------ ------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 16,553 5,273 14,493 3,224
====== ====== ====== ======
Comprised of:
Cash 15,261 3,981 13,325 2,056
Collateral pledged for written option
contracts 1,292 1,292 1,168 1,168
------ ------ ------ ------
16,553 5,273 14,493 3,224
====== ====== ====== ======
Notes to the Financial Statements
1. Principal activity
The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company
within the meaning of section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.
The principal activity of the subsidiary, BlackRock World Mining Investment
Company Limited, is investment dealing.
2. Accounting policies
The principal accounting policies adopted by the Group and the Company are set
out below.
(a) Basis of preparation
The Group and Parent Company financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as adopted
by the European Union and as applied in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act 2006. The Group has taken advantage of the exemption provided
under section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 not to publish its individual
income statement and related notes.
The Group's financial statements are presented in sterling, which is the
currency of the primary economic environment in which the Group operates. All
values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (£'000) except where
otherwise indicated.
New standards, amendments to standards and interpretations effective for annual
periods beginning after 1 January 2013 that have been adopted by the Group in
preparing these financial statements are:
IFRS 13 - "Fair Value Measurement" (effective 1 January 2013) establishes a
single source of guidance under IFRS for all fair value measurements. It does
not change when an entity is required to use fair value, but rather provides
guidance on how to measure fair value under IFRS when fair value is required or
permitted. IFRS 13 defines fair value as an exit price. The standard does not
have any impact on the classification and/or valuation of the Group and
Company's financial instruments. IFRS 13 also requires additional disclosures,
and these are provided in Note 18 on pages 55 to 63 of the Annual Report.
IFRS 7 (amendment), Financial Instruments - Disclosures (effective for periods
beginning on or after 1 January 2013) - amendments enhancing disclosures about
offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities. The disclosures required
by this standard are given in Note 18 on pages 56 to 64 of the Annual Report.
A number of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are
effective for annual periods beginning after 1 January 2014, and have not been
applied in preparing these financial statements. None of these are expected to
have a significant effect on the measurement of the amounts recognised in the
financial statements of the Company; however, additional disclosures will be
required. However, IFRS 9 "Financial Instruments" issued in November 2009 will
change the classification of financial assets, but is not expected to have an
impact on the measurement basis of the financial assets since the majority of
the Company's financial assets are measured at fair value through profit or
IFRS 9 - "Financial Instruments" deals with classification and measurement of
financial assets and its requirements represent a significant change from the
existing requirements in IAS 39 in respect of financial assets. The standard
contains two primary measurement categories for financial assets: at amortised
cost and fair value. A financial asset would be measured at amortised cost if
it is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets in order
to collect contractual cash flows, and the asset's contractual terms give rise
on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and
interest on the principal outstanding. All other financial assets would be
measured at fair value. The standard eliminates the existing IAS 39 categories
of "held to maturity", "available for sale" and "loans and receivables".
The standard is not yet approved by the EU.
IFRS 10 - "Consolidated Financial Statements" (effective 1 January 2014)
establishes a single control model that applies to all entities including
special purpose entities. The changes introduced by IFRS 10 will require
management to exercise significant judgement to determine which entities are
controlled, and therefore are required to be consolidated by a parent. The
standard is not likely to have any impact on the Group.
IFRS 11 - "Joint Arrangements" (effective 1 January 2014) removes the option to
account for jointly controlled entities (JCEs) using proportionate
consolidation. This is not applicable to the Group as it holds no interests in
joint arrangements.
IFRS 12 - "Disclosure of Involvement with Other Entities" (effective
1 January 2014) now requires additional disclosures that relate to an entity's
interests in subsidiaries, joint arrangements, associates and structured
This standard is not expected to apply to the Group as it does not invest in
structured entities.
Insofar as the Statement of Recommended Practice ('SORP') for investment trusts
and venture capital trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies
('AIC'), revised in January 2009 is compatible with IFRS, the financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with the guidance set out in the
(b) Basis of consolidation
The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the
Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, BlackRock World Mining Investment
Company Limited, which are registered and operate in England and Wales.
(c) Presentation of the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
In order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and in
accordance with guidance issued by the AIC, supplementary information which
analyses the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income between items of a
revenue and a capital nature has been presented alongside the Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income.
(d) Segmental reporting
The Directors are of the opinion that the Group is engaged in a single segment
of business being investment business.
(e) Income
Dividends receivable on equity shares are recognised on an ex-dividend basis.
Where no ex-dividend date is available, dividends receivable on or before the
year end are treated as revenue for the year. Provision is made for any
dividends not expected to be received. Interest income is accounted for on an
accruals basis.
