
Release date: Monday 18 April 2005 Embargoed until: 07.00 CLS HOLDINGS PLC ('CLS') ANNOUNCES A NEW ACQUISITION IN SOLNA BUSINESS PARK The Board of CLS is pleased to announce that CLS has purchased a further building in Solna Business Park, known as Yrket 3, at a total price of SEK 70 million (£5.26 million) inclusive of costs. The property generates a net rental income of SEK 4,964,000 (£373,233) p.a. (SEK 811 psm (£5.67 psft)), 85% of which is secured until 2009. The return on equity based on a completed loan facility of SEK 50,250,000, interest only, is 18.4% p.a. The property, comprising 6,118 sq m (65,855 sq ft) of offices, light industrial space and archives plus 56 car parking spaces, was constructed in 1979. Its acquisition will enable CLS to improve the access to its existing buildings at Solna Business Park which will particularly benefit its recently developed retail operations, including the ICA Maxi supermarket. In addition, CLS Believes that the property has significant development potential in its own right. Sten Mortstedt, Executive Chairman of CLS, commented: 'I am very pleased with this further acquisition. We believe that the property will add value to our holdings at Solna Business Park.' -ends- For further information, please contact: Sten Mortstedt, Executive Chairman Tom Thomson, Chief Executive & Vice Chairman Dan Bäverstam, Chief Financial Officer CLS Holdings plc Tel. +44 (0)20 7582 7766 Ben Simons Hansard Communications Tel. +44 (0)20 7245 1100


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