Portfolio Update

BLACKROCK WORLD MINING TRUST plc All information is at 31 May 2012 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One Three One Three Five Month Months Year Years Years Net asset value* (undiluted) -14.0% -21.1% -28.3% 42.0% 4.0% Net asset value* (diluted) -14.0% -21.1% -28.3% 42.0% 8.8% Share price* -14.1% -21.4% -24.9% 42.9% 6.3% HSBC Global Mining Index -11.7% -21.4% -30.6% 18.7% 13.1% Sources: BlackRock, HSBC Global Mining Index, Datastream *Net asset value and share price performance includes the warrant reinvestment, assuming the 2004 and 2006 bonus warrant entitlement per share was sold and the proceeds reinvested on the first day of trading. At month end Net asset value Including Income Capital Only Undiluted/diluted: 649.09p* 638.07p *Includes net revenue of 11.02p Share price: 574.00p Discount to NAV**: 11.6% Total assets: £1,252.75m Net yield***: 2.4% Gearing: 8.9% Ordinary shares in issue: 177,287,242 Ordinary shares held in Treasury: 15,724,600 ** Discount to NAV including Income. *** Based on final ordinary dividend of 14.00p per share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2011. Sector % Total Country Analysis % Total Assets Assets Diversified 39.8 Global 43.0 Base Metals 20.4 Latin America 19.3 Industrial Minerals 12.4 Other Africa 10.9 Gold 9.8 Australasia 10.7 Silver & Diamonds 8.2 South Africa 6.0 Platinum 2.6 Republic of Congo 1.0 Energy Minerals 1.1 Emerging Europe 1.0 Net current assets 5.7 Democratic Republic of Congo 1.0 ----- Canada 0.6 USA 0.4 100.0 Indonesia 0.3 ===== Mongolia 0.1 Net current assets 5.7 ----- 100.0 ===== Ten Largest Investments % Total Assets Company Rio Tinto 8.2 BHP Billiton 7.9 Vale 7.0 Glencore Finance (Europe) 5% 31/12/14 6.1 Minas Buenaventura 4.9 First Quantum Minerals 4.1 Iluka Resources 3.7 Teck Resources 3.6 Industias Peñoles 3.4 Fresnillo 3.4 Commenting on the markets, Evy Hambro, representing the Investment Manager noted: Performance Both commodities and equities sold off during the month as the outlook for the global economy deteriorated. Weakness was most evident in industrial commodities such as platinum and copper, which fell by 10.5% and 12.9% respectively (Datastream in USD terms). Markets were dominated by uncertainty around the stability of Spanish banks, the upcoming Greek election and the potential ripple effects of a Greek exit from the Euro. It is not just Eurozone woes that hit market confidence during the month. There were also certain data points from China, including disappointing electricity generation numbers, that caused concern about economic activity in the economy which is the largest consumer of many commodities. However, signs of monetary easing in China (interest rates were reduced by 0.25%) and recent commodity import data, may be more indicative of a 'soft landing' scenario. It has been mooted that demand weakness from China may be offset by an improving outlook in the US, which has exhibited positive signs of recovery and has benefited from low energy prices. However, it is worth remembering that China remains the largest consumer of most commodities and a stronger than expected recovery in the US is unlikely to be as influential on global demand dynamics. While the iron ore price has declined over the past month, trending down by about 7% to $138/t (China CFR spot price, CLSA), producers of this steel making commodity continue to benefit from a robust price that is significantly above their cost of production. The portfolio has iron ore exposure via diversified mining companies (eg Rio Tinto) and single commodity producers (eg Fortescue); both types of exposure have strong cash margins and growth options to increase production volumes. Strategy/Outlook The global macro-economic outlook and fragile investor sentiment continue to drive the near-term performance of the mining sector. While markets have suffered over the past month, recent policy changes in China, such as cutting interest rates by 0.25%, are supportive of stimulating economic growth which should be supportive of demand for commodities. The supply side continues to be challenged by both short term factors, such as weather events, and longer term factors such as labour shortages and grade declines. Mining company valuations look attractive across a variety of metrics. Balance sheets have been bolstered by a more conservative approach to gearing management and record operational cashflow generation. Mining managements have also shown themselves more willing to share that balance sheet strength with investors through dividends and buybacks, a trend they would do well to continue. 14 June 2012 ENDS Latest information is available by typing www.brwmplc.co.uk on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.
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