Final Results

26 MAY 2004 THE EDINBURGH INVESTMENT TRUST plc PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 MARCH 2004 The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc is one of the UK's largest investment trusts focussed entirely on the UK. The long term objectives of The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc are the achievement of capital growth at a higher rate than the FTSE All-Share Index and dividend growth above the rate of UK inflation. Key points * A satisfactory first full year of performance by Fidelity Investments * Share price up by 30.1% * NAV per share (capital only basis) rose by 30.0% compared with an increase in the FTSE All-Share of 26.6% (3.4 percentage points ahead) * On a total return basis the NAV outperformed the FTSE All-Share Index by 4.0 percentage points * Performance assisted by -Positive stock selection -Continuing overweight exposure to FTSE 250 securities -Beneficial effect of gearing in rising markets * Final dividend of 8.95p per share maintained For further information, please contact: Fidelity Investments International Anne Read 020 7961 4409 Jo Roddan/Niki Bolton 01737 837847 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to report a much more satisfactory year in which both net asset value and share price rose by more than the 26.6% growth in the benchmark FTSE All-Share Index. Company Performance Capital I reported at the interim stage sharp growth in the UK equity market. This growth continued at a slower pace in the following three months, after which the trend, although still positive, became very much weaker. For the year to 31 March 2004 the FTSE All-Share Index rose (capital only) by 26.6%. Against this background, the Company performed well. Net asset value (`NAV') increased by 30.0%, outperforming the benchmark index by 3.4 percentage points. The total return on the net assets of the Company, being the combination of capital performance and income, exceeded that of the equivalent benchmark by some 4.0 percentage points. Both stock/sector selection and the Company's borrowings contributed to a satisfactory result. Income Over the last few years dividends paid to shareholders have exceeded the Company's net income, and I explained in October that the Board would not recommend any further increase in dividend payments until the Company's dividend cover had increased. Accordingly, the Board recommends that the final dividend should remain at 8.95p per share: this will be paid on 22 July to shareholders on the register at close of business on 4 June 2004. The ex-dividend date will be 2 June 2004. If the final dividend is approved by shareholders, the year's payment will total 13.15p per share. At the share price current on 31 March 2004, this is equivalent to a yield of 4.4% - about 40% above the 3.1% yield of the FTSE All-Share Index on the same date. The total dividend is not fully covered by this year's net income. The deficit of approximately £2.16m is less than originally anticipated because two of our large investments declared dividends, totalling about £1.1m, with an ex-dividend date rather earlier than in previous years, hence falling into this year's income. This benefit is a `one-off'. The shortfall of £2.16m will be met by a transfer from the revenue reserve. This reserve, which after this transfer will exceed £34m, will provide the means to sustain dividends in the short term. Share Price The share price rose by 30.1% over the year to 31 March 2004 - 3.5 percentage points more than the benchmark index and in line with the increase in the NAV. Historically, the Company, in common with the investment trust sector as a whole, has calculated the NAV after deducting its borrowings at par value - i.e. the price at which these borrowings will be redeemed at maturity. On this basis, the share price at 31 March 2004 stood at a discount of 17.0% to NAV. As interest rates have fallen over the past few years, the market value of debentures has risen, often substantially, and industry commentators have seen benefit in additionally calculating the NAV after deducting the market values of debentures. On this second basis, NAV at 31 March 2004 is 335.72p per share, an increase of 33.6% for the year. The share price discount to NAV on this basis is 10.5%. Both measures of the NAV provide useful information to shareholders and potential investors. From 30 June 2004 the statistics published by the Association of Investment Trust Companies (AITC) will move to show net asset values on the second basis, hence apparent valuations and the discount of share price to NAV will fall. This will not reflect any change in the Company's underlying investments, or indeed in the cost of redeeming the outstanding debentures at maturity. The Company's published NAV will in future however be dependent not only as it is now on the changing value of its assets, but also on fluctuations in the market prices of its two debentures. Over the last few months share price discounts to NAVs have generally widened across the whole investment trust sector, reflecting weakening of investor demand. The Board places great importance on Fidelity's role in building demand for shares thus helping to reduce the share price discount to NAV. To this end, Fidelity continues to promote the benefits of investment in the Company, both directly to potential investors and through independent advisors. This promotional activity apart, the Board will, when appropriate, buy back shares for cancellation, thus reducing any over-supply and enhancing the NAV for