Final Results

29 May 2007 THE EDINBURGH INVESTMENT TRUST plc PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 MARCH 2007 The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc is one of the UK's largest investment trusts focussed entirely on the UK. The long term objectives of The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc are the achievement of capital growth at a higher rate than the FTSE All-Share Index (`Index') and dividend growth above the rate of UK inflation. Highlights: * Net asset value ("NAV") (capital only - debt marked to market) up on an adjusted basis by 8.1%¹: ahead of 7.7% Index growth. NAV growth with debt marked to market was 9.6%¹. * Dividends up by 23.6% following an increase last year of 16%. * Share price up by 12%. Over three years, share price has risen by 60%, compared to 49% rise in the Index. * Total shareholder return² for the year was 17.4% - the equivalent Index return was 11.1%. The Chairman, Scott Dobbie, said: "Shareholders have enjoyed very good returns - above Index capital growth and, for the second year running, a substantial dividend increase. This performance underlines the Company's strength as a vehicle for long-term investment in the UK equity market." Please note that past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up. For further information, please contact: Fidelity Investments International Simon Ellis 020 7074 5205 Richard Miles 01737 837844 Stephen Westwood 020 7961 4477 Issued by Fidelity Investments International, authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Services Authority. Notes 1. Capital return NAV is shown after adjustment to reflect dividends in respect of the year but unpaid at the balance sheet date 2. Total shareholder return is share price total return with net income reinvested CB31399/na CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The UK Equity Market I reported at the interim stage that the UK equity market had made little progress in the period April to September 2006. Forward momentum was regained shortly thereafter and, despite two setbacks from both of which recovery was rapid, the FTSE All-Share Index (the `Index') rose by 7.7% over the full twelve-month period ending 31 March 2007. Capital Performance The Accounts show Net Asset Value (`NAV') to have increased over the period by 9.2% (debt marked to market) and 7.7% (debt at par). As note 3 demonstrates the underlying growth in capital value has, due to the combination of changes in the timing of dividend payments and accounting standards, been under-represented by 0.4 percentage points. Hence, the Board believes that a truer measure of NAV growth for the year is 9.6%, (debt at market) and 8.1% (debt at par) and that, against the background of a 7.7% increase in the benchmark Index, the Company's overall capital performance was satisfactory. On a total return basis, which incorporates both capital and income, growth in NAV was greater than the relevant benchmark return. The attribution analysis shown in the Manager's Business Review which is contained in the Annual Report demonstrates that on a total return basis whilst the underlying investment portfolio underperformed the Index by 0.9%, both gearing (net contribution 0.8%) and share buy-backs (1.4%) contributed positively to returns. On a three year perspective, the Index (capital only) has increased by 49.4%. NAV on a consistent basis has grown in the same period by 55% and 51%, with debt marked respectively to market and at par. These results demonstrate that the Company has, on both a one and three year basis, met its capital performance objective - the achievement of capital growth at a higher rate than the Index. Income Performance Dividends Shareholders will recall that the Board was able last year to recommend a substantial 16% increase in dividend in respect of the twelve months to March 2006. This was due both to increasing payouts by underlying investments and to the change in portfolio emphasis which had occurred during the year and to which I referred in my Statement last year. In the current year, the UK corporate sector has continued to perform well and, again, increased significantly dividend payments. The Company's receipts have benefited additionally from a full year of the 2005/6 policy change, and accordingly its own total dividend income has again increased substantially. Reflecting its view of the adequacy of reserves the Board has adopted a policy of full distribution, and it now recommends a final dividend payment of 5.65p, which together with the three quarterly payments of 4.4p already made, gives a total for the year of 18.85p - 23.6% higher than in 2005/6. Over the last two years, dividends will have increased by 43.3% - clearly achieving the Company's income objective of giving growth above the rate, 7.3%, of UK inflation (RPI) in that period. Looking to the future, the rate of growth in dividend payments by UK corporates generally is slowing, and the Company's one-off benefit from its policy change will not be repeated. Accordingly, shareholders should expect future dividend growth to be of a much lower order than that seen in the past two years. Share Price The Company's share price increased by 12% in the year under review - well ahead of the 7.7% increase in the benchmark Index and reflecting a significant reduction from 11.7% to 9.4% (debt marked to market) in the discount to NAV. Over three years, the share price has increased by 60% - again, substantially more than the 49% Index growth. The Board believes that it is important to have the power to buy back shares in appropriate circumstances, with the prime objective of increasing NAV per share for remaining shareholders and will seek powers to continue this programme at the Annual General Meeting. During the year, the Company bought back 18.4 million shares, enhancing NAV by 1.4%. Portfolio Structure The structure of your Company's portfolio continues to evolve, and is now allocated