Interim Results

To:                    RNS
Date:                26 February 2018
From:                F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited
LEI:                  231801XRCB89W6XTR23

(Classified Regulated Information, under DTR 6 Annex 1 Section 1.2) 


Interim results in respect of the six month period ended 31 December 2017

  • Net asset value total return* of 7.4 per cent for the 6 months
  • Portfolio ungeared total return* of 6.2 per cent for the 6 months
  • Annualised dividend yield* of 4.8 per cent based on the period end share price
  • Dividend cover* was 92.6 per cent for the period

* See Alternative Performance Measures

The Chairman, Vikram Lall, stated:

Despite continuing uncertainties about the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, the UK commercial property market has witnessed strong demand and the Group has experienced six months of steady performance with capital values increasing in the period by 3.5 per cent. The net asset value (‘NAV’) total return* per share for the period was 7.4 per cent and the NAV per share at the period end was 104.9 pence.

Despite the positive returns on the portfolio, there was still a degree of caution in the market and the share price fell by 3.3 per cent over the six months. The share price total return* was -0.9 per cent over the period and the shares were trading at a slight discount* to the NAV of 1.5 per cent at the period end, compared to a premium of 6.7 per cent as at 30 June 2017.

Property Market

The UK commercial property market delivered a total return of 5.4 per cent as measured by the Investment Property Databank (‘IPD’) UK Quarterly Index for all assets in the six months to 31 December 2017, and 10.3 per cent over the year to December as momentum built over the period. Performance was driven by strength in investment demand, with overseas buyers still active and institutions returning to the market later in the period. Industrial property and alternative asset sectors continued to out-perform with all the standard segments of the IPD Index delivering positive benchmark total returns for the period.

In the six months to 31 December 2017, the income return held steady as capital growth improved and the all-property initial yield edged lower. Open market rental value growth was positive but the bulk of the upward move in capital value was due to yield compression.

Property Portfolio

The Group’s property portfolio produced an ungeared return* of 6.2 per cent over the six months to December, outperforming the IPD Quarterly Index. Performance was led by a top quartile income return* of 2.6 per cent. The portfolio’s industrial and distribution assets were again the key contributors to performance, producing a total return in excess of both the IPD UK Quarterly Index and the sector level return for the period. The exposure to industrial and logistics property at close to 35 per cent of portfolio value continues to be the mainstay of the Fund strategy alongside the majority weighting to the core south east markets.

In a further continuation of the trend witnessed last year, the portfolio’s retail assets also outperformed their peers; however the portfolio’s office assets, led lower by the regional holdings, delivered poorer performance in both actual and relative terms. The Company’s retail warehousing continues to deliver an income return, a key contributor to dividend cover, and outperform the peer group. Indeed, active asset management at the retail warehouse located at Northfields Retail Park, Rotherham delivered the highest weighted contribution to portfolio return of any property over the period.

Given the weight of money pursuing core assets, particularly Industrials, alternatives and long Income assets the Company has preserved its measured, opportunistic approach to the deployment of capital, with emphasis on the disposal of non-core assets, reflected in recent sales from the retail portfolio. Acquisitions that meet the returns criteria for the Company have been more difficult to come by in a very competitive marketplace. However we believe the acquisition of the single let industrial asset at Lister Road, Basingstoke, yielding 5.2 per cent and let for 9 years meets our criteria in the current market.

The portfolio continues to offer sustainable defensive fundamentals, including an above market income yield, a low void rate of 3.8 per cent and contractual income with an average weighted lease term of 6 years.


The first interim dividend for the year ending 30 June 2018 of 1.25 pence per share was paid in December 2017, with a second interim dividend of 1.25 pence per share to be paid on 29 March 2018 to shareholders on the register on 9 March 2018.

The dividend cover* for the six months was 92.6 per cent, although this excludes the receipt of a negotiated surrender premium of £4,375,000 from the previous tenant at Northfields Retail Park, Rotherham. This property was subsequently re-let.

The dividend is currently at a sustainable level, and in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, it is expected that the Company will continue to pay quarterly dividends at this rate, the equivalent of 5.0 pence per share per annum.


The Group currently has borrowings of £103 million made up of a £90 million non-amortising term loan facility agreement with Canada Life Investments, which expires in November 2026 and a £20 million 5-year revolving credit facility agreement with Barclays Bank plc, which expires in November 2020, £13 million of which is currently drawn down. Net gearing* represented 28.2 per cent of the investment properties of the Group as at 31 December 2017. The weighted average interest rate (including amortisation of refinancing costs) on the Group's total current borrowings is 3.2 per cent. The Company continues to maintain a prudent attitude to gearing.

