Annual Financial Report
Contents Page
Chairman's statement 2
Outlook 3
Directors' report 4-5
Income statement 6
Balance sheet 7-8
Cash Flow Statement 9
China CDM Exchange Centre Limited
Chairman's Statement
After the global financial turbulence in 2008, FY 2009 saw an all-around and
stable economic recovery although the whole financial environment was still
challenging everyone's nerves. And amidst the challenges of the whole market
environment, the company still maintained a steadily rising development based
on the good resources available on hands and the ever-updating business model
according to the change of industry market climate.
I, as Chairman of China CDM Exchange Centre Limited, am very happy to announce
that for the year ended Dec. 31, 2009, the Company achieved a revenue of around
ï¿¥80,230,000.00 (equal to ï¿¡7,720,000.00), and the total assets reached around
RMBï¿¥555,000,000.00 (equal toï¿¡50,580,000.00).The net Profit was around ï¿¥
64,410,000.00 (equal to ï¿¡6,200,000.00). And it should be noted that by the year
end, the Company had no bank debts.
Hereupon I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the management and staff
of the Company for performing the tasks with zeal, vision and dedication as
well as to our cooperative partners with effective and efficient cooperation.
In 2010, the company will develop business focusing on the following aspects:
1. To further establish the company's leader role in CDM industry at home and
abroad and maintain the company's exclusive advantages in new energy
fields. Based on pushing forward the projects available, the company will
actively develop new projects and maintain close relationship with the
project owner so as to make the projects run effectively and efficiently.
2. Based on the clear awareness for the company development, the company will
actively face to International Financial Environment through polishing
professional skills and mastering international financial policy changes
all the time.
3. To extend new business fields based on the current business model. We also
invest in new energy projects focusing on clean energy project development
including but not limited to Wind Power projects and Hydropower projects.
4. To continue to develop CDM projects and attempt to procure great success.
5. To strengthen management regulation, improve company's management level and
enroll high-quality talents.
Chairman's Signature
The directors present their report and financial statements for the year ended
31 December 2009.
Principal CDM Activities
For FY 2009, amidst the projects in process, a majority of them were equipped
themselves of the requirements of power generation. Now they have been under
trial operation or have generated on-grid power, which had generated CERs. And
as for the projects in construction, they are moved on conforming to the
Project Process Schedule. In general, all the CDM Projects are in smooth
The Company mainly focuses on hydropower investments. In viewing the
prospective investment study in 2008, and through all kinds of endeavors, the
Company has reached an initial investing intent for a high quality hydropower
project, which locates at north of Tianshan, 220 kilometers away from Urumqi.
Results and Dividends
The profit for the year after tax was RMB 64,413,397.57 Equal to 6,197,141.39
The directors do not recommend a payment of dividend.
The following directors have held office since 3 October, 2006
Executive Directors
Zheng Kang
Qingmei Liu
Sha Ying
Directors' Responsibilities
The directors are responsible for preparing the financial statements in
accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting
Jersey company law requires the Directors to prepare the financial statements
each year, which give a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the
company and the profit and loss for that period. In preparing those financial
statements, the Directors are required to:
* select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
* make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
* prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is
inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business; and
* state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject
to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial
The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the
company, and to enable them to that the financial statements comply with the
Companies (Jersey) Law, 1991. They are also responsible for safeguarding the
assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention
and detection of fraud, error, and non-compliance with law and regulations.
A resolution will be proposed at the annual general meeting for the
re-appointment of Nexia Zhonglei Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. as
auditors for the forthcoming year.
On behalf of the board
Melody Zhu
Board Secretary
Mar. 17, 2010
China CDM Exchange Centre Limited
Income Statement
Revenue 80,230,014.55 7,718,840.54
Cost of sales (10,929,073.52) (1,051,474.02)
Gross profit 69,300,941.03 6,667,366.52
Selling expenses (2,346,364.98) (225,741.17)
Administrative expenses (2,778,332.55) (267,300.29)
Profit from operations 64,176,243.50 6,174,325.06
Foreign exchange gains 237,154.07 22,816.33
Profit before income tax 64,413,397.57 6,197,141.39
Net profit 64,413,397.57 6,197,141.39
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Average exchange rate:(2009) RMB/GBP: 10.3941; (2008)RMB/GBP: 12.1954
China CDM Exchange Centre Limited
Balance Sheet
As at 12/31/2009
Non-current assets
Property Plant and Equipment 458,640.15 41,778.12
Long term investment 215,242,500.00 19,606,713.43
Intangible assets 162,360,000.00 14,789,579.16
Total non-current assets 378,061,140.15 34,438,070.71
Current Assets
Trade receivable 8,531,658.89 777,159.67
Other receivable 2,374.98 216.34
Cash and cash equivalents 11,833,980.63 1,077,972.37
Financial assets at fair value through 156,800,000.00 14,283,111.68
profit or loss
Total current assets 177,168,014.50 16,138,460.06
Total assets 555,229,154.65 50,576,530.77
Current Liabilities
Trade payable and other payables - -
Total liabilities - -
Capital and Reserves
Share capital 221,999,000.00 15,020,515.41
Capital surplus 163,424,345.56 15,690,475.18
Surplus reserve 49,336,357.17 3,383,675.49
Retained earnings 120,469,451.92 10,793,633.05
Foreign currency translation difference - 5,688,231.64
Total shareholder's equity 555,229,154.65 50,576,530.77
Total liabilities and shareholder's 555,229,154.65 50,576,530.77
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Exchange rate(31 Dec, 2009) RMB/GBP: 10.9780; (31 Dec., 2008) RMB/GBP: 9.8101
China CDM Exchange Centre Limited
Cash Flow Statement
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 52,837,756.94 4,972,738.05
Net cash generated from operating activities 52,837,756.94 4,972,738.05
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash pay for investment (30,000,000.00) (2,886,266.66)
Other investment (20,000,000.00) (1,924,177.77)
Net cash used in investing activities (50,000,000.00) (4,810,444.43)
Cash flows from financing activities - -
Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares - -
Net cash used in financing activities - -
Gains(Losses) on foreign exchange 237,154.07 22,816.33
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and bank 3,074,911.01 185,109.95
Cash and bank balances at beginning of year 8,759,069.62 892,862.42
Cash and bank balances at end of year 11,833,980.63 1,077,972.37
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.
Average exchange rate(2009) RMB/GBP: 10.3941 (2008)RMB/GBP: 12.1954