Connected Transaction
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no
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(a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China)
(Stock Code: 00991)
On 24 October 2011, the Company entered into the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement with
Energy and Chemical Company, CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch and Duolun Coal Chemical Company
in relation to the provision of the Entrusted Loan by the Company or Energy and Chemical
Company to Duolun Coal Chemical Company through the Framework Entrusted Loan
Arrangement, in which CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch acts as the lending agent.
As at the date of this announcement, Duolun Coal Chemical Company is owned as to 60% and
40% by Energy and Chemical Company, and CDC, respectively. CDC is the controlling
Shareholder of the Company, which together with its subsidiaries, hold approximately 34.71% of
the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement. Duolun Coal
Chemical Company is therefore a connected person of the Company and the Framework
Entrusted Loan Agreement constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter
14A of the Listing Rules.
As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the Listing
Rules) for the Entrusted Loan under the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement aggregated with
the entrusted loans provided by the Group to Duolun Coal Chemical Company in the preceding
12 months is more than 5%, the entrusted loan matters and the Framework Entrusted Loan
Agreement are subject to the requirements of reporting, announcement and approval by the
independent Shareholders of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
The Company will disclose the relevant details in the next annual report and accounts of the
Company in accordance with the relevant requirements as set out in Rule14A.45 of the Listing
Rules. A circular containing details of the entrusted loan matters and the Framework Entrusted
Loan Agreement, a letter from the independent board committee and a letter from the
independent financial advisor, both advising the entrusted loan matters and the terms of the
Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement will be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 2
November 2011.
Date and Subject Matter
On 24 October 2011, the Company entered into the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement
with Energy and Chemical Company, CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch and Duolun Coal Chemical
Company in relation to the provision of the Entrusted Loan by the Company or Energy and
Chemical Company to Duolun Coal Chemical Company through the Framework Entrusted
Loan Arrangement, in which CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch acts as the lending agent.
(1) the Company;
(2) Energy and Chemical Company;
(3) CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch;
(4) Duolun Coal Chemical Company.
Major terms of the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement
Framework Entrusted Loan Arrangement
Pursuant to the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement, CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch is designated
by the Company or Energy and Chemical Company to act as the lending agent to, inter alia,
release the Entrusted Loan by various tranches to Duolun Coal Chemical Company through the
Framework Entrusted Loan Arrangement.
The parties agreed that they shall enter into separate entrusted loan agreements in relation to the
provision of various tranches of the Entrusted Loan through the Framework Entrusted Loan
Arrangement during the term of the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement provided that such
separate entrusted loan agreements shall always be in line with the principles of the Framework
Entrusted Loan Agreement and the terms and conditions of the Entrusted Loan Agreement.
The Entrusted Loan Agreement in relation to the provision of the first tranche of the Entrusted
Loan amounting to RMB500 million has been entered into between the Company, CCB Diao
Yu Tai Branch and Duolun Coal Chemical Company on 12 October 2011.
Principal amount of the Entrusted Loan
The principal amount of the Entrusted Loan is RMB2 billion. Since the Entrusted Loan
Agreement in relation to the provision of the first tranche of the Entrusted Loan amounting to
RMB500 million has been entered into, the remaining balance of the Entrusted Loan amounts
to RMB1.5 billion.
The term for the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement is 36 months commencing from
12 October 2011 to 11 October 2014.
Interest rate
At a floating interest rate, being the benchmark interest rate to be charged for the same level of
loans in RMB by the People's Bank of China for the same period as announced by the People's
Bank of China on the date when each tranche of borrowing is withdrawn and such interest rate
is to be adjusted annually. The adjustment date is 21st December of each year. The adjusted
interest rate will be the benchmark interest rate for the same level of loans in RMB for the
same period announced by the People's Bank of China on the adjustment date.
Such interest rate is arrived at after arm's length negotiation between the Company and Duolun
Coal Chemical Company in consideration of the overall reduction in capital costs to the Group
after the accounts of Duolun Coal Chemical Company (being the controlled subsidiary of the
Company) are consolidated into the accounts of the Company.
Repayment schedule of the principal of the Entrusted Loan
One-off repayment of the principal by Duolun Coal Chemical Company upon maturity of the
relevant entrusted loan agreements.
Payment schedule of interests of the Entrusted Loan
Interests shall be settled by Duolun Coal Chemical Company on a quarterly basis. The
settlement date falls on the twentieth (20th) day of the last month of each quarter.