to two portfolio managers, one with an income orientation, and the other biased to holdings expected to increase dividends by more than the market average rate. This combination is seen by the Board and Manager as currently the one most appropriate to meet the Company's twin objectives of providing balanced growth in both income and capital. Shareholders know from previous statements that the Board monitors carefully the position of the Company's two debenture stocks (total par value £200m). The weakness in the debt market continues to justify the decision to retain these securities to invest, as appropriate, in the equity market. During the current year, initially about 70% of these debentures were invested in this way, and utilisation was increased to over 90% in the second six month period. This use of gearing contributed positively to returns. Following the end of the financial year, reflecting principally an expectation of a slower rate of growth of profits and dividends from UK equities, it was decided to reduce the Company's gearing: in late May about 60% of the £200m debentures was invested in the equity market. Prospects The UK equity market continues to perform well, and the Index recorded another five year `high' after the end of the year under review. Some commentators are now expressing concern about the possibility of a short term correction after the long period of positive returns. The Board does not discount such a possibility, but believes that although growth is likely to be at a slower rate than in the last two or three years, your Company continues to be a good vehicle for long-term investment in the UK equity market. Scott Dobbie Chairman 25 May 2007 Income Statement for the year ended 31 March 2007 2006 revenue capital total revenue capital total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 91,751 91,751 - 246,317 246,317 Income from investments: - franked investment 45,237 - 45,237 38,809 - 38,809 income - other investment income 425 - 425 543 - 543 - fixed interest 137 - 137 275 - 275 - premium on call options 639 - 639 149 - 149 Other income: - interest receivable on 1,338 - 1,338 890 - 890 short term deposits - income from Fidelity 671 - 671 3,391 - 3,391 Institutional Cash Fund plc - sundry income 118 - 118 - - - Investment management fee (1,241) (2,896) (4,137) (1,099) (2,564) (3,663) Other expenses (751) - (751) (762) - (762) Exchange gains/(losses) 5 (128) (123) 2 3 5 NET RETURN BEFORE FINANCE 46,578 88,727 135,305 42,198 243,756 285,954 COSTS AND TAXATION Interest payable (5,850) (13,651) (19,501) (5,850) (13,651) (19,501) RETURN ON ORDINARY 40,728 75,076 115,804 36,348 230,105 266,453 ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION Taxation on ordinary (14) - (14) (30) - (30) activities * RETURN ON ORDINARY 40,714 75,076 115,790 36,318 230,105 266,423 ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION FOR THE YEAR RETURN PER ORDINARY SHARE 18.13p 33.44p 51.57p 15.28p 96.80p 112.08p (1) The total column of the Income Statement is now the profit and loss account of the Company. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as there are no gains and losses other than those reported in this Income Statement. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. * This relates to overseas taxation only. Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the year ended 31 March called share capital capital capital revenue total up premium redemption reserve reserve reserve equity share account reserve realised unrealised capital £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Opening 59,862 6,639 13,593 716,352 151,612 53,670 1,001,728 shareholders' funds: 1 April 2005 Net recognised - - - 152,451 93,869 - 246,320 gains for the year Repurchase of (1,375) - 1,375 (21,758) - - (21,758) ordinary shares Management fee to - - - (2,564) - - (2,564) capital Debenture interest - - - (13,651) - - (13,651) and amortised expenses to capital Revenue after - - - - - 36,318 36,318 taxation Dividends paid - - - - - (31,789) (31,789) Closing 58,487 6,639 14,968 830,830 245,481 58,199 1,214,604 shareholders' funds: 31 March 2006 Net recognised - - - 126,161 (34,538) - 91,623 gains/(losses) for the year Repurchase of (4,612) 4,612 (80,571) - - (80,571) shares Management fee to - - - (2,896) - - (2,896) capital Debenture interest - - - (13,651) - - (13,651) and amortised expenses to capital Revenue after - - - - - 40,714 40,714 taxation Dividends paid - - - - - (44,596) (44,596) Closing 53,875 6,639 19,580 859,873 210,943 54,317 1,205,227 shareholders' funds: 31 March 2007 Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investments at fair value through 1,374,218 1,345,215 profit or loss CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 14,008 22,348 Fidelity Institutional Cash Fund plc - 47,451 Amounts held at futures clearing - 2,008 houses and brokers Cash at bank 27,821 26,550 41,829 98,357 CREDITORS - AMOUNTS FALLING DUE (14,715) (33,114) WITHIN ONE YEAR NET CURRENT ASSETS 27,114 65,243 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,401,332 1,410,458 CREDITORS - AMOUNTS FALLING DUE AFTER (196,105) (195,854) MORE THAN ONE YEAR TOTAL NET ASSETS 1,205,227 1,214,604 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 53,875 58,487 Share premium account 6,639 6,639 Capital redemption reserve 19,580 14,968 Capital reserve - realised 859,873 830,830 Capital reserve - unrealised 210,943 245,481 Revenue reserve 54,317 58,199 TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 1,205,227 1,214,604 NET ASSET VALUE PER ORDINARY SHARE 557.47p 517.41p Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 43,755 39,320 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest paid (19,250) (19,250) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM SERVICING OF FINANCE (19,250) (19,250) FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of investments (664,059) (682,956) Exchange losses - (3) Disposal of investments 713,494 