Capital Increase and Connected Transaction

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. DATANG INTERNATIONAL POWER GENERATION CO., LTD. (a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China) (Stock Code: 00991) ANNOUNCEMENT CAPITAL INCREASE AND CONNECTED TRANSACTION CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT On 26 November 2014, 13 shareholders of Datang Finance Company, including the Company and CDC, entered into the Capital Increase Agreement with Datang Finance Company, pursuant to which the parties agreed to increase the registered capital of Datang Finance Company by RMB1,869,871,590.23 from RMB3,000,000,000 to RMB4,869,871,590.23. The parties agreed to settle the capital increase to Datang Finance Company by way of cash or transfer of undistributed profit. 1. Transfer of undistributed profits: The undistributed profit of Datang Finance Company for the year ended 31 December 2013 was RMB869,874,199.85; the shareholders of Datang Finance Company agreed to transfer RMB869,871,590.23 of such undistributed profit as capital increase in Datang Finance Company based on their respective proportion of shareholding in Datang Finance Company. The Company's corresponding amount of capital contribution was RMB173,974,839.97; 2. Capital increase in cash: The parties agreed that CDC shall make additional capital contribution of RMB1,000,000,000 in cash, while the Company and the other 11 Shareholders abstained from such cash capital contribution. After the completion of the capital increase, CDC's shareholding in Datang Finance Company will increase from 64.5% to 71.7898%; while the Company's shareholding in Datang Finance Company will decrease from 20% to 15.8931%. The shareholding of the other 11 Shareholders will decrease accordingly. LISTING RULES IMPLICATIONS As at the date of this announcement, CDC is the controlling Shareholder of the Company, which together with its subsidiaries hold 34.71% of the issued share capital of the Company. The other 11 Shareholders and Datang Finance Company are either subsidiaries which CDC has controlling shareholding or are wholly-owned by CDC. Accordingly, CDC, the other 11 Shareholders and Datang Finance Company are connected persons of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The transactions contemplated under the Capital Increase Agreement constitute connected transactions of the Company. As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules) in respect of the amount in relation to each of the transactions under the Capital Increase Agreement is more than 0.1% but less than 5% and all other applicable percentage ratios are less than 0.1%, the Capital Increase Agreement is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules, but is exempted from the approval by the independent Shareholders of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT Date 26 November 2014 Parties 1. The Company; 2. CDC; 3. 11 Shareholders; and 4. Datang Finance Company. Major Terms of the Capital Increase Agreement: 1. The amount of capital increase by the 13 shareholders of Datang Finance Company are as follows: (1) Increase in registered capital The registered capital of Datang Finance Company shall increase from RMB3,000,000,000 to RMB4,869,871,590.23; The amount of increase in registered capital amounts to RMB1,869,871,590.23. (2) Means and amount of capital increase The capital increase shall be settled by way of cash or transfer of undistributed profit. The undistributed profit of Datang Finance Company for the year ended 31 December 2013 was RMB869,874,199.85; the 13 shareholders of Datang Finance Company agreed to transfer the sum of RMB869,871,590.23 of such undistributed profit as capital increase in Datang Finance Company based on their respective proportion of shareholding in Datang Finance Company. CDC shall make additional capital contribution of RMB1,000,000,000 in cash to Datang Finance Company (part of which shall be used by Datang Finance Company for capital increase into its subsidiary, Fudian Bank). The aggregate amount of capital increase to Datang Finance Company in cash and by transfer of undistributed profit by its shareholders is RMB1,869,871,590.23. The shareholding structure of Datang Finance Company and the amount of capital contribution as well as proportion of shareholding of each shareholder of Datang Finance Company before and upon completion of the capital increase are set out as below: Name of Capital Shareholding Capital to be Capital Total capital Shareholding Shareholder injected prior structure prior injected by injected for injected after the structure after to the to the cash this capital capital increase completion of completion of completion of (RMB'000) increase by (RMB'000) the capital capital increase capital increase transfer of increase (RMB'000) undistributed profit (RMB'000) CDC 1,935,000.00 64.5000% 1,000,000.00 561,068.85890 3,496,068.85890 71.7898% The Company 600,000.00 20.0000% 0 173,974.83997 773,974.839.97 15.8931% 11 Shareholders 465,000.00 15.50% 0 134,827.89136 599,827.89136 12.3171% Total 3,000,000.00 100% 1,000,000.00 869,871.59023 4,869,871.59023 100% 2. Timing of making the capital contribution and change in commercial registration: (1) CDC shall deposit the capital contribution amount in cash in full to the designated account of Datang Finance Company within 10 working days after the Capital Increase Agreement is officially signed; (2) within 90 working days upon CDC settled the payment of capital increase, Datang Finance Company shall appoint qualified accountant to inspect the capital contribution made by its shareholders and issue capital inspection report. Corresponding procedures for changing commercial registration in relation to the change in registered capital shall be completed as pursuant to the agreement within 30 working days after the completion of the capital inspection. 