The Group had £9.6 million of cash available at 31 December 2017 with a further £7.0 million of the revolving credit facility also available if required.

Responsible Property Investment

The Company continues to make good progress with its Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) related activities. The portfolio now has energy performance ratings for all of its assets and has developed a detailed strategy for addressing and maintaining a low exposure to the risks presented by energy efficiency legislation. The Company has also completed individual property sustainability appraisals to capture other investment critical information.

A major exercise is currently under way to establish baseline carbon usage for directly managed properties against which year on year reduction targets can be set, alongside longer-term portfolio objectives consistent with climate science. At asset level, directly managed assets are shortly expected to achieve the ISO14,001 environmental accreditation whilst the Manager continues to implement green lease clauses as standard, whenever possible and commercially viable. The Company will make its inaugural submission to the influential annual GRESB survey this year whilst the Manager’s recruitment of additional resource to help manage and monitor continual improvement is further indication of the Company’s aspiration to further improve its ESG credentials.


Although there were some signs of progress in the EU negotiations as the period drew to a close, the outlook continues to be dominated by Brexit considerations and wider political uncertainty. Interest rates were raised during this reporting period and the timing and magnitude of further increases is also likely to be a consideration for property investors moving forward. Within property, performance has been buoyed by investment, especially from overseas, but the impact of proposed new tax regulations on foreign buyers in 2019, if implemented, is unclear. The economy is recording positive, if modest, growth, which is expected to persist on consensus forecasts. Sentiment is adjusting to the changed political and economic environment, however, our outlook on the market remains cautious.

* See Alternative Performance Measures

Enquiries to:

The Company Secretary
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 3QL
Tel:       01481 745001
Fax:      01481 745051

P Lowe, S Macrae
F&C Investment Business Limited
Tel:       0207 628 8000
Fax:      0131 225 2375


F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Six months to
31 December
Six months to
31 December
Year to
30 June
£’000 £’000 £’000
Rental income 9,403 10,322 19,191
Other 2 4,375 - -
Total revenue 13,778 10,322 19,191
Gains/(losses) on investment properties 
Gains/(losses) on sale of investment properties realised 6 20 (207) 781
Unrealised gains/(losses) on revaluation of investment properties 6 7,711 (4,827) 2,008
21,509 5,288 21,980
Investment management fee (1,052) (1,046) (2,013)
Other expenses 3 (866) (1,080) (1,966)
Total expenditure (1,918) (2,126) (3,979)
Net operating profit before finance costs and taxation 19,591 3,162 18,001
Net finance costs
Interest receivable 1 2 4
Finance costs (1,766) (1,824) (3,598)
(1,765) (1,822) (3,594)
Net profit from ordinary activities before taxation 17,826 1,340 14,407
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (147) (155) (306)
Profit for the period 17,679 1,185 14,101
Basic and diluted earnings per share 5 7.3p 0.5p 5.9p

F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet



31 December
31 December

30 June
Non-current assets
Investment properties 6 346,449 326,445 330,834
Trade and other receivables 3,894 4,759 3,894
350,343 331,204 334,728
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 1,277 1,616 1,291
Cash and cash equivalents 9,578 12,000 16,565
10,855 13,616 17,856
Total assets 361,198 344,820 352,584
Non-current liabilities
Interest-bearing bank loans 7 (102,170) (104,956) (105,061)
Trade and other payables (248) (712) (352)
(102,418) (105,668) (105,413)
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (6,130) (6,754) (6,023)
Tax payable (147) (439) (306)
(6,277) (7,193) (6,329)
Total liabilities (108,695) (112,861) (111,742)
Net assets 252,503 231,959 240,842
Represented by:
Share capital 9 2,407 2,387 2,407
Special distributable reserve 177,161 175,367 177,161
Capital reserve 69,005 53,451 61,274
Revenue reserve 3,930 754 -
Equity shareholders’ funds 252,503 231,959 240,842
Net asset value per share 10 104.9p 97.2p 100.1p

* See Note 1


F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the period ended 31 December 2017

Share Capital





At 1 July 2017





Profit for the period


Dividends paid - - - (6,018) (6,018)
Transfer in respect of gains on investment properties