Income from contractual rights is measured at the fair value of the
consideration received or receivable where the Investment Manager can reliably
estimate the amount, pursuant to the terms of the agreement. Income from
contractual rights received comprise of a return of income and a return of
capital based on the underlying cost of the contract and, accordingly, the
return of income element is taken to the revenue account and the return of
capital element is taken to the capital account. These amounts are disclosed in
the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income within income from
investments and gains/losses on investments held at fair value through profit
or loss, respectively.
The useful life of the contractual rights will be determined by reference to
the contractual arrangements, the planned mine life on commencement of mining
and the underlying cost of the contractual rights will be revalued on a
systematic basis using the units of production method over the life of the
contractual rights which is estimated using available estimated proved and
probable reserves specifically associated with the mine. The Investment Manager
relies on public disclosures for information on proven and probable reserves
from the operators of the mine. Amortisation rates are adjusted on a
prospective basis for all changes to estimates of the life of contractual
rights and iron ore reserves. These are disclosed in the Consolidated Statement
of Comprehensive Income within gains/losses on investments held at fair value
through profit or loss.
Option premium income is recognised as revenue evenly over the life of the
option contract and included in the revenue column of the Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income unless the option has been written for the
maintenance and enhancement of the Company's investment portfolio and
represents an incidental part of a larger capital transaction, in which case
any premia arising are allocated to the capital column of the Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income. When an option is closed out or exercised
the gain or loss is accounted for as capital.
(f) Expenses
All expenses, including finance costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis.
Expenses have been charged wholly to the revenue column of the Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income, except as follows:
- expenses which are incidental to the acquisition of an investment are
included within the cost of the investment. Details of transaction costs on
the purchases and sales of investments are disclosed in Note 10 on page 52 of
the Annual Report.
- effective from 1 January 2012, the investment management fee and finance
costs have been allocated 75% to the capital column and 25% to the revenue
column of the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income in line with the
Board's expected long term split of returns, in the form of capital gains and
income, respectively, from the investment portfolio;
- expenses are treated as capital where a connection with the maintenance or
enhancement of the value of the investments can be demonstrated.
(g) Taxation
Deferred taxation is recognised in respect of all temporary differences that
have originated but not reversed at the financial reporting date, where
transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the
future or right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at the financial
reporting date. This is subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if
it is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from
which the future reversal of the temporary differences can be deducted.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the rates applicable to the
legal jurisdictions in which they arise.
(h) Investments held at fair value through profit or loss
The Company's investments, including contractual rights, are classified as held
at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IAS 39 - "Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement" and are managed and evaluated on a
fair value basis in accordance with its investment strategy.
All investments, including contractual rights, are designated upon initial
recognition as held at fair value through profit or loss. Purchases of
investments are recognised on a trade date basis. The sales of assets are
recognised at the trade date of the disposal. Proceeds are measured at fair
value which will be regarded as the proceeds of sale less any transaction
costs. Contractual rights are recognised on the completion date, where a
purchase of the rights is under a contract, and is initially measured at fair
value excluding transaction costs.
The fair value of the financial investments is based on their quoted bid price
at the financial reporting date, without deduction for the estimated selling
costs. For all financial instruments not traded in an active market, the fair
value is determined by using valuation techniques deemed by the Board to be
appropriate in the circumstances. Valuation techniques include the market
approach (i.e., using recent arm's length market transactions adjusted as
necessary and reference to the current market value of another instrument that
is substantially the same) and the income approach (i.e., discounted cash flow
analysis and option pricing models making as much use of available and
supportable market data as possible).
Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of investments and on
disposal of investments are recognised directly in the Consolidated Statement
of Comprehensive Income. The gains and losses from changes in fair value of
contractual rights are taken to the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive
Income and arise as a result of the revaluation of the underlying cost of the
contractual rights, changes in commodity prices and changes in estimates of
proven and probable reserves specifically associated with the mine.
In order to improve the disclosure of how companies measure the fair value of
their financial investments, the disclosure requirements in IFRS 13 have been
extended to include a fair value hierarchy. The fair value hierarchy consists
of the following three levels:
Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or
Level 2 - valued by reference to valuation techniques using market observable
inputs such as quoted prices;
Level 3 - inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable
market data.
Under IFRS, the investment in the subsidiary is fair valued which is deemed to
be the net asset value of the subsidiary. Changes in the fair value of
investments held at fair value through profit or loss and gains and losses on
disposal are recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
as "Gains or losses on investments held at fair value through profit or loss".
Also included within this heading are transaction costs in relation to the
purchase or sale of investments.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount
reported in the statements of financial position if there is a currently
enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an
intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the
liability simultaneously.