Effective Date
The Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement shall become effective when it is duly signed by
the parties and is approved by the internal authorities of the parties (or the internal approval
procedures of the parties are implemented).
Entrusted Loan Agreement
The Entrusted Loan Agreement in relation to the provision of the first tranche of the Entrusted
Loan amounting to RMB500 million has been entered into between the Company, CCB Diao
Yu Tai Branch and Duolun Coal Chemical Company on 12 October 2011, details of the
Entrusted Loan Agreement were set out in the announcement of the Company dated
12 October 2011.
In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Duolun Coal Chemical Project, the Company and
Energy and Chemical Company intend to provide the Entrusted Loan amounting to RMB2
billion (including the first tranche of the Entrusted Loan amounting to RMB500 million) to
Duolun Coal Chemical Company according to the actual situation of the Duolun Coal
Chemical Project. The Entrusted Loan is beneficial for the smooth progress of subsequent
project construction of the Duolun Coal Chemical Project and is to ensure repayment of due
borrowings by Duolun Coal Chemical Company. It is also considered that the overall capital
costs to the Group will be reduced after the accounts of Duolun Coal Chemical Company
(being the controlled subsidiary of the Company) are consolidated into the accounts of the
The Directors (excluding the independent non-executive Directors whose views will be
contained in the circular after considering the advice from the independent financial advisor)
are of the view that the terms of the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement are fair and
reasonable, have been entered into after arm's length negotiation between all parties thereto
and determined on normal commercial terms and are in the interests of the Company and the
Shareholders as a whole.
The Company is principally engaged in the development and operation of power plants, the
sale of electricity and thermal power, and the repair, testing and maintenance of power
equipment as well as the provision of power-related technical services. The main service areas
of the Company are in the PRC.
Duolun Coal Chemical Company was duly incorporated on 19 August 2009 with a registered
capital of RMB4,050.00 million. Duolun Coal Chemical Company is principally responsible
for the construction and operation of the coal-based olefin project with an annual output of
460,000 tonnes. The equity structure of Duolun Coal Chemical Company is as follows: Energy
and Chemical Company, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, holds 60% equity interests,
and CDC, the controlling Shareholder of the Company, holds 40% equity interests.
As at 31 December 2010, Duolun Coal Chemical Company's total assets amounted to
approximately RMB20,722.62 million; total liabilities amounted to approximately
RMB16,687.76 million; and the asset-to-liability ratio was approximately 80.53% (the
aforesaid figures were audited).
As at 30 June 2011, Duolun Coal Chemical Company's total assets amounted to approximately
RMB21,552.31 million; total liabilities amounted to approximately RMB17,506.20 million;
and the asset-to-liability ratio was approximately 81.23% (the aforesaid figures have not been
As at the date of this announcement, Duolun Coal Chemical Company is owned as to 60% and
40% by Energy and Chemical Company and CDC, respectively. CDC is the controlling
Shareholder of the Company, which together with its subsidiaries, hold approximately 34.71%
of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement. Duolun Coal
Chemical Company is therefore a connected person of the Company and the Framework
Entrusted Loan Agreement constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter
14A of the Listing Rules.
As one or more of the applicable percentage ratios (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the Listing
Rules) for the Entrusted Loan under the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement aggregated
with the entrusted loans provided by the Group to Duolun Coal Chemical Company in the
preceding 12 months is more than 5%, the entrusted loan matters and the Framework Entrusted
Loan Agreement are subject to the requirements of reporting, announcement and approval by
the independent Shareholders of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
The Company will disclose the relevant details in the next annual report and accounts of the
Company in accordance with the relevant requirements as set out in Rule14A.45 of the Listing
Rules. A circular containing details of the entrusted loan matters and the Framework Entrusted
Loan Agreement, a letter from the independent board committee and a letter from the
independent financial advisor, both advising the entrusted loan matters and the terms of the
Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement will be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 2
November 2011.
Any Shareholder with a material interest in the transaction and its associates will abstain from
voting at the extraordinary general meeting to be held by the Company, to, among others,
consider and approve the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement. Therefore, CDC and its
associates shall abstain from voting at the extraordinary general meeting to approve the
Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement.
An independent board committee comprising the independent non-executive Directors will be
formed to advise the independent Shareholders on the terms of the Framework Entrusted Loan
Agreement. Each of the independent non-executive Director does not have any material interest
in the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement.
