Interim Management Statement
Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc
Interim Management Statement
17 January 2012
Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc ("the Company") announces its
Interim Management Statement for the period from 1 September 2011 to 30
November 2011. This Statement also includes relevant financial information
between the end of the period to the date of this Statement.
The Company is a tax efficient listed company which aims to achieve a regular
tax free dividend stream together with capital growth for private investors.
The Company brings together Investec Structured Product's award winning
expertise in structured products and Calculus Capital's award winning expertise
in venture capital.
· The total number of ordinary and C shares in issue at 30 November
2011 was 4,738,463 and 1,931,095 respectively. The total number of the voting
rights in the Company was 6,669,558.
· The unaudited net asset value ("NAV") per ordinary share as at 30
November 2011 was 93.66 pence. Taking in to account dividends paid to date, the
year to date total return at the period end was (3.12) per cent.
· The unaudited NAV per C share as at 30 November 2011 was 92.93 pence.
No dividends have been paid to date to the holders of C shares.
Since 30 November 2011 the unaudited NAV per ordinary share (including current
period revenue) has risen to 95.11 pence as at 31 December 2011. The unaudited
NAV per C share (including current period revenue) has risen to 93.38 pence.
Investment in Structured Products
As at 30 November 2011, the following investments had been made in Structured
Products. The Structured Products will achieve their target return subject to
the Final Index Level of the FTSE 100 being higher than the Initial Index Level
*. The capital is at risk on a one-for-one basis ("CAR") if the FTSE 100 Index
falls more than 50 per cent. any time during the investment term and fails to
fully recover at maturity such that the Final Index Level is below the Initial
Index Level.
At 10 January 2012 the FTSE 100 was 5696.70. Since the Half Year, the FTSE 100
has climbed and now sits above many of the products' strike levels. As a
consequence of this, the values of these Structured Products have increased
considerably and the value of the portfolio has increased in line.
Over the past three months the volatility has dropped off, which has negatively
affected valuations. 5 year swap rates have also decreased, which has also had
a negative impact on the valuations of the Structured Products' portfolio. The
strong performance on the FTSE 100 has, however, had the largest impact on the
current value of the portfolio, increasing its value over the last quarter.
Ordinary Share Fund:
FTSE 100 % of
Initial Investable
Strike Index Notional Purchase Maturity Return/ Capital at Application
Issuer Date Level Investment Price Date Risk (CAR) Money
Royal Bank of 05/05/2010 5,341.93 £275,000 £0.96 12/05/2015 162.5% if FTSE 100 5.83%
Scotland plc higher*; CAR if FTSE
100 falls more than
Investec Bank 14/05/2010 5,262.85 £500,000 £0.98 19/11/2015 185% if FTSE 100 10.81%
plc higher*; CAR if FTSE
100 falls more than
Abbey National 25/05/2010 4,940.68 £350,000 £0.99 18/11/2015 185% if FTSE 100 7.65%
Treasury higher*; CAR if FTSE
Services plc 100 falls more than
Nomura Bank 28/05/2010 5,188.43 £350,000 £0.98 20/02/2013 137% if FTSE 100 7.58%
International higher*; CAR if FTSE
100 falls more than
Morgan Stanley 10/06/2010 5,132.50 £500,000 £1.00 17/12/2012 134% if FTSE 100 11.04%
higher*; CAR if FTSE
100 falls more than
HSBC Bank plc 01/07/2010 4,805.75 £500,000 £1.00 06/07/2012 125.1% if FTSE 100 11.04%
higher*; CAR if FTSE
100 falls more than
The Royal Bank 18/03/2011 5,718.13 £50,000 £1.00 20/03/2017 Autocallable 10.5% 1.10%
of Scotland p.a.; CAR if FTSE 100
plc falls more than 50%
Abbey National 03/08/2011 5,584.51 £50,000 £1.00 05/02/2014 126% if FTSE 100* 1.10%
Treasury higher; CAR if falls
Services more than 50%
C Share Fund:
FTSE 100 % of
Initial Investable
Strike Index Notional Purchase Maturity Return/ Capital at Application
Issuer Date Level Investment Price Date Risk (CAR) Money
Investec Bank 05/08/2011 5,246.99 £450,000 £1.00 10/03/2017 182% if FTSE 100* 24.70%
plc higher; CAR if FTSE
100 falls more than
The Royal Bank 18/03/2011 5,718.13 £200,000 £1.00 20/03/2017 Autocallable 10.5% 10.98%
of Scotland p.a.; CAR if FTSE
plc 100 falls more than
Abbey National 03/08/2011 5,584.51 £200,000 £1.00 05/02/2014 126% if FTSE 100* 10.98%
Treasury higher; CAR if falls
Services more than 50%
*The Final Index Level is calculated using 'averaging', meaning that the
average of the closing levels of the FTSE 100 is taken on each Business Day
over the last 2-6 months of the Structured Product plan term (the length of the
averaging period differs for each plan). The use of averaging to calculate the
return can reduce adverse effects of a falling market or sudden market falls
shortly before maturity. Equally, it can reduce the benefits of an increasing
market or sudden market rises shortly before maturity.