(i) Other receivables and other payables
Other receivables and other payables do not carry any interest and are short
term in nature and are accordingly stated at their nominal value.
(j) Dividends payable
Under IFRS, final dividends should not be accrued in the financial statements
unless they have been approved by shareholders before the financial reporting
date. Interim dividends should not be accrued in the financial statements
unless they have been paid.
Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the Statements of
Changes in Equity when they have been approved by shareholders in the case of a
final dividend, or paid in the case of an interim dividend, and have become a
liability of the Group.
(k) Foreign currency translation
Transactions involving foreign currencies are converted at the rate ruling at
the date of the transaction. Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities
are translated into sterling at the rate ruling on the financial reporting
date. Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognised in the
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.
(l) Cash and cash equivalents
Cash comprises cash in hand and on demand deposits. Cash equivalents are short
term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts
of cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
(m) Bank borrowings
Bank overdrafts and loans are recorded as the proceeds received. Finance
charges, including any premia payable on settlement or redemption and direct
issue costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis in the Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income using the effective interest rate method and
are added to the carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are
not settled in the period in which they arise.
(n) Critical accounting estimates and judgements
The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting
accounting estimates and assumptions will, by definition, seldom equal the
related actual results. Estimates and judgements are regularly evaluated and
are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of
future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The
estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material
adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next
financial year are addressed below.
Fair value of financial instruments
When the fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in
the Statements of Financial Position cannot be derived from active markets,
their fair value is determined using a variety of valuation techniques that
include the use of valuation models. The fair value of contractual rights was
assessed by IMC Group Consulting Limited, an independent valuer with a
recognised and relevant professional qualification. The inputs to these models
are taken from observable markets where possible, but where this is not
feasible, estimation is required in establishing fair values. The estimates
include considerations of production profiles, commodity prices, cash flows and
discount rates. Changes in assumptions about these factors could affect the
reported fair value of financial instruments in the Statements of Financial
Position and the level where the instruments are disclosed in the fair value
hierarchy. To assess the significance of a particular input to the entire
measurement, the external valuer performs sensitivity analysis. The key
assumptions used to determine the fair value of the contractual rights and
sensitivity analyses are provided in note 18 of the Annual Report.
3. Income
2013 2012
£'000 £'000
Investment income:
UK listed dividends 10,870 9,264
Overseas listed dividends 15,209 20,759
Overseas listed special dividends 4,130 446
Income from contractual rights 2,984 266
Fixed interest income 9,672 11,773
------ ------
42,865 42,508
------ ------
Other income:
Option premiums 5,440 2,114
Deposit interest 22 21
Underwriting commission and other income 475 418
------ ------
5,937 2,553
------ ------
Total income 48,802 45,061
====== ======
Total income comprises:
Dividends 30,209 30,469
Deposit interest 22 21
Option premiums 5,440 2,114
Income from contractual rights 2,984 266
Fixed interest income 9,672 11,773
Other income 475 418
------ ------
48,802 45,061
====== ======
The Company considers the treatment of premium arising on option transactions
on a case-by-case basis. During the year ended 31 December 2013, the option
premium income of £5,521,000 (2012: £2,114,000) received by the Company was
from options written for income purposes of which £5,440,000 has been credited
to the revenue column of the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income as
it is recognised evenly over the life of the option contract.
4. Management fee
2013 2012
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Investment management
fee 3,164 9,492 12,656 4,046 12,139 16,185
===== ===== ====== ===== ====== ======
The investment management fee is levied quarterly at a rate of 1.3% per annum,
based on the value of gross assets on the last day of each quarter and,
effective from 1 January 2012, 75% of investment management fees are allocated
to the capital column and 25% to the revenue column of the Consolidated
Statement of Comprehensive Income.
5. Other expenses
2013 2012
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Custody fee 183 - 183 379 - 379
Auditor's remuneration:
- audit services 28 - 28 39 - 39
- other assurance
services*# 6 - 6 6 198 204
Registrar's fee 98 - 98 72 - 72
Directors' emoluments** 133 - 133 119 - 119
Other administrative
costs# 527 - 527 287 568 855
--- --- --- --- --- -----
975 - 975 902 766 1,668
--- --- --- --- --- -----
2013 2012
The Company's ongoing
charges, calculated as a
percentage of average
net assets for the year
and using expenses,
excluding finance costs
were: 1.4% 1.4%
---- ----
* Other assurance services relate to the review of the half yearly financial
** The emoluments of the Chairman, who was also the highest paid Director, were
£33,750 (2012: £30,000).
# In 2012, expenses charged to capital include £198,000 paid to the auditors
relating to tax and structuring services and £568,000 paid to legal and
corporate finance advisers relating to advice provided for a proposed but not
completed corporate acquisition.