3. Shareholders' rights and responsibilities: Upon the day of the completion of the change in commercial registration, the shareholders of Datang Finance Company shall enjoy corresponding rights and undertake corresponding responsibilities as pursuant to law, the Capital Increase Agreement and the articles of association. The capital reserve, the capital surplus and undistributed profit of Datang Finance Company shall be shared among the shareholders according to the shareholding proportion after completion of the capital increase. 4. Transfer of shares: upon completion of the capital increase, shareholders are not allowed to transfer shares among each other or to third parties, nor mortgage and pledge part or all of the shares they hold in Datang Finance Company, unless the written approvals of more than two-thirds of the shareholders are obtained. 5. Effective Date: the agreement shall become effective upon signing by the legal representatives or authorised representatives of the parties, and upon affixing of company seals by the parties. REASONS FOR AND BENEFITS OF ENTERING INTO THE CAPITAL INCREASE AGREEMENT AND THE EQUITY TRANSFER AGREEMENT The implemention of the Capital Increase Agreement by Datang Finance Company will further increase the capital adequacy ratio of Datang Finance Company, reinforce its capacity to withstand risk, and so as to contribute to the maximisation of shareholders' interests. The Directors (including independent non-executive Directors) are of the view that the capital contribution is made on normal commercial terms of the Company and the transaction is fair and reasonable, and is in the interest of the Shareholders of the Company as a whole. APPROVAL BY THE BOARD None of the Directors have any material interest in the transaction. Those connected Directors, including Chen Jinhang, Hu Shengmu and Liang Yongpan, all being key management staff of CDC, have abstained from voting at the Board meeting for approval of the relevant transaction in accordance with the requirements of the listing rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. INFORMATION OF THE RELEVANT PARTIES Information about the Company The Company is principally engaged in the construction and operation of power plants, the sale of electricity and thermal power, the repair and maintenance of power equipment and power related technical services, with its main service areas being in the PRC. Information about CDC CDC was established on 9 March 2003 with a registered capital of RMB18.009 billion. It is principally engaged in the development, investment, construction, operation and management of power energy, organization of power (thermal) productionand sales; manufacturing, repair and maintenance of power equipment; power technology development and consultation;power engineering, contracting and consultation of environmental power engineering; development of new energy as wellas development and production of power related coal resources. Information about Datang Finance Company Datang Finance Company is a subsidiary of CDC with a registered capital of RMB3 billion. Currently it has 13 shareholders, names and shareholding of which are: CDC, 64.5%; the Company, 20%; 11 Shareholders, all being subsidiaries of CDC, each holding 0.83%-2.5%, 15.5% in total. The principal business of Datang Finance Company includes, among others,the provision of financial services to CDC and its member companies, financing,increase efficiency and economicbenefits of capital usage. The net profit of Datang Finance Company before and after tax for the year ended 31December 2012 was RMB783.3794 million and RMB634.3342 million respectively. The net profit of Datang Finance Companybefore and aftertax for the year ended 31 December 2013 was RMB882.9997 million and RMB721.9956 million respectively.The book value of the assets of Datang Finance Company as at 31 December 2013 was RMB21,817.0957 million. Information about 11 Shareholders Datang Huayin Electric Power Co., Ltd.: a subsidiary of CDC with principal business being power generation. Guangxi Guiguan Electric Power Co., Ltd.: a subsidiary of CDC with principal business being hydropower development and operation, clean power development, etc. Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd.: a subsidiary of CDC with principal business being sales of electricity, heat and relevant materials; facility development and production; electricity technology consultation and development; electromechanic installation, inspection and repairing. Datang Heilongjiang Power Generation Co., Ltd.: a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDC with principal business being power generation. Datang Jilin Power Generation Co., Ltd.: a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDC with principal business being production, supply and sales of electricity and heat. Datang Gansu Power Generation Co., Ltd.: a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDC with principal business being production, supply and sales of electricity and heat. Datang Shaanxi Power Generation Co., Ltd.: a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDC with principal business being development, production and operation of power source; production and sales of electricity, heat and ancillary products; inspection, repairing and installation of power generation facilities and ancillary facilities; development of electricity application technology, technical consultation, etc. Datang Hebei Power Generation Co., Ltd.: a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDC with principal business being development, investment and construction of power and energy and related business. Longtan Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.: a subsidiary of CDC with principal business being the development, construction and management of Longtan hydropower project. China National Water Resources & Electric Power Materials & Equipment Co., Ltd.: a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDC with principal business being tender agent, import and export agent, supply of pipes and oil materials, engineering technical consultation, spare parts, facility monitoring, project materials management. Datang Power Fuel Co., Ltd.: a wholly-owned subsidiary of CDC with principal business being coal distribution, investment and management of energy and transportation. LISTING RULES IMPLICATIONS As at the date of this announcement, CDC is the controlling Shareholder of the Company, which together with its subsidiaries hold 34.71% of the issued share capital of the Company. The other 11 Shareholders and Datang Finance Company are either subsidiaries which CDC has controlling shareholding or are wholly-owned by CDC. Accordingly, CDC, the other 11 Shareholders and Datang Finance Company are connected persons of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The transactions contemplated under the Capital Increase Agreement constitute connected transactions of the Company. As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules) in respect of the amount in relation to each of the transactions under the Capital Increase Agreement is more than 0.1% but less than 5% and all other applicable percentage ratios are less than 0.1%, the Capital Increase Agreement is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules, but is exempted from the approval by the independent Shareholders of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. DEFINITIONS In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings: "Board" the board of Directors "Capital Increase Agreement" the "Capital Increase Agreement of China Datang Corporation Nuclear Power Co., Ltd." entered into between the Company, CDC, 11 Shareholders and Datang Finance Company on 26 November 2014 in relation to the capital increase to Datang Finance Company "CDC" China Datang Corporation, a State-owned enterprise established under the laws of the PRC and is the controlling Shareholder of the Company under the Listing Rules "Company" Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd., a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the PRC on 13 December 1994, whose H Shares are listed on the Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange and whose A Shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange "connected person" has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules "connected transaction" has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules "Datang Finance Company" China Datang Finance Co., Limited, details of which are set out in the section entitled "Information of the Relevant Parties" "Directors" the director(s) of the Company "Fudian Bank" Fudian Bank Co., Ltd., a provincial level regional commercial bank of Yunnan Province approved by China Banking Regulatory Commission. Datang Finance Company holds 19.5% of shares of Fudian Bank "Listing Rules" the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange "PRC" the People's Republic of China "RMB" Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC "Shareholder(s)" the shareholders of the Company "Stock Exchange" The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited "%" Percent "11 Shareholders" Datang Huayin Electric Power Co., Ltd., Guangxi Guiguan Electric Power Co., Ltd., Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd., Datang Heilongjiang Power Generation Co., Ltd., Datang Jilin Power Generation Co., Ltd., Datang Gansu Power Generation Co., Ltd., Datang Shaanxi Power Generation Co., Ltd., Datang Hebei Power Generation Co., Ltd., Longtan Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., Datang Power Fuel Co., Ltd., and China National Water Resources & Electric Power Materials & Equipment Co., Ltd. Details of which are set out in the section entitled "Information of the Relevant Parties" By Order of the Board Zhou Gang Secretary to the Board Beijing, the PRC, 26 November 2014 As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are: Chen Jinhang, Hu Shengmu, Wu Jing, Liang Yongpan, Zhou Gang, Cao Xin, Cai Shuwen, Liu Haixia, Guan Tiangang, Yang Wenchun, Dong Heyi*, Ye Yansheng*, Li Hengyuan*, Zhao Jie*, Feng Genfu* * Independent non-executive Directors
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