At 31 December 2017






For the period ended 31 December 2016

Share Capital





At 1 July 2016






Profit for the period


Dividends paid - - - (5,968) (5,968)
Transfer in respect of losses on investment properties



At 31 December 2016






For the year ended 30 June 2017

Share Capital





At 1 July 2016






Profit for the year


Issue of ordinary shares 20 1,965 - - 1,985
Dividends paid - - - (11,986) (11,986)
Transfer in respect of gains on investment properties



Transfer to revenue reserve - (171) - 171 -

At 30 June 2017






F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Six months to
31 December
Six months to
31 December
Year to
30 June
£’000 £’000 £’000
Cash flows from operating activities
Net profit for the period before taxation 17,826 1,340 14,407
Adjustments for:
     (Gains)/losses on sale of investment properties
6 (20) 207 (781)
     Unrealised (gains)/losses on revaluation of  
       investment properties
6 (7,711) 4,827 (2,008)
     Decrease in operating trade and other
14 639 1,829
     Increase/(decrease) in operating trade and other
3 594 (497)
     Interest received (1) (2) (4)
     Finance costs 1,766 1,824 3,598
11,877 9,429 16,544
     Taxation paid (306) - (284)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 11,571 9,429 16,260
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of investment properties (10,191) - (450)
Capital expenditure        6 (986) (228) (1,257)
Sale of investment properties    6 3,293 2,547 7,460
Interest received 1 2 4
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities (7,883) 2,321 5,757
Cash flows from financing activities
Shares issued (net of costs) - - 1,985
Dividends paid        4 (6,018) (5,968) (11,986)
Bank loan interest paid (1,657) (1,713) (3,382)
Bank loan repaid, net of costs – Barclays (3,000) (4,000) (4,000)
Net cash outflow from financing activities (10,675) (11,681) (17,383)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (6,987) 69 4,634
Opening cash and cash equivalents 16,565 11,931 11,931
Closing cash and cash equivalents 9,578 12,000 16,565

F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited

Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements
for the six months to 31 December 2017

1.   General information

The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority, IAS 34 ‘Interim Financial Reporting’ and the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2017. The condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all of the information required for a complete set of IFRS financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements for the Group for the year ended 30 June 2017 which were prepared under full IFRS requirements. The accounting policies used in preparation of the condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those of the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2017.

In the previously issued interim financial statements of the Company for the period ended 31 December 2016, lease incentives of £5,005,000 and cash deposits held for tenants of £756,000 were classified as current assets.  In the comparative figures of the current year financial statements, £4,047,000 for lease incentives and £712,000 for tenant deposits have been reclassified to non-current assets.  The Directors have considered the impact on the previously issued financial statements of the Company and have noted that no adjustment is required to the previously reported total assets, liabilities or equity of the Company.  On this basis, the Directors do not consider the above reclassification between current and non-current assets to be material to the users of the financial statements.

2.   Other income

The Company received £4,375,000 for the surrender at a leasehold interest at Northfields Retail Park, Rotherham.  The Company entered into a lease arrangement at this property with a new tenant and it is now fully let.

3.   Other expenses


Six months to
31 December

Six months to
31 December

Year to 30
June 2017
Direct operating expenses of let rental property 457 429 825
Direct operating expenses of vacant property (7) 153 107
Provision for bad debts 3 60 194
Administrative fee 52 52 102
Valuation and other professional fees 114 92 265
Directors’ fees 77 72 144
Other expenses 170 222 329
866 1,080 1,966

4.   Dividends

Six months to
31 December 2017
Six months to
31 December 2016
Year ended
30 June 2017

Rate (pence)
Rate (pence)
Rate (pence)
Property Income Distributions:
Fourth interim for the prior year 3,009 1.25 2,984 1.25 2,984 1.25
First interim 3,009 1.25 2,984 1.25 2,984 1.25
Second interim 3,009 1.25
Third interim 3,009 1.25
6,018 2.50 5,968 2.50 11,986 5.00

A second interim dividend for the year to 30 June 2018, of 1.25 pence per share, will be paid on 29 March 2018 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 9 March 2018.

5.   Earnings per share

Earnings per Ordinary Share are based on 240,705,539 Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period (31 December 2016: 238,705,539 and 30 June 2017: 239,568,005).  Earnings for the six months to 31 December 2017 should not be taken as a guide to the results for the year to 30 June 2018.

