Director/PDMR Shareholding
TO: Regulatory Information Service
PR Newswire
RE: Paragraph 3.1.4 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules
The notifications listed below were received under Paragraph 3.1.2 of the
Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Diageo plc (the "Company") announces that today:
1) the directors shown below were granted the following options over the
Company's ordinary shares of 28 101/108 pence ("Ordinary Shares") under the
Company's Senior Executive Share Option Plan (the "SESOP"), approved by
shareholders on 9 November 1999:
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares
N C Rose 226,569
P S Walsh 392,483
2) the Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities ("PDMR") shown below
were granted the following options over Ordinary Shares or American Depositary
Shares ("ADS") under the SESOP:
Name of PDMR No. of Ordinary Shares
S Fletcher 99,904
J Grover 81,351
A Morgan 110,608
J Pollaers 80,413
G Williams 89,914
No. of ADS*
R Malcolm 24,843
I Menezes 40,813
T Proctor 30,832
Each option was granted at a price of £10.51 per Ordinary Share (or $84.53 per
ADS) and is exercisable between 18 September 2010 and 17 September 2017,
subject to the satisfaction of performance criteria.
3) the directors shown below acquired an interest in Ordinary Shares in the
form of awards under the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan, known as the Total
Shareholder Return plan (the "TSR Plan"), approved by shareholders on 11 August
1998, as follows:
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares
N C Rose 191,843
P S Walsh 415,407
4) the PDMRs shown below acquired an interest in Ordinary Shares or ADSs in the
form of awards under the TSR Plan, as follows:
Name of PDMR No. of Ordinary Shares
S Fletcher 95,166
J Grover 77,492
A Morgan 105,362
J Pollaers 80,169
G Williams 85,649
No. of ADS*
R Malcolm 21,783
I Menezes 35,787
T Proctor 27,035
The numbers shown above for each director and PDMR is the maximum number of
shares which could be transferred upon achieving top performance (1st or 2nd
position) by reference to Diageo's seventeen company peer group used in the
performance test for the 2007 awards under the TSR Plan. At position 9 within
the TSR peer group 23.3% of the above shares would be transferred.
The performance period commenced on 1 July 2007 and, subject to the rules of
the TSR Plan and depending on Diageo's TSR performance relative to its peer
groups, the awards will be released in September 2010.
5) the directors and PDMRs shown below, together with other eligible employees,
were today awarded Ordinary Shares under the Diageo Share Incentive Plan (the
"Plan"), an Inland Revenue approved plan operated by Diageo Group companies for
the benefit of employees of the Company and its subsidiaries:
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares
N C Rose 285
P S Walsh 285
Name of PDMR
S Fletcher 285
J Grover 285
A Morgan 285
G Williams 285
The Ordinary Shares were awarded at no cost to Plan participants
("Freeshares"), to a value based on a percentage of the participant's salary on
30 June 2007 and the Company's profits for the financial year ended 30 June
2007, subject to a maximum per Plan participant of £3,000 in value per tax
year. Freeshares are awarded annually and cannot normally be disposed of for a
period of three years after the award date.
As a result of the above, the directors' and PDMRs' interests in the Company's
Ordinary Shares (excluding options, awards under the Company's LTIPs and
interests as potential beneficiaries of Diageo group employee share trusts) are
as follows:
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares
N C Rose 360,827
P S Walsh 638,172
Name of PDMR
S Fletcher 133,192
J Grover 171,344
I Menezes 271,094*
A Morgan 131,790
J Pollaers 39,904
G Williams 208,848**
No. of ADS
R Malcolm 20,000
T Proctor 27,464
**of which 178,096 are held in the form of ADS.
**of which 5,684 are held in the form of ADS.
1 ADS is the equivalent of 4 Ordinary Shares.
18 September 2007