686,679 Realised (losses)/gains on long futures positions (179) 455 closed NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENT 49,256 4,175 EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (44,596) (31,789) NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) BEFORE USE OF LIQUID 29,165 (7,544) RESOURCES AND FINANCING NET CASH INFLOW FROM MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES 47,451 32,609 NET CASH INFLOW BEFORE FINANCING 76,616 25,065 FINANCING Repurchase of ordinary shares (77,225) (20,362) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM FINANCING (77,225) (20,362) (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH (609) 4,703 Notes 1. Returns per ordinary share are based on the net revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation of £40,714,000 (2006: £36,318,000), the capital return in the year of £75,076,000 (2006: £230,105,000) and the total return in the year of £115,790,000 (2006: £266,423,000) and on 224,522,324 ordinary shares (2006: 237,710,961) being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 2. Dividends paid and shares repurchased by the Company are reported through the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds. The third interim dividend of 4.40 pence per share amounting in total to £9,407,000 was paid on 18 May 2007 for the year ended 31 March 2007. The Directors have proposed a final dividend of 5.65 pence per share, amounting in total to £12,058,000, which is subject to approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. The third interim dividend and proposed final dividend have not been included as a liability in these financial statements. 3. Net asset value per share Total shareholders' funds have been calculated in accordance with the provisions of FRS 26. The analysis of total shareholders' funds on the face of the balance sheet does not reflect the rights, under the Articles of Association, of the ordinary shareholders on a return of assets. These rights are reflected in the net asset value and the asset value per share attributable to ordinary shareholders at the year end, adjusted to reflect the deduction of the debenture stock at par. A reconciliation between the two sets of figures follows:- 2007 2006 Total shareholders' funds (£) 1,205,227,000 1,214,604,000 Less: Debenture stock discount (£) (57,000) (61,000) Less: Debenture stock issue expense (£) (3,838,000) (4,085,000) Net assets - debt at par (£) 1,201,332,000 1,210,458,000 Number of equity shares in issue at year end 215,496,748 233,946,714 Total shareholders' funds per share (pence) 559.28 519.18 Less: Unamortised debenture stock discount (1.81) (1.77) and issue expenses (pence) Net asset value per share - debt at par 557.47 517.41 (pence) 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 The movements during the year of the assets attributable to the ordinary shares were as follows:- Net assets - debt at par - at 31 March 2006 1,210,458 997,331 Total recognised capital gain for the year 75,076 230,105 Revenue return for the year 40,714 36,318 Dividend appropriated in the year (44,596) (31,789) Movement in unamortised debenture stock 251 251 discount and issue expenses Repurchase of ordinary shares (80,571) (21,758) Net assets - debt at par - at 31 March 2007 1,201,332 1,210,458 The net asset value per share adjusted to include the debenture stocks at market value rather than at par is 530.90p (2006: 486.20p). In accordance with FRS 21: "Events after Balance Sheet Date" dividends in respect of the year but paid after the balance sheet date have not been deducted from the respective year end NAVs. However, the Directors believe that an adjusted capital NAV, recognising the deduction of such dividends, better reflects the underlying capital performance, particularly given the change to distributing dividends more evenly throughout the year. The reconciliation between NAV per the accounts and the adjusted capital NAV is set out below: Reconciliation of NAV to adjusted capital NAV 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Net assets - debt at par as above 1,201,332 1,210,458 Less: Third interim dividend paid after the (9,407) - year end Less: Proposed final dividends payable (12,058) (25,383) after the year end Adjusted capital net assets - debt at par 1,179,867 1,185,075 Less: Debenture stocks - par to market (57,248) (73,010) value adjustment Adjusted capital net assets - debt at 1,122,619 1,112,065 market value Number of equity shares in issue at year 215,496,748 233,946,714 end Adjusted capital net asset value per share 547.51 506.56 - debt at par (pence) Adjusted capital net asset value per share 520.94 475.35 - debt at market value (pence) 4. The above statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the annual financial statements to 31 March 2007. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UKGAAP") and the AIC Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") for Investment Trusts dated January 2003 and revised in December 2005. The figures for the year to 31 March 2006 have been extracted from the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the Auditors gave an unqualified report. The statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 which contain an unqualified audit report will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting which will be held at The Weston Link, National Galleries of Scotland, Princes Street, Edinburgh on Tuesday 17 July 2007 at 2.30 pm. The income statement, reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds, balance sheet and cash flow set out above do not represent full accounts in accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 5. The annual report will be posted to shareholders on or about 8 June 2007 and copies will be available from the Secretary - Fidelity Investments International, Oakhill House, 130 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 9DZ.
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