6.   Investment properties

Six months to
31 December
Six months to
31 December

Year to 30
June 2017
Freehold and leasehold properties
Opening market value



Purchase of investment properties 10,191 - 450
Capital expenditure 986 228 1,257
Sales    - net proceeds
            - gains/(losses) on sales
Unrealised (gains)/losses realised during the period (880) 3,180 3,185
Unrealised gains on investment  properties
Unrealised losses on investment properties



Movement in lease incentive  receivable (235) (347) (836)
Closing market value 350,730 331,450 335,350
Adjustment for lease incentives (4,281) (5,005) (4,516)
Balance sheet carrying value 346,449 326,445 330,834

All the Group’s investment properties were valued as at 31 December 2017 by qualified professional valuers working in the company of Cushman & Wakefield, Chartered Surveyors.  All such valuers are chartered surveyors, being members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (‘RICS’).  There were no significant changes to the valuation techniques used during the period and these valuation techniques are detailed in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 30 June 2017.  The market value of these investment properties amounted to £350,730,000 (31 December 2016: £331,450,000; 30 June 2017: £335,350,000), however an adjustment has been made for lease incentives of £4,281,000 that are already accounted for as an asset (31 December 2016: £5,005,000; 30 June 2017: £4,516,000).

7.   Interest-bearing bank loans

On 9 November 2015, the Group entered into an eleven year £90 million non-amortising term loan agreement with Canada Life and a five year £20 million revolving credit facility agreement with Barclays.  The interest rate payable on the Canada Life loan is at a fixed rate of 3.36% per annum and the interest payable on the Barclays loan is at a variable rate based on 3 month LIBOR plus a margin of 1.45% per annum. During the period, the Company repaid £3 million of the revolving credit facility to Barclays.

At 31 December 2017 borrowings of £103 million were drawn down.  The balance sheet value is stated at an amortised cost of £102,170,000 (31 December 2016: £104,956,000 and 30 June 2017: £105,061,000).  Amortised cost is calculated by deducting loan arrangement costs, which are amortised back over the life of the loan.  The fair value of the Canada Life loan is shown in note 8.

8.   Fair value measurements

The fair value measurements for financial assets and financial liabilities are categorised into different levels in the fair value hierarchy based on the inputs to valuation techniques used. 

The different levels are defined as follows:

  • Level 1 – Unadjusted, fully accessible and current quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.  Examples of such instruments would be investments listed or quoted on any recognised stock exchange.
  • Level 2 – Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities, or other directly or indirectly observable inputs which exist for the duration of the period of investment.  Examples of such instruments would be those for which the quoted price has been suspended, forward exchange rate contracts and certain other derivative instruments. 
  • Level 3 – External inputs are unobservable.  Fair value is the Directors’ best estimate, based on advice from relevant knowledgeable experts, use of recognised valuation techniques and on assumptions as to what inputs other market participants would apply in pricing the same or similar instrument.

All of the Group’s investments in direct property are included in Level 3 as it involves the use of significant inputs. There were no transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy during the six month period ended 31 December 2017.

Other than the fair values stated in the table below, the fair value of all other financial assets and liabilities is not materially different from their carrying value in the financial statements.

31 December

31 December

30 June
£90 million Canada Life Loan 2026* (97,334) (97,872) (97,695)

*The fair value of the interest-bearing Canada Life Loan is based on the yield on the Treasury 2% 2025 which would be used as the basis for calculating the early repayment of such loan plus the appropriate margin.

The Group’s financial risk management objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 30 June 2017.

9.          Share capital
Allotted, called-up and fully
240,705,539 Ordinary Shares of 1p each in issue
at 31 December 2017


The Company issued nil Ordinary Shares during the period.

10.  Net asset value per share

The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on net assets of £252,503,000 (31 December 2016: £231,959,000 and 30 June 2017: £240,842,000) and 240,705,539 Ordinary Shares (31 December 2016: 238,705,539 and 30 June 2017: 240,705,539) being the number of shares in issue at the period end.

11.  Going concern

In assessing the going concern basis of accounting the Directors have had regard to the guidance issued by the Financial Reporting Council.  They have considered the current cash position of the Group, the availability of the loans and compliance with their covenants, forecast rental income and other forecast cash flows.  The Group has agreements relating to its borrowing facilities with which it has complied during the period.  Based on this information the Directors believe that the Group has the ability to meet its financial obligations as they fall due for a period of at least twelve months from the date of the approval of the accounts.  For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the accounts.