remaining shareholders. A special resolution to renew the Board's authority in this regard, which was not utilised during the year under review, will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting. Shareholders may be aware that, since December, companies, including investment trusts, have been able to repurchase shares to hold in treasury, for possible reissue, rather than for cancellation. At this stage, it is not clear if this facility will be of benefit to the Company. The Board will, however, monitor the use of treasury shares by the investment trust sector and seek any necessary shareholder approval if these new powers appear relevant to the Company. Investment and Risk Policies The Board sees the Company's key purpose to be to provide an effective vehicle for the investment of long-term savings in the UK equity market. The risk and other policy parameters set by the Board, within which the Manager makes investment decisions, relate principally to portfolio risk, the use of borrowings (gearing) and the extent of decisions on liquidity - i.e. the degree to which funds allocated for equity investment are, in anticipation of market falls, allocated temporarily to cash. The Company is emphatically not an index-tracker and in setting policy on portfolio risk, the Board seeks to give the Manager sufficient scope to use its research and other skills to out-perform the benchmark. Both Board and Manager believe that the current risk limits - which have for most of the year under review been at the low end of the prescribed range - are sufficient to provide this scope. More sustained evidence of portfolio outperformance or changed market conditions may well lead to some increase, over time, in the Board's appetite for portfolio risk, and hence for the scale and volatility of return. At the year end shareholders' funds were £883.6m and borrowings £200m, a potential gearing ratio of 22.6%. The Manager's investment style is one of stock selection rather than market timing and we would not normally expect funds available for equity investment to be substantially liquid. However, while 100% utilisation of the Company's gearing would be highly beneficial in a rising market the impact in a falling market would be severe. To provide clarity to both investors and to the Manager about the Company's appetite for risk in the context of gearing, the Board has decided that in the present market conditions it would not be appropriate to invest these borrowings outside the range of £80-£120 million in the equity market. This position will be reviewed regularly, but in the absence of unforeseen circumstances, is likely to remain unchanged for the next year of so. The Board's gearing decision means that, at least in the short-term, the Company will not fully utilise its borrowings in the equity market and prompts the question of whether one of the debenture stocks should be repaid, and if not, whether the uninvested amount can be invested to yield more than cash. Again, at the time of the Interim Report, I stated that the Board believed that given our interest rate and equity market expectations, it was not an appropriate time to redeem either debenture stock. We reviewed this question again towards the end of the year under review and reached the same conclusion. We will re-examine this matter regularly. At the date of this statement, we are currently holding circa £80m in cash or near cash, at rates well below the cost of the debentures. We may, in time, decide to invest some of this cash in the equity market, but the potential clearly exists meantime for some enhancement of income by investing in higher coupon instruments but only in a point in the cycle when we believe the risk to capital from firming bond yields does not offset the benefit of income gain. This too is a matter of on-going review. The Board In the Interim Report, I announced the appointment of Nicola Ralston and Will Samuel to the Board: both have already made a substantial contribution and they stand for election at the Annual General Meeting with the strong endorsement of their colleagues. Roy Summers has decided to retire from the Board and accordingly will not stand for re-election. Roy, who had a distinguished career in the brewing industry, has played a significant role in the affairs of the Company since he became a Director in 1994. We have benefited greatly from Roy's counsel and his wide industry experience. I would like to thank him for all he has done for the Company, for his personal support to my predecessor and me, and on behalf of the Board to wish him well for the future. Prospects The markets in the year to March 2004 made good recovery from the oversold position seen at the start of the year. This positive economic background is counter-balanced by clear signals that trends in interest rates, both here and in North America, are likely to be upwards. The tension between these two forces is likely to lead to some short-term uncertainty, but the Board remains cautiously optimistic in its outlook for UK equities and for our portfolio. We believe that The Edinburgh Investment Trust provides investors with an attractive vehicle for long-term investment in the UK equity market. Scott Dobbie Chairman 25 May 2004 THE EDINBURGH INVESTMENT TRUST plc Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account1) of the Company For the year ended 31 March: 2004 2003 revenue capital total revenue capital total notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Realised gains/ - 3,550 3,550 - (171,217) (171,217) (losses) on