Interim Management Statement
Interim Management Statement - Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income
Investment Trusts (Nos 1-10) plc
Quarter Ended 30th June 2011
Fund Manager's Review
In June our NAV fell 4% to 70.4p per share. The benchmark index returned 0.3%.
The reduction in holdings as a precaution against the wrong outcome in the
Greek austerity vote was the reason for the underperformance in the month. We
remained underweight equities running into the end of the month as markets
rebounded. The share price rose +5.6% to 47.5p. Over the past three months the
Fund's NAV has fallen 10.1% and its share price returned -1%, whilst the
benchmark has fallen 2.8%. The Fund is no longer geared. Three months ago it
was at 47.2%.
The failure to resolve the debt crisis in the US and Europe over the last two
years, has inevitably led to a mid-term stall in terms of a functional policy
path required to pull the economy past the surmounting public debt issues which
have stricken the major developed economies. As the stimulus growth era nears
its end and as worldwide lead indicators have begun to abate, a subpar growth
environment could persist.
Investor sentiment in the month was weak following poor job numbers in the US
economy and European peripheral country woes, as talks of a "Lehmans Moment" in
Europe intensified. The rising cost of insurance against a default in Portugal,
Ireland and Greece, reached a Euro-era record during the month. This was
accentuated by calls for a confidence vote on the Greek incumbent party
(Pasok), as the idea of more stringent austerity measures heavily weighed on
the Greek people.
In the US, the job data negatively surprised and the increases in new non-farm
payrolls were also lower than the market had been expecting. As QE2 efforts
came to a close this month amid efforts to temporarily cease further indebting
the US economy, Federal Reserve Chairman cut his forecast for growth this year
without alluding to another round of QE. As the end of the month drew closer,
there was a sudden shift in sentiment and equities rose nearly as sharply as
they had fallen; primarily due to the austerity measures in Greece being
approved and large French financial institutions signaling their committal to
new debt rollover proposals for Greece.
Amid the market's pessimism in the month, we still believe current US
valuations in the financials space remain attractive and during the month we
took advantage of weak sentiment and historically low valuations to slightly
add to US equities.
Companies in which we are invested reported results as listed below. The
quarterly Net Income ("NI") to the 31st March 2011 year-on-year growth is
Affiliated Asset Managers NI rose 94%
JP Morgan & Chase NI rose 67%
Bank Rakyat Indonesia NI rose 52%
Dena Bank NI grew 15%
Blackstone returned to profit from a loss a year ago
Krung Thai Bank NI rose 79%
Capital One NI rose 60%
LIC Housing NI rose 47%
Sberbank NI rose 100%
Canara Bank NI rose 79%
Bank of Baroda NI rose 43%
KKR & Co NI rose 40%
SCOR made a loss due to a high level of natural catastrophes
Cumulative Performance (%) as of 30th June 2011
Current 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years
NAV 70.40 -4.0% -10.1% -13.3% -22.3% -63.2% -69.1%
Share Price - 47.50 5.6% -1.0% -18.1% -28.0% -62.1% -65.4%
Total Return
Benchmark 70.67 0.3% -2.8% -1.8% 12.6% 15.5% -5.9%
Discount / + -32.5 -38.7 -38.7 -28.6 -27.2 -31.3 -36.8
Premium (%)
Source: Blue Planet, share price bid to bid, net income reinvested
Discrete Annual Performance (%) as of 30th June 2011
Share price Benchmark
2Q/10 - 2Q/11 -28.0% 12.6%
2Q/09 - 2Q/10 21.9% 16.1%
2Q/08 - 2Q/09 -56.8% -11.7%
2Q/07 - 2Q/08 -41.4% -25.5%
2Q/06 - 2Q/07 55.9% 9.4%
Source: Blue Planet, share price bid to bid, net income reinvested
Portfolio Information as of 30th June 2011
Security Security Country Valuation Weighting
Type Name £ %
89,660 Equity BP Global Ireland 2,899,488 15.3
A Class
21,750 Equity JP Morgan Chase & US 550,420 2.9
78,900 Equity Bank of America US 537,720 2.8
16,490 Equity Capital One US 530,303 2.8
201,150 Equity Sberbank R Russia 445,763 2.4
990,500 Equity Blue Planet UK 425,915 2.3
25,450 Equity Discover US 423,560 2.2
777,430 Equity Bank Rakyat Indonesia 366,933 1.9
22,410 Equity Direxion US 356,088 1.9
Financial Bull 3X
66,530 Equity Aviva Plc UK 292,067 1.5
216,480 Equity RSA Insurance UK 292,032 1.5
Group Plc
12,050 Equity Lazard Ltd US 278,019 1.5
75,440 Equity LIC Housing India 256,226 1.3
15,760 Equity Itau Unibanco Brazil 230,732 1.2
547,000 Equity Krung Thai Bank Thailand 207,299 1.1
506,860 Equity Other Other 566,160 3.0
8,658,725 45.6
Security Cash Denomination Valuation Weighting
Type Security Name £ %
Liquid Near Cash Assets GBP 0 0.0
Liquid Cash GBP 2,338,243 12.3
Liquid Cash Other 8,006,263 42.1
Assets Currency
10,344,506 54.4
19,003,231 100.0
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You can also contact the Company on 0845 527 7588 or by emailing