12.  Related party transactions

The Directors of the Company received fees for their services and dividends from their shareholdings in the Company.  No fees remained payable at the period end.

13.  Operating segments

The Board has considered the requirements of IFRS 8 ‘Operating Segments’.  The Board is of the view that the Group is engaged in a single segment of business, being property investment, and in one geographical area, the United Kingdom, and that therefore the Group has only a single operating segment. The Board of Directors, as a whole, has been identified as constituting the chief operating decision maker of the Group. The key measure of performance used by the Board to assess the Group’s performance is the total return on the Group’s net asset value, as calculated under IFRS, and therefore no reconciliation is required between the measure of profit or loss used by the Board and that contained in the condensed consolidated financial statements.

14.  Investment in subsidiary undertakings

The Group results consolidate those of IRP Holdings Limited (‘IRPH’) and IPT Property Holdings Limited (‘IPTH’). IRPH and IPTH are companies incorporated in Guernsey whose principal business is that of a property investment company.  These companies are 100 per cent owned by the Group’s ultimate parent company, which is F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited.

15.  Subsequent events

There are no material subsequent events that need to be disclosed.

16.   The report and accounts for the half-year ended 31 December 2017 are available on the websites and

 Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Group’s assets consist of direct investments in UK commercial property. Its principal risks are therefore related to the UK commercial property market in general but also the particular circumstances of the properties in which it is invested and their tenants. Other risks faced by the Group include market, investment and strategic, regulatory, tax efficiency, financial, reporting, credit, operational and environmental risks.  The Group is also exposed to risks in relation to its financial instruments. These risks, and the way in which they are mitigated and managed, are described in more detail under the heading ‘Principal Risks and Risk Management’ within the Business Model and Strategy in the Group’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2017. The Group’s principal risks and uncertainties have not changed materially since the date of that report and are not expected to change materially for the remaining six months of the Group’s financial year.

Directors’ Responsibility Statement in Respect of the Interim Report

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

·         the condensed set of consolidated financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 ‘Interim Financial Reporting’ as adopted by the European Union;

·         the Chairman’s Statement constituting the Interim Management Report together with the Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties include a fair review of the information required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (‘DTR’) 4.2.7R, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of consolidated financial statements; and

·         the Chairman’s Statement together with the consolidated financial statements include a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Group during that period, and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last Annual Report that could do so.

On behalf of the Board 
Vikram Lall
23 February 2018

Alternative Performance Measures

The Company uses the following Alternative Performance Measures (‘APMs’). APMs do not have a standard meaning prescribed by GAAP and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities.

Discount or Premium â€“ The share price of an Investment Company is derived from buyers and sellers trading their shares on the stock market. If the share price is lower than the NAV per share, the shares are trading at a discount. This usually indicates that there are more sellers than buyers. Shares trading at a price above the NAV per share, are said to be at a premium.

Dividend Cover â€“ The percentage by which profits for the year (less gains/losses on investment properties) cover the dividend paid.

A reconciliation of dividend cover is shown below:

Six months to 31 December
Six months to 31 December
Year to 30 June
Profit for the year 17,679 1,185 14,101
Add back: Realised (gains)/losses
                 Unrealised (gains)/losses
                 Other income (4,375) - -
Profit before investment gains and losses 5,573 6,219 11,312
Dividends 6,018 5,968 11,986
Dividend Cover percentage 92.6 104.2 94.4

Dividend Yield â€“ The annualised dividend divided by the share price at the period end.

Net Gearing â€“ Borrowings less net current assets divided by value of investment properties.

Portfolio (Property) Capital Return â€“ The change in property value during the period after taking account of property purchases and sales and capital expenditure, calculated on a quarterly time-weighted basis.

Portfolio (Property) Income Return â€“ The income derived from a property during the period as a percentage of the property value, taking account of direct property expenditure, calculated on a quarterly time-weighted basis.

Portfolio (Property) Total Return â€“ Combining the Portfolio Capital Return and Portfolio Income Return over the period, calculated on a quarterly time-weighted basis.

Total Return â€“ The return to shareholders calculated on a per share basis by adding dividends paid in the period to the increase or decrease in the Share Price or NAV. The dividends are assumed to have been reinvested in the form of Ordinary Shares or Net Assets, respectively, on the date on which they were quoted ex-dividend.

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