investments Increase/ - 216,610 216,610 - (315,766) (315,766) (decrease) in unrealised appreciation TOTAL CAPITAL - 220,160 220,160 - (486,983) (486,983) GAINS/(LOSSES) ON INVESTMENTS Currency losses - - - - (2) (2) Income from investments: - franked 33,931 - 33,931 32,635 - 32,635 investment income -other unfranked 150 - 150 37 - 37 investment income Interest 265 - 265 1,682 - 1,682 receivable on short term deposits Income from other 2 3,022 - 3,022 914 - 914 securities Underwriting 5 - 5 43 - 43 commission Investment (870) (2,030) (2,900) (1,174) (2,738) (3,912) management fee Administrative (872) - (872) (1,222) - (1,222) expenses NET RETURN/ (LOSS) 35,631 218,130 253,761 32,915 (489,723) (456,808) BEFORE FINANCE COSTS AND TAXATION Interest payable (5,850) (13,651) (19,501) (5,850) (13,651) (19,501) and similar charges RETURN/(LOSS) ON 3 29,781 204,479 234,260 27,065 (503,374) (476,309) ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAX Tax on ordinary (10) - (10) - - - activities RETURN/(LOSS) ON 29,771 204,479 234,250 27,065 (503,374) (476,309) ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAX FOR THE YEAR ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS Dividends (31,927) - (31,927) (32,016) - (32,016) TRANSFER (FROM)/TO (2,156) 204,479 202,323 (4,951) (503,374) (508,325) RESERVES RETURN/(LOSS) PER 12.26p 84.22p 96.48p 11.05p (205.49p) (194.44p) ORDINARY SHARE TOTAL DIVIDEND PER 13.15p 13.15p ORDINARY SHARE 1. The revenue column on this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. 2. Income arising from the Fidelity Institutional Cash Fund. 3. Returns per ordinary share are based on the net revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation of £29,771,000 (2003: £27,065,000), and the capital appreciation in the year of £204,479,000 (2003: depreciation of £503,374,000) and on 242,796,714 ordinary shares (2003: 244,959,865) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. THE EDINBURGH INVESTMENT TRUST plc Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investments 1,015,783 806,197 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 12,170 12,380 Fidelity Institutional Cash Fund 71,736 68,414 Amounts held at futures clearing 1,394 - houses and brokers Cash and short term deposits 6,122 14,808 91,422 95,602 CREDITORS - AMOUNTS FALLING DUE (28,212) (25,380) WITHIN ONE YEAR NET CURRENT ASSETS 63,210 70,222 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,078,993 876,419 CREDITORS - AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER (195,352) (195,101) MORE THAN ONE YEAR TOTAL NET ASSETS 883,641 681,318 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital - equity 60,699 60,699 Share premium 6,639 6,639 Capital redemption reserve 12,756 12,756 Capital reserve - realised 666,475 685,793 Capital reserve - unrealised 103,005 (120,792) Revenue reserve 34,067 36,223 TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 883,641 681,318 NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE: 362.03p 278.59p Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 March 2004 2004 2003 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 32,704 33,393 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest paid (19,250) (19,250) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM SERVICING OF FINANCE (19,250) (19,250) FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of investments (411,769) (722,771) Exchange losses - (2) Realised losses on closed short futures positions (3,452) - Disposal of investments 429,724 734,795 NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENT 14,503 12,022 EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (31,927) (31,636) NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE USE OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND (3,970) (5,471) FINANCING NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID (3,322) 29,417 RESOURCES NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW BEFORE FINANCING (7,292) 23,946 FINANCING Repurchase of ordinary shares - (11,935) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM FINANCING - (11,935) (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH (7,292) 12,011 Notes 1. The Directors recommend that a final dividend of 8.95p (2003 - 8.95p) per ordinary share be paid. The final dividend will be paid on 22 July 2004 to shareholders on the register on 4 June 2004. The ex dividend date is 2 June 2004. 2. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2003 has been extracted from the annual report and accounts of the Company which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors' report was unqualified. 3. The statutory accounts for 2004 which contain an unqualified audit report will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting which will be held at The Caledonian Hilton Hotel, Princes Street, Edinburgh on Wednesday 21 July 2004 at 2.30 pm. The accounts have been prepared under the same accounting policies used for the year to 31 March 2003. 4. The statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account), balance sheet and cashflow set out above do not represent full accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice: `Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' dated January 2003. 5. The annual report will be posted to shareholders on or about 11 June 2004 and copies will be available from the Secretary - Fidelity Investments International, Oakhill House, 130 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9DZ.
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