The Company has appointed Mizuho Securities as the independent financial advisor to advise
the independent board committee of the Company and the independent Shareholders on the
terms of the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement.
In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the
following meanings:
"A Share(s)" the domestic ordinary share(s) of the Company with a
nominal value of RMB1.00 each and are listed on the
Shanghai Stock Exchange
"Board" the board of Directors of the Company
"CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch" the Diao Yu Tai Branch of China Construction Bank
Corporation, a bank incorporated in the PRC and is
principally engaged in banking, financial and other
finance-related services
"CDC" China Datang Corporation, a State-owned enterprise
established under the laws of the PRC and is the
controlling Shareholder of the Company pursuant to the
Listing Rules which, together with its subsidiaries, own
approximately 34.71% of the issued share capital of the
Company as at the date of this announcement
"Company" Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd., a
sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in
the PRC on 13 December 1994, whose H Shares are
listed on the Stock Exchange and the London Stock
Exchange and whose A Shares are listed on the
Shanghai Stock Exchange
"connected person" has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules
"connected transaction" has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules
"Directors" the director(s) of the Company
"Duolun Coal Chemical Datang Inner Mongolia Duolun Coal Chemical
Company" Company Limited, which constructs and operates the
Duolun Coal Chemical Project
"Duolun Coal Chemical the project located in Duolun County in the Inner
Project" Mongolia Autonomous Region which uses the brown
coal from the East Unit 2 coal mine of Shengli Coal
Mine as raw materials for the production of
polypropylene chemical products by employing the
pulverised coal gasification technology, the synthetic
gas purification technology, large-scale methanol
synthesis technology, the methanol-to-propylene
technology and the propylene polymerisation technology
"Energy and Chemical Datang Energy and Chemical Company Limited, a
Company" wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, principally
engaged in the production and sales businesses for the
products including coal-alkene, coal-natural gas and
extraction of alumina from pulverized fuel ash
"Entrusted Loan" the entrusted loan of a principal amount of RMB2
"Entrusted Loan Agreement" the entrusted loan agreement entered into on 12 October
2011 between the Company, CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch
and Duolun Coal Chemical Company in respect of the
provision of the first tranche of the Entrusted Loan in
the sum of RMB500 million by the Company , details
of which were set out in the announcement dated 12
October 2011
"Framework Entrusted Loan the framework entrusted loan agreement entered into on
Agreement" 24 October 2011 between the Company, Energy and
Chemical Company, CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch and
Duolun Coal Chemical Company in respect of the
Framework Entrusted Loan Arrangement
"Framework Entrusted Loan the arrangement where CCB Diao Yu Tai Branch is
Arrangement" designated by the Company or Energy and Chemical
Company to act as the lending agent to, inter alia,
release the Entrusted Loan in various tranches to
Duolun Coal Chemical Company
"Group" the Company and its subsidiaries
"H Share(s)" the overseas listed foreign shares of the Company with a
nominal value of RMB1.00 each, which are listed on the
Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange
"Hong Kong" the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the
"Listing Rules" the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the
Stock Exchange
"Mizuho Securities" Mizuho Securities Asia Limited, the independent
financial adviser to the independent board committee
and the independent Shareholders in respect of the terms
of the Framework Entrusted Loan Agreement, and a
licensed corporation for types 1 (dealing in securities), 2
(dealing in futures contracts), 4 (advising on securities),
5 (advising on futures contracts), 6 (advising on
corporate finance) and 9 (asset management) regulated
activities under the SFO
"PRC" the People's Republic of China
"RMB" Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC
"SFO" the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of
the Laws of Hong Kong)
"Shareholder(s)" the holder(s) of the Share(s)
"Shares" the ordinary shares of the Company with a nominal
value of RMB1.00 each, comprising domestic Shares
and H Shares
"Stock Exchange" The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
"%" percent
By Order of the Board
Zhou Gang
Secretary to the Board
Beijing, the PRC, 24 October 2011
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are:
Liu Shunda , Hu Shengmu, Cao Jingshan, Fang Qinghai, Zhou Gang, Liu Haixia,
Guan Tiangang, Su Tiegang, Ye Yonghui, Li Gengsheng, Li Yanmeng*, Zhao Zunlian*,
Li Hengyuan*, Zhao Jie* and Jiang Guohua*.
* Independent non-executive Directors