6. Finance costs
2013 2012
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Interest on bank loans 390 1,172 1,562 297 890 1,187
Interest on bank
overdrafts 1 3 4 2 5 7
--- ----- ----- --- --- -----
391 1,175 1,566 299 895 1,194
=== ===== ===== === === =====
7. Dividends
Under IFRS, final dividends are not recognised until they are approved by
shareholders, and special and interim dividends are not recognised until they
are paid. They are also debited directly to reserves. Amounts recognised as
distributable to ordinary shareholders for the period to 31 December were as
2013 2012
£'000 £'000
Interim ordinary dividend in respect of the year ended
31 December 2013 of 7.00p per share, declared on
21 August 2013 12,410 12,410
Final ordinary dividend in respect of the year ended
31 December 2012 of 14.00p per share, approved by
shareholders on 25 April 2013 24,820 24,820
------ ------
37,230 37,230
====== ======
The total dividends payable in respect of the year which form the basis of
section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and section 833 of the Companies
Act 2006, and the amounts proposed, meet the relevant requirements as set out
in this legislation.
2013 2012
£'000 £'000
Dividends paid or proposed on equity shares:
Interim ordinary dividend paid of 7.00p (2012: 7.00p)* 12,410 12,410
Proposed final ordinary dividend of 14.00p per share
(2012: 14.00p)* 24,820 24,820
------ ------
37,230 37,230
------ ------
* Based on 177,287,242 (2012: 177,287,242) ordinary shares.
8. Consolidated earnings and net asset value per ordinary share
Revenue and capital returns per share and net asset value per share are shown
below and have been calculated using the following:
2013 2012
Net revenue profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders (£'000) 39,633 38,614
Net capital loss attributable to ordinary shareholders
(£'000) (332,800) (102,645)
-------- --------
Total loss attributable to ordinary shareholders
(£'000) (293,167) (64,031)
======== ========
Total equity attributable to ordinary shareholders
(£'000) 885,346 1,215,743
======== ========
The weighted average number of ordinary shares in
issue during each year, on which the return per
ordinary share was calculated was: 177,287,242 177,287,242
The number of ordinary shares in issue at the year
end, on which the net asset value per ordinary share
was calculated was: 177,287,242 177,287,242
----------- -----------
Revenue earnings per share 22.36p 21.78p
Capital loss per share (187.72p) (57.90p)
-------- --------
Total loss per share (165.36p) (36.12p)
-------- --------
Net asset value per share 499.39p 685.75p
Share price 465.00p 586.50p
======== ========
At 31 December 2013, the 15,724,600 (2012: 15,724,600) shares held in treasury
were not dilutive to earnings per share, as the share price was below the net asset
9. Share capital
Ordinary Treasury
shares shares
number number Total
(nominal) (nominal) shares £'000
Allotted, called up and fully paid
share capital comprised:
Ordinary shares of 5p each
----------- ---------- ----------- -----
At 1 January 2013 177,287,242 15,724,600 193,011,842 9,651
----------- ---------- ----------- -----
At 31 December 2013 177,287,242 15,724,600 193,011,842 9,651
=========== ========== =========== =====
During the year, no shares (2012: nil) were repurchased (2012: cost of £nil).
10. Contingent liabilities
There were no contingent liabilities at 31 December 2013 (2012: nil).
11. Publication of non statutory accounts
The financial information contained in this announcement does not constitute
statutory accounts as defined in the Companies Act 2006. The annual report and
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 will be filed with the
Registrar of Companies after the Annual General Meeting.
The figures set out above have been reported upon by the Auditor, whose report
for the year ended 31 December 2013 contains no qualification or statement
under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.
The comparative figures are extracts from the audited financial statements of
BlackRock World Mining Trust plc and its subsidiary for the year ended
31 December 2012, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The
report of the Auditor on those financial statements contained no qualification
or statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.
12. Annual Report
Copies of the annual report will be published shortly and will be available
from the registered office, c/o The Company Secretary, BlackRock World Mining
Trust plc, 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL.
13. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 12 Throgmorton
Avenue, London EC2N 2DL on Thursday, 8 May 2014 at 11.30 a.m.
The Annual Report will also be available on the BlackRock Investment Management
website at Neither the contents of the Manager's
website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the
Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part
of, this announcement.
For further information, please contact:
Jonathan Ruck Keene, Chairman, Specialist Client Group,
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - Tel: 020 7743 2178
Evy Hambro, Fund Manager,
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - Tel: 020 7743 4511
Emma Phillips, Media & Communications,
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - Tel: 020 7743 2922
20 February 2014
12 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2DL