Result of AGM
Chelverton Growth Trust PLC
(the "Company")
The Company announces that all resolutions were passed on a show of hands at
yesterday's Annual General Meeting. The resolutions and proxy voting results
are set out below:
Ordinary business:
Resolution 1, to receive the Report of the Directors and the audited financial
statements for the year ended 31 August 2010, was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 1 were:
For 2,729,990, 1,000 against, none discretionary and none abstentions.
Resolution 2, to receive and approve the Directors' remuneration report, was
Proxy votes received on resolution 2 were:
For 2,729,990, 1,000 against, none discretionary and none abstentions.
Resolution 3, to re-elect Mr D A Horner as a Director, was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 3 were:
For 2,729,990, 1,000 against, none discretionary and none abstentions.
Resolution 4, to re-elect Mr K J Allen as a Director, was passed.
Proxy vote received on resolution 4 were:
For 2,729,990, 1,000 against, none discretionary and none abstentions.
Resolution 5, to re-elect Mr B Lenygon as a Director, was withdrawn.
Resolution 6, to appoint Hazlewoods LLP as Auditors and to authorise the
Directors to determine their remuneration, was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 6 were:
For 2,729,990, 1,000 against, none discretionary and none abstentions.
Special business:
Resolution 7, authority to allot shares other than in accordance with statutory
pre-emption rights under Section 551 of the Companies Act 2006, was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 7 were:
For 2,728,315, 1,000 against, none discretionary and 1,675 abstentions.
Resolution 8, authority to issue shares previously held in treasury at a
discount to net asset value, was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 8 were:
For 2,728,315, 1,000 against, none discretionary and 1,675 abstentions.
Resolution 9, authority to make market purchases under section 701 of the
Companies Act 2006 was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 9 were:
For 2,728,315, 1,000 against, none discretionary and 1,675 abstentions.
Resolution 10, authority to purchase shares regarding the Tender Offer issued
on 24 November 2010 under Section 701 of the Companies Act 2006, was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 10 were:
For 2,729,990, 1,000 against, none discretionary and none abstentions.
Resolution 11, to adopt the Articles of Association produced to the meeting,
was passed.
Proxy votes received on resolution 11 were:
For 2,728,315, 1,000 against, none discretionary and 1,675 abstentions.
17 December 2010