Director/PDMR Shareholding

TO: Regulatory Information Service PR Newswire RE: Paragraph 3.1.4 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules The notifications listed below were received under Paragraph 3.1.2 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules. Diageo plc (the "Company") makes the following announcements: 1. It received notification today that David Gosnell, a person discharging managerial responsibility ("PDMR"), transferred 28,405 ordinary shares of 28 101/108 pence each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") held in his own name to his spouse Mrs Susan Gosnell on 26 November 2012. As a result of this transaction, Mr Gosnell's interests in the Company's Ordinary Shares and American Depository Shares ("ADS")* (excluding options, awards under the Company's LTIPs and interests as a potential beneficiary of the Company's Employee Benefit Trusts) remain unchanged at 109,623. 2. It received notification today that Gareth Williams, a PDMR, disposed of 44,000 Ordinary Shares as a gift on 26 November 2012. As a result of this transaction, Mr Williams's interests in the Company's Ordinary Shares and ADSs (excluding options, awards under the Company's LTIPs and interests as a potential beneficiary of the Company's Employee Benefit Trusts) have decreased to 176,391 (of which 6,493 are held as ADSs). J Nicholls Deputy Company Secretary 26 November 2012 *1 ADS is equal to 4 Ordinary Shares


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