The total amount invested in Structured Products in the Ordinary Share Fund as
at 30 November 2011 was £2,542,980, representing 56.16 per cent. of net funds
The total amount invested in Structured Products in the C Share Fund as at 30
November 2011 was £850,000, representing 46.66 per cent. of net funds raised.
Venture Capital Investments
The Venture Capital Investments at 30 November 2011 are shown below.
Ordinary Share Fund Sector Cost Valuation % of total
Terrain Energy Limited
Ordinary equity £100,000 £107,141
Loan stock £200,000 £200,000 7.1%
Total £300,000 £307,141
Lime Technology Limited
Ordinary equity Low carbon £57,386 £9,605
Loan stock material £250,000 £250,000 6.0%
Total £307,386 £259,605
MicroEnergy Generation
Services Limited
Ordinary equity energy £150,000 £150,000
Loan stock £150,000 £150,000 7.0%
Total £300,000 £300,000
Heritage House Media
Ordinary equity Digital £13,333 £13,333
Loan stock £111,754 £111,754 2.9%
Total £125,087 £125,087
Investec SPV Limited
Ordinary equity company £1,834 £1,834
Total £1,834 £1,834
C Share Fund % of total
Sector Cost Valuation portfolio
Terrain Energy Limited
Ordinary equity £45,000 £45,000
Loan stock £45,000 £45,000 5.3%
Total £90,000 £90,000
Heritage House Media
Ordinary equity Digital £6,667 £6,667
Loan stock £55,877 £55,877 3.7%
Total £62,544 £62,544
Investec SPV Limited
Ordinary equity company £917 £917
Total £917 £917
Investment during the period
During the three months ended 30 November 2011, the Company invested £3,072 in
converting warrants in Lime Technology Limited to 1,880 shares on behalf of the
Ordinary Share Fund.
The Company also invested £13,333 and £6,667 in equity in Heritage House Media
Limited and £111,754 and £55,877 loan stock on behalf of the Ordinary Share
Fund and C Share Fund respectively during the period. Heritage House provides
services to the domestic and inbound tourism industry with particular emphasis
on the heritage sector. Key brands are Hudson's, Visit Britain and Open
The Company also invested £1,834 and £917 on behalf of the Ordinary Share Fund
and C Share Fund respectively to acquire 100% of the shares in Investec SPV
Limited. Investec SPV Limited owns shares and securities in Heritage House
Group which were purchased from Foresight 2 VCT plc and Foresight 3 VCT plc.
Performance of Qualifying Investments portfolio during the period
This quarter saw a significant fall in values across the quoted markets which
has inevitably impacted portfolio valuations. However your Company's Qualifying
Investments portfolio valuation has stood up well comparatively.
Events after the period end
Since 30 November 2011, the Company has made no further Venture Capital
For further information, please contact:
Gary Dale (Investec Structured Products) 020 7597 4065
John Glencross (Calculus Capital Limited) 020 7493 4940