Adjustments In On-grid Tariffs

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of thisannouncement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of thisannouncement. Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. (a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China)(Stock Code: 00991) OVERSEAS REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENT AND INSIDE INFORMATION ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ON ADJUSTMENTS IN ON-GRID TARIFFS This announcement is made by Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd (the "Company") pursuant to Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and Rules 13.09(2)(a) and 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Company announces that it recently received the "NDRC's Notice on Further Resolving the Conflicts in Environmental Protection Tariffs" (NDRC Prices [2014] No. 1908) (the "Notice") issued by National Development and Reform Commission ("NDRC"). In order to further resolve environmental protection tariffs conflicts such as denitrification and dedusting of coal-fired power generation enterprises, as well to equalise tariffs in some industrial and commercial areas, the Notice was issued to make appropriate adjustments on the level of the on-grid electricity tariffs. According to the Notice, the details of downward adjustment on on-grid tariff of the Company's major coal-fired power generating units are as follows: Regional/Cross-regional power transmission Downward adjustment (RMB/kWh(tax-inclusive)) Tianjin 0.0054 Hebei Province (Northern Grid) 0.0087 Regional/Cross-regional power transmission Downward adjustment (RMB/kWh (tax-inclusive)) Shanxi Province 0.0115 Shanxi Province Transmitted to Northern China 0.0070 Western Area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous 0.0120 Region Western Area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous 0.0070 Region Transmitted to Northern China Liaoning Province 0.0098 Gansu Province 0.0040 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 0.0090 Fujian Province 0.0045 Jiangxi Province 0.0317 Guangdong Province 0.0120 Yunnan Province 0.0000 Jiangsu Province 0.0110 Zhejiang Province 0.0110 Chongqing 0.0068 The tariff adjustments abovementioned came into effect on 1 September 2014. After the current on-grid tariff adjustments, the weighted average on-grid tariffs for the installed capacity of the Company's coal-fired power generating units will be decreased by approximately RMB0.00751/kWh (tax-inclusive). By Order of the Board Zhou Gang Secretary to the Board Beijing, the PRC, 29 September 2014 As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are: Chen Jinhang, Hu Shengmu, Wu Jing, Fang Qinghai, Zhou Gang, Cao Xin, Cai Shuwen, Liu Haixia, Guan Tiangang, Yang Wenchun, Dong Heyi*, Ye Yansheng*, Zhao Jie*, Jiang Guohua*, Feng Genfu* * Independent non-executive Directors
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