Transaction in Own Shares

TO: Regulatory Information Service PR Newswire RE: PARAGRAPH 12.6.4 OF THE LISTING RULES Diageo plc - Transaction in Own Shares Diageo plc (the "Company") announces that today, it released from treasury 13,776 ordinary shares of 28 101/108 pence each ("Ordinary Shares"), to satisfy grants made under employee share plans. The average price at which these Ordinary Shares were released from treasury was 995.16 pence per share. Following this release, the Company holds 250,089,788 Ordinary Shares as treasury shares and the total number of Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding shares held as treasury shares) is 2,503,887,974. J Nicholls Deputy Company Secretary 9 February 2011 END


Diageo (DGE)
UK 100