Director Shareholding
TO: Regulatory Information Service
PR Newswire
Diageo plc (the 'Company') announces:
1) That it received notification on 24 February 2003 for the purposes of
Section 329 of the Companies Act 1985 of transactions by the trustee of the
Diageo Employee Benefit Trust (the 'Employee Benefit Trust') as detailed below.
The Employee Benefit Trust is a discretionary trust for the benefit of
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries and operates primarily in
conjunction with the Company's Long Term Incentive Plan, now called the Total
Shareholder Return plan (the 'Plan'), approved by shareholders on 11 August
a) A notification that Mourant & Co Trustees Limited, as trustee of the
Employee Benefit Trust ('Mourant'), had, on 21 February 2003, transferred
ordinary shares of 28 101/108 pence of the Company ('Ordinary Shares') to
participants receiving awards released under the Plan at a level of 113.9% as
Date of Transaction No of Ordinary Shares
21.02.03 1,046,619
including Ordinary Shares transferred to the directors of the Company named
below,as participants receiving awards released under the Plan, as follows:
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares
N C Rose 31,371
P S Walsh 172,978
The awards were made on 1 January 2000. The balance of each award has lapsed.
b) A notification that Mourant had, on 21 February 2003, made the following
sale of Ordinary Shares to meet the requirement to reimburse the Company for
PAYE tax liability on awards released under the Plan:
Date of Transaction No of Ordinary Shares Sold Sale Price of
21.02.03 106,967 £6.250487
including Ordinary Shares sold on behalf of a director of the Company, as
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares Sale Price of
Ordinary Shares
P S Walsh 34,596 £6.250487
c) A notification that Mourant had, on 21 February 2003, made the following
sale of Ordinary Shares to meet the National Insurance liabilities of
participants of the Plan leaving the Company:
Date of Transaction No of Ordinary Shares Sold Sale Price of
21.02.03 96 £6.25
d) A notification that Mourant had, on 21 February 2003, purchased 800,000
Ordinary Shares for the Employee Benefit Trust at a price of £6.248 per
Ordinary Share. Both directors of the Company named above under a) are
potential beneficiaries of the Employee Benefit Trust.
e) A notification that as a result of the above transactions the total holding
of the Employee Benefit Trust amounts to 5,977,180 Ordinary Shares.
2) That it has received notification on 24 February 2003 from the directors
shown below that they acquired, on 21 February 2003, an interest in Ordinary
Shares in the form of awards under the Plan, as follows:
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares
N C Rose 129,861
P S Walsh 225,846
The number shown above for each director is the maximum number of shares which
could be transferred upon achieving top performance (1st or 2nd position) by
reference to Diageo's eighteen company peer group used in the performance test
for the 2003 awards under the Plan. At position 9 within the Plan peer group
one third of the above shares would be transferred.
The performance period commenced on 1 January 2003 and, subject to the rules of
the Plan and achievement of the performance requirement, the awards will be
released in February 2006.
As a result of the above release of awards, sales and acquisition of interests,
the above directors' interests in the Company's Ordinary Shares (excluding
options, awards under the Company's LTIPs and also interests as potential
beneficiaries of the Diageo Employee Benefit Trust, the Diageo plc QUEST, the
Grand Metropolitan No.2 Employee Share Trust and, in the case of Mr Walsh only,
the Pillsbury 401 (K) Savings Plan) are as follows:
Name of Director No. of Ordinary Shares
N C Rose 121,928
P S Walsh 583,058*
*of which 4,932 are held in the form of ADSs.
24 February 2003