Understanding of Clay Lake enhanced

14 September 2009 Conroy Diamonds and Gold P.l.c. ("Conroy" or "the Company") Understanding of Clay Lake gold target enhanced by further sampling and mapping * Rock Chip Sampling Returns Positive Additional Gold-in-Bedrock Values * Wide Section Of Faulting And Shearing Includes Five Sulphide-Bearing Zones Conroy (AIM: CDG) announces that systematic rock chip sampling and detailed geological mapping of a stream bed in the north-west corner of its Clay Lake gold anomaly in Co. Armagh has returned positive results for gold-in-bedrock and also indicated a far broader zone of faulting and shearing than suggested by initial reconnaissance work. The 40 rock chip samples collected from the southern section of the stream bed returned gold values ranging up to 0.87 grammes per tonne. The detailed mapping identified a 40 metre wide zone of faulting and shearing within a sequence of folded sandstones and shales. Five sulphide-bearing fault gouge zones, each 1-3 metres wide and trending east-west, have been identified within this 40 metre fault zone, and positive sampling results for gold were returned from each of the faulted zones where sulphide mineralisation was identified. The sampled stream is located on the edge of the Clay Lake anomaly and has a similar north-south orientation to the mineralised lode zones identified on the Company's Clontibret and Cargalisgorran gold targets. The latest results suggest that gold and associated sulphides from a potential north-south trending source in the vicinity of the stream are disseminating into the east-west faults exposed in the stream bed. The Clay Lake gold anomaly is located about 7km to the north-east of the Company's Clontibret gold discovery in Co. Monaghan, where a JORC-compliant resource of over 1 million ounces of gold has thus far been identified within about 20 per cent of the total target area. The Clay Lake gold-in-soil anomaly covers an area of about 141 ha. It is larger than that at Clontibret (125 ha), and sampling has returned the highest gold-in-soil values ever recorded by the Company. Commenting today, Professor Richard Conroy said: "This work has enhanced our understanding of the north-west portion of the Clay Lake gold anomaly. We now have a more detailed picture of its geology and a better appreciation of the gold mineralisation within it. We remain very excited about the potential of this gold target". This release has been approved by Kevin McNulty PGeo, who is a member of the Company's technical staff, who holds a BSc/MSc in Geology and Remote Sensing, in accordance with the guidance note for Mining, Oil & Gas Companies issued by the London Stock Exchange in respect of AIM Companies, which outlines standards of disclosure for mineral projects. Enquiries: Conroy Diamonds and Gold Plc Professor Richard Conroy, Chairman +353 1 661 8958 City Capital Corporation Limited Charles Dampney +44 20 3178 3399 John East & Partners Limited, a subsidiary of Merchant Securities Plc (Nomad) Simon Clements/Virginia Bull +44 20 7628 2200 Lothbury Financial Ron Marshman/Michael Padley +44 20 7011 9411 Further details on Conroy Diamonds and Gold can be found on its website at: www.conroydiamondsandgold.com Conroy Share Price
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